Monday, 13 May 2013

Gordon to the rescue

I have just been watching the former Prime Minister Gordon Brown telling us how the Labour Party are the only people who can make Scotland a fairer society. This is similar to UKIP telling us that they are the only people who can secure our future in Europe or the Tories assuring us that the NHS is safe in their hands.

Gordon Brown is the man who oversaw the greatest economic divide in British history, who was the most incompetent Chancellor in recorded history, who was a disastrous Prime Minister, whose party refused point blank to repeal any of the Tories labour laws, and the party who encouraged the rape and theft of our national wealth by the financial industry, who introduced the Private Finance Initiative, who passed over 4,500 new criminal laws, including the crime of swimming in the hull of the Titanic, who lied through their teeth to Parliament and the British people over weapons of mass destruction and who then proceeded to bomb Iraq back into the Middle Ages, who refused to stop the Murdoch press from hacking people's phones, who told people that they were quite relaxed about people becoming filthy rich (they quite conveniently failed to tell us that they were also quite relaxed about people becoming filthy poor by the way) who began the privatisation of our health and education systems, the party who introduced those pillars of the welfare state, ATOS, into assessing who is fit for work and who decided that if you can hold a pen you are fit and if you don't work you are a benefit scrounger, who argued for 90 days detention without charge, for identity cards and who supervised the installation of surveillance equipment that puts Britain at the top of the league of the most spied upon people in the world, who introduced secret courts and colluded with the Americans on rendition and torture of British citizens.

These are just some of the measures I have thought of from the top of my head. The Labour Party are a genuine disgrace and if the Scots actually pay any attention to this man and his appalling party then they have only themselves to blame. If you listen to them, you are committing your future to Ed Miliband, Yvette Cooper, Ed Balls etc who make the Addams Family look like intellectual giants. Whose Scottish leadership under the 'woman of the people' Ms Lamont, demonised the unemployed and people on benefits by accusing them of living in a something for nothing society. However, that is only likely if Labour win the next election. If they don't Scotland will again be at the mercy of a Tory government that is descending into fascism, in which event they will be ably supported by UKIP, a party who not only welcome members of the BNP, but are happy to endorse such people as candidates for election.

Remember, if a Labour politician's lips are moving they are lying. Gordon Brown is a joke, but unfortunately there is nothing remotely funny about him or his Labour Party. You trust these people at your peril.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

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