Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Better Together - exposed as the hollow lie it always was

I have not been available for a few days and that is why I have not posted recently, however I have been contemplating developments and am responding to a dear friend who cannot come to terms with the results of the referendum and subsequent developments. My trusty Collins Dictionary and Thesaurus (2000) tells me that a vow is

a solemn or earnest pledge or promise binding the person making it to perform a specified act or behave in a certain way

The three main party leaders gave the Scottish people a vow before the referendum that they would deliver meaningful change guaranteeing stronger and sustainable rights and powers to the Scottish Parliament. Immediately the following day that vow was broken as it had been enshrined within a timetable that the Prime Minister failed to honour on day one. Within a week, we had Gordon Brown announce a petition to garner the support of the Scottish people to force Westminster to honour that vow. Gordon Brown is a typical Labour politician and is a compulsive liar and self-publicist, why? Because he did not start nor initiate that petition, it began on September 19th and had over 8.000 signatures before he was even made aware of it. What he was doing was trying to cover his back after instigating a massive confidence trick on the Scottish people. So, two of the three signatories to the vow lied to the Scots and we were only a week into the famous timetable. These are the type of personnel we were assured we would be Better Together under. I fail to understand how people like that can leave the house and face any normal respectable person. Brown has since announced that he wants to stand for the Scottish Parliament, surely no-one with a morsel of intelligence can vote for such an unprincipled incompetent. Have people actually already forgotten this man's performance in public office?

Brown was so alarmed by Westminster's behaviour, he in effect admitted, by raising the need for a petition, that the vow was already dead in the water. I wonder what a solemn pledge or promise means in Westminsterese? I have no idea but it bears no resemblance to the English language. But that's not his fault I hear you say, oh yes it is! What on earth did he discuss with Cameron and Clegg when they agreed on the wording of the vow? Did he not seek personal assurances? Or was he simply in such a panic at the thought of a Yes vote that he was prepared to do whatever was necessary to stop that with not a thought about the consequences? This man was a Labour Chancellor and Prime Minister who learned his trade under Tony Blair and was a member of the most unprincipled group of people ever to hold office in this sorry country. I would have thought that over 2 million No votes in the referendum was a sufficient enough petition to prick Westminster, and the Tory Party's conscience, but not a bit of it. Never underestimate the depth of contempt that Westminster holds for the British people and never underestimate its determination to do whatever it wants to regardless of the wishes of any section of the population. This is what Better Together meant, subjection to the biggest cadre of unprincipled scoundrels it is possible to imagine. These people have no intention of honouring their vow because they are completely devoid of honour, principle, or self-respect. A Westminster politician is the genuine scum of the earth. I also trust you are disgusted by the deafening silence of Westminster's Scottish Labour poodles. I can put it no better than the words of Robert Burns who tells us

“Go on sir. Lay bare with undaunted heart and steady hand that horrid mass of corruption, called Politics and Statecraft. Dare to draw in their native colours those ‘calm thinking villains whom no faith can fix’ whatever be the shibboleths of their pretended party.”
As to the content of their vow, as of now there has been no detail nor agreement as to what they are going to offer. They have still to get past Cameron's announcement that it will be dependent on denying Scottish MPs the right to vote on English matters. Cameron knew exactly what he was doing when he did that, he was killing the vow off before it even took root. I warned you before the referendum that Westminster would take its revenge, and I sincerely hope that the people who voted No on trust will take a good hard look at the people they trusted. You were warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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