Unless you live in a cave you must be aware of the scandal that has engulfed the Tory party over the Windrush controversy. It has gained worldwide notoriety because of the truly disgusting manner in which the Tories and the wider British establishment have treated honest, hardworking and law-abiding British citizens. But what I want to impress upon you is the manner by which the Tories have lied and lied repeatedly and refused to take responsibility for their actions. Both the Home Secretary Amber Rudd and her predecessor as Home Secretary, Theresa May have lied through their teeth over their respective behaviour in this matter. Oh they have repeatedly apologised for the situation, each condemning it as a scandal and admitting that it should never have happened, but neither of them even blinking as it is repeatedly pointed out to them that they are both as guilty as sin, as what transpired to become a national scandal was the result of quite deliberate policy by both of them at the Home Office. What they are apologising for, whilst denying any personal responsibility, is the direct result of their deliberate actions. As I persistently tell you, these people have neither shame, self-respect, dignity, nor conscience. What the British government, and the 45 are doing is debasing our language, our moral codes, our professional standards in public and private life, and setting an example to everyone in society that you should do whatever you can and whatever pleases you, and, regardless of the damage you do, the hurt you cause, the lies you tell, or the carnage that results from your behaviour, all you need to do is deny it, disown it, blame it on others and carry on as if nothing has happened. This has become the normal form of behaviour at all levels of government in both the UK and the USA.
This is going to have profound unforseen consequences for both of our respective societies. What our governments are doing with their shamelessness and irresponsible behaviour is setting the benchmark for the rest of society. Why on earth should anyone respect social norms and mores when the government openly refuses to respect them? When the government lies, cheats and refuses to accept responsibility for their actions, when they blame everyone else for what it is quite obvious they are responsible for, where does it end? Both May and Rudd have repeatedly lied to parliament, to parliamentary committees, denied actions that are catalogued in official documents and repeatedly ignored calls for their resignations, all the while cheerfully displaying a complete contempt for any form of decency or responsible behaviour. These are the highest posts in government we are discussing here. These are the people who demand levels of behaviour from everyone else that they openly display the highest level of contempt for in their own personal lives.
I remind you, these are the people who live by the doctrines of the free market, who see any and all forms of constraints on their actions as illegitimate. Decency, adherence to norms and values, to the codes of conduct and behaviour that have developed to define the activities of those who are elected to the highest offices of state, are all viewed as unwanted restraints on their activities. They are regarded as unnecessary regulations, indeed they are regarded as designed for other people. The American Presidency and the British Prime Ministry are institutions, they are offices of state that have longstanding codes of conduct and constitutional norms and values intrinsically woven into their institutional existence that command the respect of the office bearer and endure regardless of the personnel occupying the office at any given moment in history. These offices belong to the nation, to the people, and not to any particular holder of that office. In other words, both the Presidency and the Prime Ministry are greater than any particular President or Prime Minister, and the constitutional requirements of those offices are greater and more important than the incumbent whoever that may be. To demean and defile those offices, as is happening in both of our nations, must be a true description of the concept of treason.
We are indeed at a perilous time in our national history. We have what is known as a kakistocracy in both the UK and the USA. A kakistocracy is government by the worst, by the lowest and most disreputable. All that is important to these people is that they don't get caught, and if they do get caught then they simply lie. This is what the anglo-saxon elite method of government and personal behaviour has descended into. Indeed, they have got to a stage, which the 45 has developed into an art form, of when they get caught lying, cheating, or any other disreputable behaviour, they no longer bother to deny it, they simply launch a ferocious onslaught on those who have accused them for having the audacity to attempt to hold them to account. But again, I repeat, you get what you vote for, you have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 29 April 2018
Monday, 23 April 2018
Exciting free offer, part two
I have revised my paper on There is no such thing as Society, and reduced it to 19,300 words and 34 pages if anyone is interested. Even if you disagree with it, it should provide you with some food for thought and give you a different insight into the mythology surrounding the Blessed Margaret and the poisonous fraud that is free market economics.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 20 April 2018
Exciting free offer!!!! Well at least it's free
A friend approached me to ask why I lay the blame for the bulk of society's problems at Margaret Thatcher's door. In response I prepared a paper for her explaining my reasoning, I called it "There is no such thing as society". It is approximately 30,000 words and is 50 pages long. If anyone would like a copy I would be happy to send it to you. You can reply on this blog or contact me at doktorkommirat@gmail.com if you would like a copy. What puzzled my friend most was that I accuse Thatcher of utilising a very Marxist methodology to achieve her aims. I hope I clarified that to her satisfaction. My purpose is to explain how the right-wing free market experiment was a false hypothesis that can only produce false and damaging conclusions. It is a complete fraud.
Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Want proof of Britain's institutionalised racism? you have it in spades.
If you ever wanted proof of the institutionalised racism of the Tories and the British establishment then it is now right in front of you in all its empirical glory in the now revealed case of what the British call the Windrush generation. These are the children of those people who were recruited, mainly from Caribbean countries, in the aftermath of the Second World War to rebuild the British economy and infrastructure. They get their name from the fact that the first batch of immigrants arrived on a ship called the Empire Windrush in June 1948. They were actively encouraged to come here when the then government sent London double decker buses, converted into mobile recruiting offices, out to the Caribbean to encourage such people to emigrate to Britain and make their home here. The people under discussion here have lived here all of their adult lives, most of them for over fifty years and have worked, paid taxes and raised families of their own. They are more British than most of the Tory scum who want them forcibly deported.
Successive governments, obsessed with free market economics, a minimal state and low taxation have systematically destroyed that same infrastructure causing successive crises in the NHS, housing, education, and the welfare state in general, but, as became all too clear during the Brexit debacle, all such problems were blamed on immigration, on foreigners, releasing the long pent up racism that ever lurks beneath the veneer of so-called civilisation in Britain and providing the Tories with their favourite class of people, the scapegoat. Nobody with any intelligence believes that such people are actually responsible, but the good old fashioned British foreigner hating racist never allows facts to spoil a good narrative that gives respectability to their basest impulses. This gave licence to the ghastly Theresa May, as deeply racist as it is possible to be, when Home Secretary, to pledge to create a very hostile environment (her words) for those she dubbed illegal immigrants. It was she who sent buses around the country with 'Go Home' written on them. She is actually even more despicable than I have previously told you about and the evidence is now too graphic to deny it because it is incredulous, even to someone as stupid as May, to argue that those people she targeted so cruelly could be regarded as illegal immigrants. She embodies the essence of the privately schooled but uneducated thick racist British middle class who live every moment convinced of their racial and class superiority and their sense of entitlement. This episode, so hotly debated in the pigsty yesterday, exposes the lack of morality and humanity at the heart of the British state and the Tory mentality. No-one can now deny my warnings and descriptions of Tory Britain and its deliberate and policy driven cruelty as I could fill pages in this blog with quotes from the press calling the government cruel and callous. It also proves my repeated assertion that Britain has abandoned the rule of law by ditching the presumption of innocence, as all of the thousands of people who have come under the Tories malignant gaze had to prove that they were entitled to live here rather than the state having to prove that they weren't. This was also quite deliberate because they Tories knew full well that most of them couldn't because they arrived here as children and were not required to have any documentation. This embodies the type of drivers so deliberately unleashed by the Blessed Margaret that have now come to fruition. She would have been so proud. This is her legacy.
What this also reveals is the type of personnel that administer the British state, people who would be quite comfortable administering the Nazi system, the unthinking, callous, braindead, bureaucratic nonetities who delight in making life as hard as possible and who will do their masters bidding quite cheerfully by sending someone that they know is quite innocent to a detention centre and then go home, walk the dog and settle down to a nice meal and a gin and tonic comfortable in the knowledge that they have probably ruined someones life. Every nation has such people, every state relies on them.
