For all of the people who genuinely believe that we are Better Together in a glorious united Great Britain, I would ask you to consider the real world for a moment. The latest data from the Office Of National Statistics, published last month show us that since the financial crash in 2008, real wages have fallen on an average of 13.8% across the UK whilst average executive pay has risen by 14%. In Scotland, average pay has fallen by 9.9% which would suggest that the existence of a Scottish Parliament is doing something to help the working people of Scotland. Across the UK the average salary of a company executive is £2.1million whilst the average chief executive was paid £3.7million.
This data also informs us that the average employers earns 136 times more than the national average. I surely cannot be accused of distortion when I conclude that this shows that the government’s policies are wholly directed to beggaring the workforce
and enriching the wealthy, thus transferring wealth from the poorest to the
On top of this, the laughingly titled Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, today informs us that Britain is drafting plans to withdraw from the European Court of Human Rights and repeal the Human Rights Act. Grayling said on the BBC's Radio 4 that
"I think that what we've got to is a situation where the European court of human rights has lost its legitimacy in the UK by doing things that frankly, the people of this country and their elected representatives do not want," and that the Tories would set out a "clear pathway" for change by publishing a draft bill and leaving the European convention on human rights would be one possible option.
"We're looking at a number of different options," he said. "There are four principles that have to underpin what we do. We have to curtail the role of the court in the UK. We have to replace the Human Rights Act, which as Lord Judge rightly says is one of the key reasons why the European court of human rights seems to have such sway in the UK. We've got to ensure there's a balance of rights and responsibilities in our laws, and I think above all, we've got to make our supreme court supreme."
I love the way that Westminster politicians always claim to be speaking for the people of the country. I am one of those people and no-one has ever asked me my opinion on anything. I do not know anyone who has actually been asked for their opinion by any politician.
As I continually warn you, these people will simply not be constrained in their activities, which primarily consist of looting the national treasury and reducing the working people of the country to a state of modern slavery. If you don't believe me, then at least believe the evidence that continually confronts you every day. The only ray of hope we have is an independent Scotland that will sever us from these barbarians. If we remain Better Together your future is impoverishment, dependence on foodbanks, and the removal of all forms of human rights that are your only possibility of any form of redress against these licenced criminals that pose as your elected representatives. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I just spent 10 minutes typing a comment and it has disappeared into the ether. Well pi$$ed off! Bet this gets published!