Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Poor? It's all your own fault.

I would like to alert you all to a report out today published by the Joseph Rountree Foundation that should send a chill down everyone's spine, and marks a significant victory for the Conservatives Party's war against the most vulnerable people in British society. Constant propaganda by the Conservatives and their supporters in the right wing press has attempted to demonise the unemployed, the poor and people on benefits, and it is now bearing handsome fruit. Using data collected from the British Social Attitudes Survey, the Foundation reports how the people who vote Labour now increasingly blame the poor for their poverty and agree that welfare dependents are undeserving. We now seem to live in a country where poverty is seen as the fault of the individual rather than a social problem.

In Nazi Germany people who were seen as a burden on society, or as a danger to the state had a label attached to them, 'untermenschen' meaning underpeople, or subhuman. The untermenschen included racial groups who the Nazis attempted to portray as subhuman, but also included the disabled, the mentally ill etc. As I've mentioned in earlier posts, to the Nazis, people who they considered had no contribution to make to society were also labelled, 'ballastexistenzen' human ballast that could be thrown overboard when the ship of state got into difficulty. Nazi literature actually referred to such people as useless eaters. Under the Nazis, such people were subjected to compulsory euthanasia.

This is what you do when you demonise people and group them into convenient categories such as scroungers and skivers, when you blame the ills of society on the helpless and the disadvantaged who have no powerful voices to support them, you finally herd them into camps and gas them. But that couldn't possibly happen in Britain, could it?

We now live in a Britain where everything has only one value, an economic value. If you are not economically active you are worthless, because no one has any worth that cannot be priced. Nobody in a modern free market neoliberal economy is deserving of any consideration if they have no meaningful economic contribution to make. Such attitudes are deserving of the label evil. Britain is descending into a dark place where the victims of catastrophic incompetent government and elite policies are successfully demonised as the culprits. Goebbels told us that if we tell a lie, we should tell a big one and tell it often. Our government's lies are huge and constantly repeated, and it's working. Our leaders are completely immoral and shameless, they are also dangerous, and this applies to all our major parties and press.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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