I freely admit that this post has been a rant, but despite the fact that it is a rant, I trust you will accept that it is actually an accurate description of the nature of modern Britain under the thrall of the free market and its disciples. The free market is a colossal failure but its adherents will never admit that and the majority of the British electorate are too indifferent to realise it. Thus the need for scapegoats and the ready willingness of the majority to accept them. That is why we voted for Brexit and for people like Nigel Garbage. That is why the Americans voted for the 45 because the free market has destroyed their nation as well and they cannot see any alternative, convinced by the propaganda they are constantly subjected to that anything that smacks of collectivism is socialist, the work of the devil. The only silver lining in all this is that the silent majority has been aroused and at last a part of the Tory agenda has produced outrage. They have been exposed and have nowhere to hide on this issue. Make no mistake, what they were trying to do was truly despicable and is so bad that even the English electorate are ashamed. It won't last as the Tories will turn their attention to something else, such as bombing Syria, to deflect our attention. But remember, the driving force behind this shameful episode is now the British Prime Minister. Scum always rises to the top, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Successive governments, obsessed with free market economics, a minimal state and low taxation have systematically destroyed that same infrastructure causing successive crises in the NHS, housing, education, and the welfare state in general, but, as became all too clear during the Brexit debacle, all such problems were blamed on immigration, on foreigners, releasing the long pent up racism that ever lurks beneath the veneer of so-called civilisation in Britain and providing the Tories with their favourite class of people, the scapegoat. Nobody with any intelligence believes that such people are actually responsible, but the good old fashioned British foreigner hating racist never allows facts to spoil a good narrative that gives respectability to their basest impulses. This gave licence to the ghastly Theresa May, as deeply racist as it is possible to be, when Home Secretary, to pledge to create a very hostile environment (her words) for those she dubbed illegal immigrants. It was she who sent buses around the country with 'Go Home' written on them. She is actually even more despicable than I have previously told you about and the evidence is now too graphic to deny it because it is incredulous, even to someone as stupid as May, to argue that those people she targeted so cruelly could be regarded as illegal immigrants. She embodies the essence of the privately schooled but uneducated thick racist British middle class who live every moment convinced of their racial and class superiority and their sense of entitlement. This episode, so hotly debated in the pigsty yesterday, exposes the lack of morality and humanity at the heart of the British state and the Tory mentality. No-one can now deny my warnings and descriptions of Tory Britain and its deliberate and policy driven cruelty as I could fill pages in this blog with quotes from the press calling the government cruel and callous. It also proves my repeated assertion that Britain has abandoned the rule of law by ditching the presumption of innocence, as all of the thousands of people who have come under the Tories malignant gaze had to prove that they were entitled to live here rather than the state having to prove that they weren't. This was also quite deliberate because they Tories knew full well that most of them couldn't because they arrived here as children and were not required to have any documentation. This embodies the type of drivers so deliberately unleashed by the Blessed Margaret that have now come to fruition. She would have been so proud. This is her legacy.
What this also reveals is the type of personnel that administer the British state, people who would be quite comfortable administering the Nazi system, the unthinking, callous, braindead, bureaucratic nonetities who delight in making life as hard as possible and who will do their masters bidding quite cheerfully by sending someone that they know is quite innocent to a detention centre and then go home, walk the dog and settle down to a nice meal and a gin and tonic comfortable in the knowledge that they have probably ruined someones life. Every nation has such people, every state relies on them.
