Monday, 8 April 2013

There are none so blind

It never ceases to amaze and disappoint me how gullible people are and how ready they are to accept outrageous propaganda and downright lies because it suits them. It is beyond debate who is responsible for the financial crash and the position we find ourselves as a country both economically and financially. Our political leaders have been supremely incompetent and driven by a hatred and loathing of ordinary people, and our financial personnel have been criminally corrupt and recklessly incompetent. Thus, it is a mixture of corruption, criminality, class warfare and incompetence that has characterised Britain's so-called elite for the past 20 odd years. The ruling elite in modern Britain simply refuse to be bound by the rules and moral principles they demand from everyone else. They are venal and outrageously immoral.

However, today we are witnessing the blame being successfully pinned on the most unfortunate in society and the people who are so obviously guilty being let off scot free to enjoy the fruits of their avarice and greed. Through a combination of outright lies and relentless propaganda, the coalition government and its paid servants in the gutter press have successfully demonised the innocent. There has been a relentless campaign to blame people on benefits and it has succeeded, with the majority of public opinion demanding a crack-down on benefit payments, whilst the criminals in the financial system and Westminster are escaping all necessary accountability.

The government's own figures show that benefit fraud stands at around £1billion per annum, or 0.7% of the benefits budget, whilst tax evasion alone exceeds £100billion. The Guardian has shown how the majority of the population believe that benefit fraud stands at 27% rather than the true figure of 0.7% and that is testimony to the success of the government's lies backed by the Daily Mail and the Express. Supermarkets normally budget for around 0.5% for waste and breakages, so given that benefit fraud sits 0.2% higher than that, it is really quite minimal, particularly when tax evasion is 100 times greater. That is without the billions being given in bonuses to people who are demonstrably useless and have wrecked the entire economy.

However, I have said it before, this situation cannot continue much longer. Britain's neoliberal elite are using all their energy and ingenuity to exclude more and more people from any form of security and hope. The are marginalising and in effect disenfranchising more and more people, and the general public are supporting them. The Bible tells us that where there is no vision the people perish and that there are none so blind as those who will not see, and Bob Dylan tells us that when you aint got nothin you aint got nothin to lose. There is a reckoning coming and the British will pay for their hatred of the disadvantaged and the less fortunate.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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