Now, the Russian state may well have poisoned the Skripals, but, as I said at the start, a civilised and law-abiding society waits until it has proof of a crime before it rushes to judgement. Now I hope you will trust me when I say that I doubted whether the Russians were culpable of this crime right from the start. It just did not ring true to me that this was an act with official approval and carried out by state assassins. If they were they were quite incompetent. But, like the Spider I have no evidence, whilst unlike him, I did not rush to judgement and exonerate the Russians or make excuses for them as it may still turn out that they are guilty. What this odious creature and I have in common is that we just don't know. However, what is now demonstrated as fact is that, true to form and consistent with Tory Party values he has lied through his teeth. On German television he told the world that scientists at Porton Down had assured him personally that it was 'absolutely categorical' that the novichok used in this case had originated from Russia. On the strength of his assurances the British Foreign Office released a tweet that read “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military grade nerve agent produced in Russia.” They have since deleted the said tweet and Porton Down has now admitted that they cannot tell us where the nerve agent originated from. On German television he told the interviewer that a member of the Porton Down team assured him that 'there was no doubt' that it originated from Russia. This was a bare-faced lie.
What also reveals all you want to know about the British ruling class is that he is still in a job. This, remember is the British Foreign Secretary, it is not just anyone making such claims and telling such outrageous lies, this is the official top diplomat in the British government. This has, and will continue to have, massive international repercussions. It is actions like this that start wars. Indeed it was just such lies and misinformation that led us into Iraq and the subsequent devastating consequences that are still reverberating throughout the world today. I cannot impress on you enough how dangerous the British Tories and the Westminster pigsty are. They lie persistently and constantly about everything, completely indifferent to the consequences of their actions. They lied outrageously throughout the Scottish Independence referendum, throughout the Brexit referendum, at the last general election, about the NHS, and every single public policy issue. As a result we have a bitterly divided nation, divided by class, ethnicity, race and region. They have bred hatred, of foreigners, of the EU as an entity, Muslims, the unemployed, immigrants, the disabled and everyone on benefits. As I constantly remind you they demand deregulation of all forms of behaviour that may impact on their activities and crimes and they have effectively carried this principle into every aspect of their environment. They have deregulated the common decencies and constraints on language, the truth, respect for other people and crucially, respect for the offices they have been elected into or appointed to. But their greatest act of deregulation has been the deregulation of their own self-respect, their own dignity. They have effectively purged themselves of the capacity for shame. That is the reality of British politics and the people we look to for leadership. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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