I freely admit that this post has been a rant, but despite the fact that it is a rant, I trust you will accept that it is actually an accurate description of the nature of modern Britain under the thrall of the free market and its disciples. The free market is a colossal failure but its adherents will never admit that and the majority of the British electorate are too indifferent to realise it. Thus the need for scapegoats and the ready willingness of the majority to accept them. That is why we voted for Brexit and for people like Nigel Garbage. That is why the Americans voted for the 45 because the free market has destroyed their nation as well and they cannot see any alternative, convinced by the propaganda they are constantly subjected to that anything that smacks of collectivism is socialist, the work of the devil. The only silver lining in all this is that the silent majority has been aroused and at last a part of the Tory agenda has produced outrage. They have been exposed and have nowhere to hide on this issue. Make no mistake, what they were trying to do was truly despicable and is so bad that even the English electorate are ashamed. It won't last as the Tories will turn their attention to something else, such as bombing Syria, to deflect our attention. But remember, the driving force behind this shameful episode is now the British Prime Minister. Scum always rises to the top, you have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 13 April 2018
Are trades unions relevant? what a stupid question!
I listened to part of a radio programme on the topic of whether trades unions were relevant in the 21st century. I turned it off after a bit because I find such discussions extremely depressing as, from my perspective, the necessity for trades unions is self-evident. The human being is a social being and is therefore a regulatory being. Humans must regulate their environment, as a regulated and parameter driven environment is essential for their health and well-being. Humans require necessary reference points. The absence of, or destruction of, such reference points produces the condition that sociologists call anomie. This is the great danger of someone in a position of power and influence like the 45, who is quite deliberately destroying traditional reference points, traditional norms and values governing human individual and collective behaviour because he has the power to do so to further his own personal, selfish, and malignant interests. In this he has a successful and poisonous role model in the Blessed Margaret because that was what she did in the UK, producing a fractured and divided society in which hate and division are the principal characteristics of the social and political order. Early industrial society was unregulated and deeply unjust, and working conditions were at the mercy of employers who were able to do whatever they wanted. Such conditions are anti-social and unnatural to the human being and, as a result, the collective of the working people sought to counter the selfish individualism of the employer and bring reason and harmony to the workplace through a balance of competing interests. The mechanism they used was of course the trade union. Adam Smith, for example, wrote about the unjust relations of power between employers and employees and was an early supporter of trades unions, although he did not call them that. He simply referred to combinations. Nothing was more important to Smith than justice and if there was injustice within any arrangement he was opposed to it. Justice can only be established within a regulated environment and is one of the reason I always tell you that Smith did not advocate something called the free market.
Trade unions brought regulation and rational behaviour into industrial society. They brought regulation into working hours, days, weeks and years. They established rational wage bargaining and brought civilised standards into the world through matters such as health and safety, holidays, pensions etc. There was a limit to what they could achieve within the workplace however as much of their needs could only be met with legislation. As a result they were forced to involve in politics and, because of the hatred of working people within the established order, and the refusal of the political elite to recognise the rights of the lower orders, the scum, they were forced to develop political organisations sympathetic to working people. The trades unions were therefore a major catalyst in establishing civilisation, democracy and decency. The methodology trades unions utilised to rationalise and democratise the workplace and the wider society was what we call collective bargaining. There is nothing socialist, communist or even left-wing about this methodology. There is nothing socialist, communist or even left-wing about trades unionism. Indeed it embodies all the requirements of a functioning market economy. Two parties, employers and employees, sit down and bargain over wages and conditions of employment. It is a market situation where there is a power imbalance, but where it is in each others self-interest not to pursue a completely selfish agenda. Each has a product, on the one side it has a position of employment to sell, on the other it has labour to sell. The great leveller is that each needs the other. It is a market situation of compromise and give and take with each attempting to maximise their advantage. If trade unions are seen to be left-wing it is because of the personnel who manage them and is not an inherent characteristic of the essence of their roles and functions. Trades unions are the same as all other social institutions, they are a reflection of the personnel who compose them, but, and this is never acknowledged, they have never challenged the fundamental essence of the capitalist market system, all they have ever sought to achieve is a greater distribution of the rewards of the system that is the result of their labour power.
It is no accident that the primary goal of the Thatcherite Tories was the destruction of the union movement. It is no accident that the Blessed Margaret's accession to power marked the beginning of the end of Britain as a civilised society. That the British working class are their own worst enemy is so obvious that it is hardly worth stating. Any working person who votes Tory is indeed a useful idiot. I actually know former miners who vote Tory, not many, but I do know them. The dominant economic theories tell me that the human being is rational, aye right!! You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Trade unions brought regulation and rational behaviour into industrial society. They brought regulation into working hours, days, weeks and years. They established rational wage bargaining and brought civilised standards into the world through matters such as health and safety, holidays, pensions etc. There was a limit to what they could achieve within the workplace however as much of their needs could only be met with legislation. As a result they were forced to involve in politics and, because of the hatred of working people within the established order, and the refusal of the political elite to recognise the rights of the lower orders, the scum, they were forced to develop political organisations sympathetic to working people. The trades unions were therefore a major catalyst in establishing civilisation, democracy and decency. The methodology trades unions utilised to rationalise and democratise the workplace and the wider society was what we call collective bargaining. There is nothing socialist, communist or even left-wing about this methodology. There is nothing socialist, communist or even left-wing about trades unionism. Indeed it embodies all the requirements of a functioning market economy. Two parties, employers and employees, sit down and bargain over wages and conditions of employment. It is a market situation where there is a power imbalance, but where it is in each others self-interest not to pursue a completely selfish agenda. Each has a product, on the one side it has a position of employment to sell, on the other it has labour to sell. The great leveller is that each needs the other. It is a market situation of compromise and give and take with each attempting to maximise their advantage. If trade unions are seen to be left-wing it is because of the personnel who manage them and is not an inherent characteristic of the essence of their roles and functions. Trades unions are the same as all other social institutions, they are a reflection of the personnel who compose them, but, and this is never acknowledged, they have never challenged the fundamental essence of the capitalist market system, all they have ever sought to achieve is a greater distribution of the rewards of the system that is the result of their labour power.
It is no accident that the primary goal of the Thatcherite Tories was the destruction of the union movement. It is no accident that the Blessed Margaret's accession to power marked the beginning of the end of Britain as a civilised society. That the British working class are their own worst enemy is so obvious that it is hardly worth stating. Any working person who votes Tory is indeed a useful idiot. I actually know former miners who vote Tory, not many, but I do know them. The dominant economic theories tell me that the human being is rational, aye right!! You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 5 April 2018
The Spider caught in his own stinking lying web
The fundamental concept that underpins a nation that purports to operate by the rule of law is the presumption of innocence, that you are innocent until proven guilty. I have repeatedly told you that Britain has long ago abandoned this benchmark of a civilised society. Britain is uncivilised because its ruling class are uncivilised and refuse to adhere to civilised norms and values, the essentials of a democratic order. The British government and the Conservative Party in particular believe that decency and civilised behaviour are for the little people, but in addition, they have neither the intelligence to answer questions honestly or the courage to admit mistakes. If found to have lied they immediately tell another lie to cover it up. In Scotland a fact-checking website found that the Scottish Tories were persistent liars, with seventy percent of the claims they made over the past year being untrue and their leader, Rape Clause Ruth, being the biggest offender. But the Tories are not just pathological liars they are congenitally stupid. There can be few imbecilic examples of political incompetence and stupidity greater than The Spider. He is in a class of incompetent stupidity that few can aspire to and even fewer reach. If there was anyone in the pigsty with a shred of decency they would immediately table a motion of no confidence in this repulsive cretin as he is a national disgrace and embarrassment. Without a shred of evidence he has created an international crisis with the Russians that has spread like wildfire.
