Monday, 13 October 2014

Hate trade unions? You deserve all you get!

I am writing this on the day that the NHS workers are on strike. One of the principal victories of Margaret Thatcher was her demonisation of trades unions and with them working people in general. It is fair to say that trades unions in Britain are hated and by producing this climate of opinion Thatcher was able to impose her will on working people and begin the process of destroying their working conditions, beggaring their incomes, removing their rights and subjecting them to the remorseless bullying that has become the dominant culture in the British workplace. Remember, her agenda was a massive transference of wealth from the bottom tom the top. It worked.

I wrote many years ago that the British working class would pay a very heavy price for buying into the Tory hatred of unions, a hatred that has been adopted with gusto by the Labour Party. Despite all of their failings, trades unions are the only defence working people have against the gradual descent into modern day slavery that I continually warn about, and this is evidenced on a daily basis with zero hours contracts, part-time and temporary working, reduced holidays, no pensions, etc etc. I have to say, however, that most of our working people brought that on themselves when they adopted the Westminster attitude. At first working people still had the law on their side, but that has gone. They were still in full-time permanent contracts, but they have gone. They could take a case to a tribunal, but that has gone. The only avenue left for working people today is Europe, but that is going to go soon.

Westminster managed this war against the working people of this country because people were naive enough to trust them, I cannot tell you how often people have looked at me in disbelief and responded that I was just talking nonsense because 'they' would never do such things; 'they' being their wise and noble rulers, but in particular the Labour Party. People still have difficulty accepting Labour's determination to subject the unions and destroy their influence, both in the workplace and in the party that the unions both founded and finance. Britain's working people were doomed the day the miners returned to work. You see when the British bought into the neoliberal free market ideology they were buying into a belief system that advocates individualism and despises collectivism. This ideology has a hatred for the state and all its systems that have been erected to protect the concept of a whole people. Any public service is bad and must be destroyed and replaced by private. The largest barrier to the destruction of the public sector is the union movement and so that was the first and principal target.

I am afraid I find it difficult to sympathise with people who tell me it is wrong to strike, that unions are a bad influence etc. and then complain bitterly about what they are experiencing at their work and how their living standards are suffering. As I constantly tell you, you get what you vote for, and I repeat without apology, the Scots will pay a heavy price for voting No. I warned you about UKIP. If you are an ordinary working person, or even if you are in a profession like medicine or education, be very afraid, if you think Britain could not get any worse, wait until after next years election. At least there is still a possibility of going on strike, how long do you think that will remain? Westminster and all of its odious personnel are coming to get you. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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