Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Westminster - a threat to our liberty

I have been writing since I started this blog about how our government and its ruling elite simply refuse to he held to account on any level of their activities and how this renders our so-called democracy a farce and a fraud. In defence of that I ask you all to take note of the dangerous threats levelled at the Guardian newspaper today in Parliament, behaviour that even the President of America admitted could not happen in the USA. We had the ludicrous spectacle of a Labour MP demanding to know if the editor of the Guardian loved his country, and of Tory MPs demanding that the Guardian be prosecuted, all because they have dared to expose the unacceptable levels of surveillance that we are subjected to by the government and its henchmen in the security services.

Every other country in the Western world has accepted that what the Guardian has done is not only democratically acceptable, but necessary, in that they are doing what the government itself should have been doing by holding the security services to account for unacceptable practice. What this sordid episode demonstrates vividly is the extent of the corruption within the entire Westminster establishment, from the politicians through the civil service and the security forces.

I am intrigued by this Labour imbecile equating loving your country with a refusal to criticise it. Any criticism of government and its activities is now being likened to treason and proof that you hate your country and are a stooge of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. This is not a minor point, and should be taken very seriously by all of us. Westminster is becoming a genuine danger to freedom and liberty.

Oscar Wilde was spot on when he described patriotism as the last refuge of every scoundrel. The claim that they loved their country was the refuge of the Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, the KGB and the Stasi. It is the refuge for racists, religious bigots, warmongers and every kind of official criminal. You love your country so it has to be cleansed of all degenerate influences, of the weak, the poor, the dangerous minorities who are different etc. However, genuine love of your country involves analysing its faults, its weaknesses, its intolerances and its injustices and remedying them. It involves exposing bad legislation and governmental criminality. It was that dangerous Marxist revolutionary St Thomas Aquinas who told us that an unjust law was no law at all and that we are not obliged to obey it (well he must have been a dangerous Marxist revolutionary if he said a thing like that - no?).

A country is its people, its traditions and customs, its institutions and its history, To know who we are, we must first know who we were and how we came to be who we are. A country is (supposedly) represented by its government, but the government is not the country, nor, as is abundantly obvious, does it always represent it faithfully and properly. I know you must be fed up reading me saying it, but our political class in modern Britain are appalling and so out of touch as to be a genuine worry. They are, in addition, not very intelligent, and they are certainly a danger, both to our liberty and to our well-being. Westminster represent nobody but themselves and their elite mates. You are the electorate, you can change things if you use your votes wisely. It's up to you, you have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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