I was asked recently if I've got a chip on my shoulder about the government? Good question and it deserves an answer. The answer is no, I don't have a chip on my shoulder, as I try to look at reality as objectively as I can, but I am resentful and angry at how successive governments have been, and still are, systematically dismantling and destroying my country and my society and causing genuine hurt and pain to thousands of people who don't deserve it, for their own personal greed and arrogance. First, let us not be under any illusions, the government is only the public face of a much wider ruling elite who utilise the government and its decision-making for their own ends. These ends include stripping the ordinary people of this country of their rights, their prosperity and their security and reducing the working people of this country to a level of servitude that will be akin to a form of slavery, and they do this with a callous indifference to the effects of their actions.
I am an empiricist, which means that I only accept the type of knowledge that can be known through observation and experience. Empirical knowledge, the evidence of our observation and experience shows us without any doubt that the dominant ideology in the UK, free market neoliberal economic and political theory, is wrong. It is demonstrably wrong and has failed. It is not only empirically observable in the UK but in Greece, Spain, Portugal etc. where it has had catastrophic effects on these societies.
However, who is to blame for the situation we find ourselves in? Well, our government and its allies in the gutter press have provided us with numerous scapegoats, particularly, people on benefits, immigrants, the European Union and our system of human rights. Human rights are a constraint on our government and its allies preventing them from reducing working people to poverty, denying people their benefits etc. and so our human rights must be removed in the cause of making as much money as possible. In the process the government and its supporters display a breathtaking indifference to the misery and hardship they are causing.
Britain is the fifth richest country in the world and we have over half a million people every week being fed from food banks. People in Britain are literally starving while other people earn more money in a year than they can possibly spend in a lifetime. Britain has abandoned civilised behaviour and has lost any type of moral compass. As I said in another post, the majority of people in this country believe that 27% of the benefits budget is lost to benefit fraud, when the actual figure is 0.7%. Why do people believe that? Because the government and its allies tell them, they peddle a shameless lie. I could go on and on, but people don't want to know. I was warning people that the financial crash was coming over ten years before it did, but people just laughed. How did I know? Because the theories that underpin free market economics are flawed, and in places simply wrong. If you start from a false hypothesis, you must reach a false conclusion. The problem with the government's hypotheses over the last 30 years is not just that they have been false, but that they have resulted in public policy that cannot work in the long-term. That is why this government hasn't a clue how to solve the financial mess we are in. I shall be happy to expand on any of these points for anyone who wants me to. I thank you for your interest and for a challenging question and I hope I have answered it satisfactorily.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
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