“they make clear that the incidence of slavery has become normalised once again – and not just in criminal operations such as the illegal drugs trade or trafficking for prostitution, but in the mainstream economy.”
The Guardian goes on to note that
“In a world where the state has often absented itself from the enforcement of employment law, and where so many human interactions are reduced to financial exchanges at whatever rate the market will take, people have become commodities to use or sell. When competition and austerity are king, it is every man and woman for themselves and their family. Too often, we close our eyes and try to protect our own….Last month the National Crime Agency reported a 35% annual rise in the number of suspected slavery victims found in the UK, with more than 5,000 people referred to the government mechanism that supports them in 2017. Labour exploitation, rather than sexual exploitation, was the most common type of modern slavery cited…..It is hardly surprising that the most egregious forms of exploitation should appear where economic, legal and moral responsibility has been deliberately diffused. Modern slavery is the flipside of the coin that has seen corporates offshore their profits and dodge tax. Both represent a sloughing-off of what were seen in the past as important obligations to society.”
I do not wish to bore you with quotes, but I include these because they are conformation of what I have been warning about for these many years, and because people refuse to believe me and refuse to accept that these nice, civilised, intelligent and well-bred personnel in government and the political class and their supporters in the media would countenance such things. I mean these people are our elite, they went to Eton and Oxbridge, they are civilised. They obviously don’t know about such things and will be horrified when they find out. Aye right. As I have continually warned you, these people are the scum of the earth, devoid of a moral compass, completely lacking in human compassion or decency, they are in fact uncivilised and find justification and solace in a vile and degenerate ideology that supports their basest impulses and desires.
With respect to the issue of poverty there are numerous reports throughout the press and media from the teaching profession who have decided to speak out over their concerns for the return of what they have referred to as Dickensian conditions amongst the nation's children. They report how children are stuffing their pockets with food from school refectories and canteens because that is the only food they will get that day. One teacher told the press, “In some establishments I would imagine that would be called stealing, but in ours it’s called survival,” Many of our nation's children are turning up at school on Monday’s with dirty uniforms because they have no other clothes and have to wear their uniforms all weekend. When investigating widespread truancy they discover the children are missing school because they have no shoes and one primary school headteacher recently opened his school during the severe snow to ensure his pupils got a hot meal that day. Speaking at the National Education Union conference in Brighton, school leaders described how pupils arrived at the school gates with grey skin, poor teeth, hair and nails, with many of the union members described the situation facing their poorest pupils and families as “heartbreaking” According to the Child Poverty Action Group there were four million children in the UK living in poverty in 2016, equivalent to nine in every classroom of 30 pupils.
This subject could of course make a book but I wish to impress upon you the situation in the seventh richest economy on earth under the governance and cruelty of the Westminster Parliament, and provide you with an insight into why I call it the pigsty. There is no depth to which a Tory will sink to satisfy their greed and venality. In this Labour are little better. I do not apologise to tell you that much of this situation is confined to England and Wales. There is poverty in Scotland, but most of the above criticisms are confined outside Scotland, which is a much more civilised and decent society. And that is the clue, Scotland is much more of a society than the rest of the UK, with a greater sense of community and social responsibility. The English electorate voted for this, the Scots did not. A dominant ideology of greed and aggressive individualism will produce greedy, aggressive individuals and is why Scotland rejects Toryism and their obsession with Brexit. As I also persistently warn you, the above trends are the result of the dominant free market 'there is no such thing as society' poison preached as gospel by the Blessed Margaret. Unless this ideology is challenged and defeated things will only deteriorate. The final nails in the coffins of the working people of Britain will be Brexit, and that is what the English voted for. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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