Now, the Russian state may well have poisoned the Skripals, but, as I said at the start, a civilised and law-abiding society waits until it has proof of a crime before it rushes to judgement. Now I hope you will trust me when I say that I doubted whether the Russians were culpable of this crime right from the start. It just did not ring true to me that this was an act with official approval and carried out by state assassins. If they were they were quite incompetent. But, like the Spider I have no evidence, whilst unlike him, I did not rush to judgement and exonerate the Russians or make excuses for them as it may still turn out that they are guilty. What this odious creature and I have in common is that we just don't know. However, what is now demonstrated as fact is that, true to form and consistent with Tory Party values he has lied through his teeth. On German television he told the world that scientists at Porton Down had assured him personally that it was 'absolutely categorical' that the novichok used in this case had originated from Russia. On the strength of his assurances the British Foreign Office released a tweet that read “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military grade nerve agent produced in Russia.” They have since deleted the said tweet and Porton Down has now admitted that they cannot tell us where the nerve agent originated from. On German television he told the interviewer that a member of the Porton Down team assured him that 'there was no doubt' that it originated from Russia. This was a bare-faced lie.
Now, the Russian state may well have poisoned the Skripals, but, as I said at the start, a civilised and law-abiding society waits until it has proof of a crime before it rushes to judgement. Now I hope you will trust me when I say that I doubted whether the Russians were culpable of this crime right from the start. It just did not ring true to me that this was an act with official approval and carried out by state assassins. If they were they were quite incompetent. But, like the Spider I have no evidence, whilst unlike him, I did not rush to judgement and exonerate the Russians or make excuses for them as it may still turn out that they are guilty. What this odious creature and I have in common is that we just don't know. However, what is now demonstrated as fact is that, true to form and consistent with Tory Party values he has lied through his teeth. On German television he told the world that scientists at Porton Down had assured him personally that it was 'absolutely categorical' that the novichok used in this case had originated from Russia. On the strength of his assurances the British Foreign Office released a tweet that read “Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military grade nerve agent produced in Russia.” They have since deleted the said tweet and Porton Down has now admitted that they cannot tell us where the nerve agent originated from. On German television he told the interviewer that a member of the Porton Down team assured him that 'there was no doubt' that it originated from Russia. This was a bare-faced lie.
What also reveals all you want to know about the British ruling class is that he is still in a job. This, remember is the British Foreign Secretary, it is not just anyone making such claims and telling such outrageous lies, this is the official top diplomat in the British government. This has, and will continue to have, massive international repercussions. It is actions like this that start wars. Indeed it was just such lies and misinformation that led us into Iraq and the subsequent devastating consequences that are still reverberating throughout the world today. I cannot impress on you enough how dangerous the British Tories and the Westminster pigsty are. They lie persistently and constantly about everything, completely indifferent to the consequences of their actions. They lied outrageously throughout the Scottish Independence referendum, throughout the Brexit referendum, at the last general election, about the NHS, and every single public policy issue. As a result we have a bitterly divided nation, divided by class, ethnicity, race and region. They have bred hatred, of foreigners, of the EU as an entity, Muslims, the unemployed, immigrants, the disabled and everyone on benefits. As I constantly remind you they demand deregulation of all forms of behaviour that may impact on their activities and crimes and they have effectively carried this principle into every aspect of their environment. They have deregulated the common decencies and constraints on language, the truth, respect for other people and crucially, respect for the offices they have been elected into or appointed to. But their greatest act of deregulation has been the deregulation of their own self-respect, their own dignity. They have effectively purged themselves of the capacity for shame. That is the reality of British politics and the people we look to for leadership. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 2 April 2018
Slavery and poverty, the legacy of the Blessed Margaret
Since the start of this blog I have been persistent and boring on the two ultimate goals of Tory public policy, their determination to reduce the working people of this country to a state of modern slavery; to reduce them to a state of impoverished dependence that will allow employers and managers to impose whatever terms and conditions of employment they wish. As a result, austerity is the principal weapon to achieve such aims and ever increasing poverty and inequality is quite deliberate and systematic public policy. Thus the determination of Westminster to remove all employment rights as a precursor to removing all human rights. That is the principal reason for their enthusiasm to leave the European Union. I have been consistent on these issues from day one. I have been met with scepticism and outright amusement that anyone could actually argue such things, not from everyone, but from many. However, that is changing in the face of a reality it is now impossible to ignore. Our press and media are now awakening to both of these dangers and are being forced to confront a reality that they have been ignoring for far too long from their comfortable environment of privilege and safety. I quote from articles in today’s press. Commenting on the legal requirement for firms to report on slavery in their supply chains the Guardian notes that
“they make clear that the incidence of slavery has become normalised once again – and not just in criminal operations such as the illegal drugs trade or trafficking for prostitution, but in the mainstream economy.”
