I invite everyone who reads this blog, whether they agree with me or not, to watch events as they unfold in the wake of Thursday's local elections in England. I'm sure I don't need to tell you of the significant gains made by UKIP. In the immediate future, this will have important implications for British politics and for British society.
The first reaction from the Tories has been to pledge to legislate for a referendum of our continued membership of the European Union. This is the dream of the right in Britain, to withdraw us from Europe, particularly as this would enable them to scrap all legislation protecting human rights. In particular, the Tories wish to scrap all employment legislation in order to completely subjugate working people and destroy any remaining vestiges of trades unionism. In this venture the Tories will be completely supported by UKIP who are openly calling for the scrapping of our employment legislation, and, judging from their 13 years in government, and their continued pronouncements, they will not be opposed by Labour. We withdraw from Europe at our peril as we will be completely at the mercy of these people with no fall-back support.
What is characterising modern British politics is hatred. The Tories and UKIP hate! They hate working people and their labour organisations, they hate Europe, people on benefits, immigrants, Muslims and anyone who disagrees with them. If you think that Nigel Farage is a nice bloke and a breath of fresh air, simply watch him on television, on Question Time and in interviews. He is intolerant of anyone who disagrees with him, is extremely rude and will not allow anyone to put their point of view over uninterrupted. You are not allowed to disagree with him. Add in the fact that he openly welcomes members of the BNP into his party and is quite happy to have them stand as candidates. Then transfer those attitudes and that approach into government and decision-making and you had better worry about the future thrust of British government. Why, because the Tories are determined to capture the ground that UKIP presently occupy and will now tailor their policies to do just that. What is extremely worrying is that these parties are carrying the majority of the English electorate with them, and this is what will be foisted on the Scots regardless of what they vote in 2015.
Another point from last Thursday is that on those results Labour will not form a government, so, if you think that the Tories will lose the next election, think again. In 2014 you will be faced with a stark choice, take the future government of Scotland into your own hands, or invest your future with racists, neo-Nazis and people who hate!
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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