Thursday, 16 October 2014

Britain is no longer civilised

Lord Freud has let the cat out of the bag and confirmed what I have been warning about in this blog since it started, how the Westminster elite has a hatred of the poor and disadvantaged and in particular the disabled, and are determined to beggar them and reduce them to modern forms of slavery. By claiming that as the disabled are not 'whole' people then they are not entitled to full benefits and should only get £2 per hour instead of the full minimum wage when they are in work, he is revealing the Westminster mindset that the disabled have been effectively dehumanised.

For the Westminster free market mentality, the only value that anything has is when it has a price attached. The only value they will admit to is that which produces their perception of wealth. If you don't visibly contribute to what they term wealth creation, then you have no value and are worthless. As a result, the unemployed, the sick, people on benefits and the disabled have no value to such people and are seen as a cost, and in the free market universe costs must be eliminated as a matter of priority.

Make no mistake, Lord Freud is not some sort of loose cannon. He has been tasked with floating such ideas in order to test the water. The fact that he has not been dismissed or disciplined for such talk is proof that he did so with the full knowledge of Downing Street. What he discussed will become government policy and the disabled will be restricted within the labour market in terms of what they are allowed to earn. Of course the disabled are just the first as the free marketeers in Westminster regard the poor and disadvantaged as what the Nazi's used to call 'useless eaters'.

We are returning to the mentality of the 18th century when many classes of people were not actually regarded as people at all, they were something else. When the Founding Fathers wrote the American Declaration of Independence they stated that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The man who wrote that was a slave owner. Four of the first five American Presidents were slave owners whilst in office and in total twelve Presidents were slave owners with eight of them owners whilst in office. Each of these men took an oath of office to uphold the American Constitution, a document which, at that point in history, was highly discriminatory to black people. Slavery in the United States at that time was of course the slavery of black people. Thus, the dominant thinking in the US at this time meant that these self-evident truths did not extend to black people. Black people were not included in the category of ‘all men.’ This ideology was then enshrined in the US Constitution which formally divested black people of two-fifths of their humanity as they were enshrined in the 'three-fifths clause'  Article 1 section 2 clause 3 of the Constitution. They were designated as three-fifths people and two-fifths property. As James Madison wrote in 'The Federalist Papers'

“Let the case of the slaves be considered as it is in truth a peculiar one. Let the compromising expedient of the Constitution be mutually adopted, which regards them as inhabitants but as debased by servitude below the level of free inhabitants; which regards the slave as divested of two-fifths of the man”.
I have become convinced that Britain is increasingly adopting fascism and this is evidenced by public policy and attitudes being increasingly by our leading politicians and opinion formers. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat


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