Monday, 21 July 2014

You will get what you vote for!

I have not been posting as regularly as I should and there are several reasons for that. One is that I am writing a new book, but that is not the main reason. I am growing lethargic because of the growing sense of hopelessness I feel in any improvement in the sorry state of this country and it is almost impossible to find anyone who cares. The British public simply no longer care for themselves, never mind anyone else. The evidence is overwhelming that the ordinary people of this country are being reduced to forms of working slavery. They have been reduced to levels of poverty and inequality not witnessed since before the Second World War and no one in protesting, no one is apparently concerned enough to do anything about it, indeed the evidence shows that they actually support most of the measures being employed to impoverish them, divide them and conquer them.

As I have told you, the government are on the verge of an international agreement that will see the complete privatisation of the health service. The British population are going to see a massive increase of people dying because they cannot afford to pay for health care in the not too distant future. In addition, they will be left without a pension in their old age. The government are quite honest about their plans to eliminate the ability of workers to go on strike, a massive step towards inevitable slavery. Who cares? Evidence suggests that the majority of the British people actually support such measures because they are bombarded with lies and propaganda on a daily basis and they are no longer able to separate fact from fiction.

I had a discussion with an intelligent friend yesterday who assured me that war was coming with Russia. How anyone can believe that beggars belief, but such is the relentless anti-Russian propaganda from all corners of the mass media that people no longer stop and utilise an ounce of common sense. Why does any intelligent person believe a word that comes out of Westminster and from our security services? They are demonstrated to be compulsive liars and criminals on a daily basis. They cover up and whitewash, lie deceive and persecute and yet still a gullible public sit and nod their heads, no wonder Lenin described them as useful idiots.

I was tempted to stop posting as I am sure no one wants to hear the things I am saying, but I decided to carry on. At least I will never be blamed for failing to take a stand, and maybe someday someone will think to themselves, 'you know there used to be a guy who warned us that this was going to happen, perhaps we should have listened to him?'

I am afraid I am uninterested in people who are called personalities. I have no desire to know who they are sleeping with, what they are wearing, or where they went on holiday. Perhaps if I was then people would be more interested in what I was writing about, but then I would rather poke my eyes out.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 12 July 2014

We must get away from Westminster as a matter of national security

The European Court of Human Rights prevented the British government from intercepting and retaining whatever material they wanted because it was both unnecessary and a gross infringement on our personal freedoms. Because of this, the government is rushing a bill through parliament with all party support to circumvent this ruling. As a result, the government will be able to access and keep all of our personal communications, by phone, email, text, our online browsing history etc. Now, we are constantly being told that there is nothing to fear if we have nothing to hide which is simply unacceptable as we have plenty to fear from politicians who conduct themselves in this manner. In addition we should all fear such matters as most of the data will be held by private companies who are completely out of the power of public scrutiny and accountability.

I have cautioned you before to be very wary of what the government and the security services tell us because they wish us to live in perpetual fear of imaginary plots and conspiracies by so-called terrorists which are completely bogus. This is for the purpose of power and control. Britain is becoming increasingly totalitarian and are being aided in this by their friends and allies in the press, the media and the security services, including the police. Its no use accusing me of paranoia and conspiracy, this is happening and happening for no justifiable cause. I mean, who do these people think they are?

I keep telling you to remember who these people are. A politician is simply someone who is lucky enough to get elected. There is no training required, no expertise other than the ability to lie persistently through your teeth and exploit your position to rob the British people of as much as you can before you retire. These people have no right whatsoever to demand such powers. The only way they could claim they are entitled to do such things would be if they had a demonstrable permission from a majority of the population. Everyone has things they want to hide, it is quite natural. They may be quite harmless but you nevertheless don't want anyone to know, and no-one has the right to claim that they should know. I say with all seriousness, Britain's top politicians are not very bright. Cameron is obviously quite thick and we have a Chancellor who operates under the principle that Einstein defined as insanity, that you keep doing the same things and hope that you get different results. I mean, look at Miliband and Clegg, they should not be allowed out without a minder, yet we are supposed to trust such people even though they have demonstrated time and time again that they don't know what they are doing and that they are pathological liars.

The British elite and their lackeys in the Westminster parliament are out of control and have been for many years. They are unaccountable and genuinely believe that they are entitled to do what they like. Westminster has been dogged by scandal for many years now and has been a hunting ground for paedophiles, scoundrels and criminals. They cannot be trusted as all of the so-called inquiries show because they cost a fortune and all they do is cover up for elite crimes and no-one is brought to book. It is not for nothing that the columnist Piers Morgan called Cameron a soulless weasel.

