Sunday, 29 April 2018

Honour, dignity, self-respect - these are for mugs and losers

Unless you live in a cave you must be aware of the scandal that has engulfed the Tory party over the Windrush controversy. It has gained worldwide notoriety because of the truly disgusting manner in which the Tories and the wider British establishment have treated honest, hardworking and law-abiding British citizens. But what I want to impress upon you is the manner by which the Tories have lied and lied repeatedly and refused to take responsibility for their actions. Both the Home Secretary Amber Rudd and her predecessor as Home Secretary, Theresa May have lied through their teeth over their respective behaviour in this matter. Oh they have repeatedly apologised for the situation, each condemning it as a scandal and admitting that it should never have happened, but neither of them even blinking as it is repeatedly pointed out to them that they are both as guilty as sin, as what transpired to become a national scandal was the result of quite deliberate policy by both of them at the Home Office. What they are apologising for, whilst denying any personal responsibility, is the direct result of their deliberate actions. As I persistently tell you, these people have neither shame, self-respect, dignity, nor conscience. What the British government, and the 45 are doing is debasing our language, our moral codes, our professional standards in public and private life, and setting an example to everyone in society that you should do whatever you can and whatever pleases you, and, regardless of the damage you do, the hurt you cause, the lies you tell, or the carnage that results from your behaviour, all you need to do is deny it, disown it, blame it on others and carry on as if nothing has happened. This has become the normal form of behaviour at all levels of government in both the UK and the USA.

This is going to have profound unforseen consequences for both of our respective societies. What our governments are doing with their shamelessness and irresponsible behaviour is setting the benchmark for the rest of society. Why on earth should anyone respect social norms and mores when the government openly refuses to respect them? When the government lies, cheats and refuses to accept responsibility for their actions, when they blame everyone else for what it is quite obvious they are responsible for, where does it end? Both May and Rudd have repeatedly lied to parliament, to parliamentary committees, denied actions that are catalogued in official documents and repeatedly ignored calls for their resignations, all the while cheerfully displaying a complete contempt for any form of decency or responsible behaviour. These are the highest posts in government we are discussing here. These are the people who demand levels of behaviour from everyone else that they openly display the highest level of contempt for in their own personal lives.

I remind you, these are the people who live by the doctrines of the free market, who see any and all forms of constraints on their actions as illegitimate. Decency, adherence to norms and values, to the codes of conduct and behaviour that have developed to define the activities of those who are elected to the highest offices of state, are all viewed as unwanted restraints on their activities. They are regarded as unnecessary regulations, indeed they are regarded as designed for other people. The American Presidency and the British Prime Ministry are institutions, they are offices of state that have longstanding codes of conduct and constitutional norms and values intrinsically woven into their institutional existence that command the respect of the office bearer and endure regardless of the personnel occupying the office at any given moment in history. These offices belong to the nation, to the people, and not to any particular holder of that office. In other words, both the Presidency and the Prime Ministry are greater than any particular President or Prime Minister, and the constitutional requirements of those offices are greater and more important than the incumbent whoever that may be. To demean and defile those offices, as is happening in both of our nations, must be a true description of the concept of treason.
We are indeed at a perilous time in our national history. We have what is known as a kakistocracy in both the UK and the USA. A kakistocracy is government by the worst, by the lowest and most disreputable. All that is important to these people is that they don't get caught, and if they do get caught then they simply lie. This is what the anglo-saxon elite method of government and personal behaviour has descended into. Indeed, they have got to a stage, which the 45 has developed into an art form, of when they get caught lying, cheating, or any other disreputable behaviour, they no longer bother to deny it, they simply launch a ferocious onslaught on those who have accused them for having the audacity to attempt to hold them to account. But again, I repeat, you get what you vote for, you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

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