The Guardian goes on to note that
“In a world where the state has often absented itself from the enforcement of employment law, and where so many human interactions are reduced to financial exchanges at whatever rate the market will take, people have become commodities to use or sell. When competition and austerity are king, it is every man and woman for themselves and their family. Too often, we close our eyes and try to protect our own….Last month the National Crime Agency reported a 35% annual rise in the number of suspected slavery victims found in the UK, with more than 5,000 people referred to the government mechanism that supports them in 2017. Labour exploitation, rather than sexual exploitation, was the most common type of modern slavery cited…..It is hardly surprising that the most egregious forms of exploitation should appear where economic, legal and moral responsibility has been deliberately diffused. Modern slavery is the flipside of the coin that has seen corporates offshore their profits and dodge tax. Both represent a sloughing-off of what were seen in the past as important obligations to society.”
I do not wish to bore you with quotes, but I include these because they are conformation of what I have been warning about for these many years, and because people refuse to believe me and refuse to accept that these nice, civilised, intelligent and well-bred personnel in government and the political class and their supporters in the media would countenance such things. I mean these people are our elite, they went to Eton and Oxbridge, they are civilised. They obviously don’t know about such things and will be horrified when they find out. Aye right. As I have continually warned you, these people are the scum of the earth, devoid of a moral compass, completely lacking in human compassion or decency, they are in fact uncivilised and find justification and solace in a vile and degenerate ideology that supports their basest impulses and desires.
With respect to the issue of poverty there are numerous reports throughout the press and media from the teaching profession who have decided to speak out over their concerns for the return of what they have referred to as Dickensian conditions amongst the nation's children. They report how children are stuffing their pockets with food from school refectories and canteens because that is the only food they will get that day. One teacher told the press, “In some establishments I would imagine that would be called stealing, but in ours it’s called survival,” Many of our nation's children are turning up at school on Monday’s with dirty uniforms because they have no other clothes and have to wear their uniforms all weekend. When investigating widespread truancy they discover the children are missing school because they have no shoes and one primary school headteacher recently opened his school during the severe snow to ensure his pupils got a hot meal that day. Speaking at the National Education Union conference in Brighton, school leaders described how pupils arrived at the school gates with grey skin, poor teeth, hair and nails, with many of the union members described the situation facing their poorest pupils and families as “heartbreaking” According to the Child Poverty Action Group there were four million children in the UK living in poverty in 2016, equivalent to nine in every classroom of 30 pupils.
This subject could of course make a book but I wish to impress upon you the situation in the seventh richest economy on earth under the governance and cruelty of the Westminster Parliament, and provide you with an insight into why I call it the pigsty. There is no depth to which a Tory will sink to satisfy their greed and venality. In this Labour are little better. I do not apologise to tell you that much of this situation is confined to England and Wales. There is poverty in Scotland, but most of the above criticisms are confined outside Scotland, which is a much more civilised and decent society. And that is the clue, Scotland is much more of a society than the rest of the UK, with a greater sense of community and social responsibility. The English electorate voted for this, the Scots did not. A dominant ideology of greed and aggressive individualism will produce greedy, aggressive individuals and is why Scotland rejects Toryism and their obsession with Brexit. As I also persistently warn you, the above trends are the result of the dominant free market 'there is no such thing as society' poison preached as gospel by the Blessed Margaret. Unless this ideology is challenged and defeated things will only deteriorate. The final nails in the coffins of the working people of Britain will be Brexit, and that is what the English voted for. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
“they make clear that the incidence of slavery has become normalised once again – and not just in criminal operations such as the illegal drugs trade or trafficking for prostitution, but in the mainstream economy.”