It is vital that we vote to leave the United Kingdom in September. Britain is being governed by criminals and people who are in government for the purpose of enriching a particular section of society at the expense of everyone else. This is a group who hate working people and refuse to be bound by the rules that govern the rest of us. This country is heading for serious trouble and we should wash our hands of it. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 6 July 2014

We are sliding ever closer to fascism and slavery

I have repeatedly warned in this blog that the Westminster Parliament wants to introduce modern forms of slavery for working people. If I may return to the issues I was dealing about in my last post, the government has announced that they wish to introduce new legislation to curb the ability of workers to go on strike. I remind you, the strike weapon is the only weapon working people have at their disposal against employers who simply impose their will regardless of the consequences for their employees. They want to be able to rule industrial action illegal if the turnout in a ballot falls below a minimum level that they will set arbitrarily. Francis Maude, speaking for the government stated that

"We want to look at whether there should be a threshold in terms of turnout so that a ballot below a certain level should not give a valid legal mandate for strike action"

I trust you will register the eyewatering hypocrisy of such a proposal. At the last election in 2010, the Tories polled 36.1% of the votes on a 65.1% turnout. This means that they got 23.5% of possible votes. The Lib/Dems got 23% of the vote which gives them 15% of the possible vote. When you combine their votes it tells you that they formed a government together with 38.5% of possible voters. In other words, the two coalition partners cannot muster a government with even 40% support from the British people. In November 2012 the government conducted much heralded elections for their pet project of elected police commissioners. The turnout for these elections was 14.9%, a scandal that was dismissed by David Cameron as being the result of the novelty of such posts as he was quite sure turnout would be much higher next time. In one polling station in Newport in Gwent, not one single vote was cast. Thus a school was closed in Newport disrupting the children's education and a lot of money was spent on an election for no purpose whatsoever. On the same day as these elections, a parliamentary by-election was held in Manchester Central that resulted in a turnout of 18.16%.

It is difficult for ordinary people to really come to terms with Westminster's hatred for working people. Many people think I exaggerate, but such statistics are evidence of the dangerous and sinister double standards applied by the Westminster elite. As you will be reading yourselves, many commentators are contemplating the real possibility of a Tory/UKIP coalition after 2015. If anyone can challenge the Tories loathing of working people and trade unions it's UKIP. Should this scenario actually come to pass, Britain will leave the European Union and the working people of this country will lose all of their employment rights, and most of what's left of their human rights. I am not inventing any of this, both the Tories and UKIP are quite open about their policies and how they will scrap the Human Rights Act. However, regardless of the outcome of the next election these types of restriction on our freedoms will happen as Labour will not support the working class either. They have made that quite plain. The only solution for the short and medium term is a Yes vote in the coming referendum. There is absolutely no point in staying in the United Kingdom. What on earth have we to gain by being Better Together? It is one massive lie. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 4 July 2014

I'm back and as crabbit as ever.

Hello again to anyone who actually reads this and who's interested in anything I have to say. I sincerely apologise for my absence which I remind you was for matters beyond my control. If you do read me I am genuinely grateful and trust you will share your thoughts with me. Someone told me I would be far more successful if I published humorous and personal comments, but I feel that matters in this sorry country of ours are far too serious and there is far too much triviality diverting people's attention away from the destruction of our society by the Westminster elite. For example;

On Question Time last night there was a question about the teachers taking strike action, which of course everyone on the panel with one exception roundly condemned. The essence of their condemnation was that the strike will be disruptive. Now, how teachers can take any form of action to protect their terms and conditions and their standard of living without being disruptive is a mystery? The disruption is unfortunate, but is actually the fault of the employers who genuinely believe that they have the right to do whatever they want and teachers are supposed to simply doff their caps and accept it. I continually ask people what workers are supposed to do when the employer simply refuses to negotiate and seeks to impose their will? I never get an answer! Now on the question of disruption, a very dear friend of mine was diagnosed with cancer and had a crucial appointment with a cancer consultant cancelled because of the wedding of William and Kate. All hospital activity ceased on that day, except for the day-today-care of inpatients. That of course was not disruption, that was a celebration. This did not impress my friend however, whose appointment was delayed for four months because of this wedding, four months during which he and his family were under considerable stress (being diagnosed with cancer has a tendency to be stressful, although to say that under such circumstances is considered to be deeply unpatriotic). That same day, every school in the country was on holiday, that of course was not disruptive either. Most schools in Britain are utilised as polling stations for elections, local, regional, national and European. Closing schools for elections is not disruptive of course. The only time a school is disrupted is when teachers take action to protect themselves and their families.

The point I wish to make here is the nauseating hypocrisy that infects the British people through their hatred of working people and their representative organisations. I wonder what the Queen would say if she had an appointment cancelled because of industrial action? My friend's appointment being cancelled for her son's wedding is however perfectly correct and justifiable, and, if he had subsequently died of his cancer because of the delay, that would have been all right because he would have given his life for his Queen and country. I'm afraid that he is being particularly selfish however as he refuses to see it in that manner, but then he's working class (and worse he's Scottish) and what else can you expect? I mean peasants will not accept their place any more, it is just not cricket, I don't know what this world is coming to? Had a head teacher decided that this wedding was unjustified disruption of his/her schools activities and kept the school open that day, he/she would undoubtedly have been sacked. That of course would have been right and proper.

I trust you will continue reading my thoughts and if you live in Scotland will vote Yes in September. I will try to keep you informed and hopefully stimulated, even if you disagree.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat