Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Want proof of Britain's institutionalised racism? you have it in spades.

If you ever wanted proof of the institutionalised racism of the Tories and the British establishment then it is now right in front of you in all its empirical glory in the now revealed case of what the British call the Windrush generation. These are the children of those people who were recruited, mainly from Caribbean countries, in the aftermath of the Second World War to rebuild the British economy and infrastructure. They get their name from the fact that the first batch of immigrants arrived on a ship called the Empire Windrush in June 1948. They were actively encouraged to come here when the then government sent London double decker buses, converted into mobile recruiting offices, out to the Caribbean to encourage such people to emigrate to Britain and make their home here. The people under discussion here have lived here all of their adult lives, most of them for over fifty years and have worked, paid taxes and raised families of their own. They are more British than most of the Tory scum who want them forcibly deported.

Successive governments, obsessed with free market economics, a minimal state and low taxation have systematically destroyed that same infrastructure causing successive crises in the NHS, housing, education, and the welfare state in general, but, as became all too clear during the Brexit debacle, all such problems were blamed on immigration, on foreigners, releasing the long pent up racism that ever lurks beneath the veneer of so-called civilisation in Britain and providing the Tories with their favourite class of people, the scapegoat. Nobody with any intelligence believes that such people are actually responsible, but the good old fashioned British foreigner hating racist never allows facts to spoil a good narrative that gives respectability to their basest impulses. This gave licence to the ghastly Theresa May, as deeply racist as it is possible to be, when Home Secretary, to pledge to create a very hostile environment (her words) for those she dubbed illegal immigrants. It was she who sent buses around the country with 'Go Home' written on them. She is actually even more despicable than I have previously told you about and the evidence is now too graphic to deny it because it is incredulous, even to someone as stupid as May, to argue that those people she targeted so cruelly could be regarded as illegal immigrants. She embodies the essence of the privately schooled but uneducated thick racist British middle class who live every moment convinced of their racial and class superiority and their sense of entitlement. This episode, so hotly debated in the pigsty yesterday, exposes the lack of morality and humanity at the heart of the British state and the Tory mentality. No-one can now deny my warnings and descriptions of Tory Britain and its deliberate and policy driven cruelty as I could fill pages in this blog with quotes from the press calling the government cruel and callous. It also proves my repeated assertion that Britain has abandoned the rule of law by ditching the presumption of innocence, as all of the thousands of people who have come under the Tories malignant gaze had to prove that they were entitled to live here rather than the state having to prove that they weren't. This was also quite deliberate because they Tories knew full well that most of them couldn't because they arrived here as children and were not required to have any documentation. This embodies the type of drivers so deliberately unleashed by the Blessed Margaret that have now come to fruition. She would have been so proud. This is her legacy.

What this also reveals is the type of personnel that administer the British state, people who would be quite comfortable administering the Nazi system, the unthinking, callous, braindead, bureaucratic nonetities who delight in making life as hard as possible and who will do their masters bidding quite cheerfully by sending someone that they know is quite innocent to a detention centre and then go home, walk the dog and settle down to a nice meal and a gin and tonic comfortable in the knowledge that they have probably ruined someones life. Every nation has such people, every state relies on them.

I freely admit that this post has been a rant, but despite the fact that it is a rant, I trust you will accept that it is actually an accurate description of the nature of modern Britain under the thrall of the free market and its disciples. The free market is a colossal failure but its adherents will never admit that and the majority of the British electorate are too indifferent to realise it. Thus the need for scapegoats and the ready willingness of the majority to accept them. That is why we voted for Brexit and for people like Nigel Garbage. That is why the Americans voted for the 45 because the free market has destroyed their nation as well and they cannot see any alternative, convinced by the propaganda they are constantly subjected to that anything that smacks of collectivism is socialist, the work of the devil. The only silver lining in all this is that the silent majority has been aroused and at last a part of the Tory agenda has produced outrage. They have been exposed and have nowhere to hide on this issue. Make no mistake, what they were trying to do was truly despicable and is so bad that even the English electorate are ashamed. It won't last as the Tories will turn their attention to something else, such as bombing Syria, to deflect our attention. But remember, the driving force behind this shameful episode is now the British Prime Minister. Scum always rises to the top, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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