The Guardian goes on to note that
“In a world where the state has often absented itself from the enforcement of employment law, and where so many human interactions are reduced to financial exchanges at whatever rate the market will take, people have become commodities to use or sell. When competition and austerity are king, it is every man and woman for themselves and their family. Too often, we close our eyes and try to protect our own….Last month the National Crime Agency reported a 35% annual rise in the number of suspected slavery victims found in the UK, with more than 5,000 people referred to the government mechanism that supports them in 2017. Labour exploitation, rather than sexual exploitation, was the most common type of modern slavery cited…..It is hardly surprising that the most egregious forms of exploitation should appear where economic, legal and moral responsibility has been deliberately diffused. Modern slavery is the flipside of the coin that has seen corporates offshore their profits and dodge tax. Both represent a sloughing-off of what were seen in the past as important obligations to society.”
I do not wish to bore you with quotes, but I include these because they are conformation of what I have been warning about for these many years, and because people refuse to believe me and refuse to accept that these nice, civilised, intelligent and well-bred personnel in government and the political class and their supporters in the media would countenance such things. I mean these people are our elite, they went to Eton and Oxbridge, they are civilised. They obviously don’t know about such things and will be horrified when they find out. Aye right. As I have continually warned you, these people are the scum of the earth, devoid of a moral compass, completely lacking in human compassion or decency, they are in fact uncivilised and find justification and solace in a vile and degenerate ideology that supports their basest impulses and desires.
With respect to the issue of poverty there are numerous reports throughout the press and media from the teaching profession who have decided to speak out over their concerns for the return of what they have referred to as Dickensian conditions amongst the nation's children. They report how children are stuffing their pockets with food from school refectories and canteens because that is the only food they will get that day. One teacher told the press, “In some establishments I would imagine that would be called stealing, but in ours it’s called survival,” Many of our nation's children are turning up at school on Monday’s with dirty uniforms because they have no other clothes and have to wear their uniforms all weekend. When investigating widespread truancy they discover the children are missing school because they have no shoes and one primary school headteacher recently opened his school during the severe snow to ensure his pupils got a hot meal that day. Speaking at the National Education Union conference in Brighton, school leaders described how pupils arrived at the school gates with grey skin, poor teeth, hair and nails, with many of the union members described the situation facing their poorest pupils and families as “heartbreaking” According to the Child Poverty Action Group there were four million children in the UK living in poverty in 2016, equivalent to nine in every classroom of 30 pupils.
This subject could of course make a book but I wish to impress upon you the situation in the seventh richest economy on earth under the governance and cruelty of the Westminster Parliament, and provide you with an insight into why I call it the pigsty. There is no depth to which a Tory will sink to satisfy their greed and venality. In this Labour are little better. I do not apologise to tell you that much of this situation is confined to England and Wales. There is poverty in Scotland, but most of the above criticisms are confined outside Scotland, which is a much more civilised and decent society. And that is the clue, Scotland is much more of a society than the rest of the UK, with a greater sense of community and social responsibility. The English electorate voted for this, the Scots did not. A dominant ideology of greed and aggressive individualism will produce greedy, aggressive individuals and is why Scotland rejects Toryism and their obsession with Brexit. As I also persistently warn you, the above trends are the result of the dominant free market 'there is no such thing as society' poison preached as gospel by the Blessed Margaret. Unless this ideology is challenged and defeated things will only deteriorate. The final nails in the coffins of the working people of Britain will be Brexit, and that is what the English voted for. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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