Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Labour - the politics of despair and scandal

It was George Orwell who told us that

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind".
I was prompted to remember Orwell when I was reading about the resignation of Johann Lamont, the leader of Scottish Labour who has spent all of her energies in the past two years telling us how wonderful the Labour Party is, how we must stay with and trust the Westminster elite, how we are so Better Together, and how Ed Miliband was the saviour of the human race. I hope she is proud of her role in the No campaign now that she feels impelled to tell us how hopelessly out of touch Westminster is, how the Labour Party is a bunch of control freaks who treat Scotland as some kind of branch office and how Miliband is so hopeless and a bully. Isn't it quite wonderful how she is now admitting what I have been telling you for some three years now? The Labour Party are shameless, particularly its Scottish branch who are now exposed as having lied shamelessly to us about our relationship to Westminster. That is what Westminster excels in, lying through their teeth and committing murder on an industrial scale in countries they have no business being in. Labour is a perfect example of pure wind having the appearance of solidity.

We must never forget that it was Scottish Labour and its so-called heavyweights who were at the heart of a campaign of fear, intimidation and outrights threats of reprisal. They shamelessly visited pensioners in their homes and told them their pensions would cease to be paid on the 19th September if Scotland voted Yes. They told us a Yes vote would trigger a recession, that mortgages would rise, that unemployment would soar, prices rise and all the banks would relocate. If you want to talk about a war of terror you need only look to Labour and the Better Together campaign as they attempted to terrorise the Scottish people about Independence.

This is a party in serious decline which may turn terminal. It is a deserved fate as it has abandoned all of its own principles, but most importantly all of its supporters and the people who look to it to protect them from the worse excesses of neoliberalism. Labour is quite simply a disgrace.

We are witnessing the same sort of Better Together onslaught against the EU. I have no longer any doubt that we will leave the EU. That will be a disaster and will herald the final demise of Britain as a civilised society. We can see without any doubt now the Westminster attitude to the disabled and the disadvantaged. Think what will happen to them once they lose the protection of EU legislation. This is what Scotland voted for on September 18th. You were warned, and you are again being warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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