If there are many people who wonder why the Scots should vote for independence then the behaviour of the government should be reason enough. The Scots simply must sever their ties with the Westminster parliament, as it has now become the biggest threat to our freedom, to the law, and to our human rights. Forget all the propaganda about terrorism, the real terrorists are the people who sit in the Westminster Parliament. The Home Secretary, Theresa May has once again promoted the idea that Britain should withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights because she has lost an appeal on the deportation of Abu Quatada. As a result, in a country that preaches human rights and the rule of law throughout the world and poses as a standard bearer for rights, law and democracy, the government, because it cannot get its own way over one case, is openly jeopardising 63 million people's human rights, and telling its own population that if it cannot get its own way over this case it will jettison the human rights protection for the entire British population. They simply refuse to be subject to their own laws, if those laws do not give them exactly what they want. Now, I have repeatedly warned on this blog, that the Conservatives are completely serious about taking all of our human rights from us and introducing new forms of slavery. This has to be a wake up call for all of those who doubt what I am saying.
However, what
is conveniently ignored by these people is that the European Court of Human
Rights was largely a Conservative vision, mainly the result of the vision of
Winston Churchill. Churchill commissioned a Conservative politician, David
Maxwell Fyfe (who later became the Conservative Party Lord Chancellor) to
prepare the first draft of the founding principles of the European Court of Human Rights, and the resulting outcome was
the inclusion of a set of principles taken straight out of Britain’s ideas on
rights, justice, freedom and democratic accountability that sat well with
traditional Conservative Party thinking. The principles of freedom under the
law, a rejection of torture in all its forms, accountability of, and restraints
on, the state, were all ancient British principles transferred to, and embedded
into, a European context. As a result, the European system of human rights so
detested by the modern Conservative is actually their own legacy and they are
so stupid that they cannot even recognise this. In addition, Britain has a representative on this Court, so they have continuing input into the Court and all its judgements. Thus, the European Court is actually more British than European.
In addition, it serves to highlight how the Conservative Party have long since abandoned traditional conservatism and have come under the spell of American neoliberalism. Another insight into the behaviour of the British authorities has been revealed by the admission that the police had the evidence that the News of the World were guilty of criminal behaviour with respect to the Millie Dowler case as early as 2002, nine years before the Guardian exposed them. Thus, the authorities, under the model set by our parliament, have no hesitation in breaking the law, covering up corruption and fraud and lying through their teeth. The police, the press and the government all treated a murdered 13 year old girl and her family with utter contempt and the rest of us with arrogant disdain. Democracy in the UK is in a truly perilous state and we all have good reason to fear the behaviour of our authorities and their complete refusal to be held by the constraints they demand from everyone else, or to be held accountable. What should also alarm you is that I am not telling you anything that you cannot easily find out in the press. These people have become so arrogant that they no longer care what you think. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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