I trust you have been reading about the Tory MP Andrew Lansley, the man who wants to completely privatise the NHS and who earns a salary of £135,000 per annum as a cabinet minister, and who has claimed £6000 in expenses for hotel bills in London, despite the fact that he owns a £1million flat 1 mile away from the Houses of Parliament and another house a 34 minute train journey away. This is one of the architects of the government's austerity programme who constantly tells us that we are all in it together and that there is no alternative. This comes on top of Tory MP Liam Fox, a man who lost his cabinet post for corruption, who claimed 3p on his expenses for a car journey of 100 metres. The people who persistently tell us that we are all in it together are the same people who constantly tell us that we are all better together.
As Alex Salmond pointed out in the Scottish Parliament, the leader of the better together campaign, our own Darling Alistair, was in the television studios 1 hour after the publication of the Scottish Government's proposals for an independent Scotland rubbishing the document and telling us how irrelevant it was. This was a 649 page document, and, as Salmond pointed out, if he had read it, he must have read 3000 words per minute. The Westminster clique have neither shame, dignity or any self-respect, but of course we will all be better together with them leading us into a glorious Westminster neoliberal future of poverty, foodbanks and zero-hour contracts whilst we cheerfully watch and applaud them looting the national Treasury.
From another perspective of the future under the Tories, we have the spectacle of the Tory MP Tim Yeo, being de-selected by his constituency party because he has supported gay marriage and continued membership of the EU. So, what does that tell you about Westminster politics. Well, MPs are supposed to represent the people who elect them, not a 25 person committee of their local constituency party caucus. Thus, if Yeo wishes to remain an MP he will have to represent his local party management committee and the rest of the electorate in his Surrey constituency can go to hell whether they want him as their MP or not. They are not going to be asked.
The Westminster system is genuinely corrupted beyond repair under the present three parties who represent it. If you still listen to them, particularly that grotesque and mindless caricature of a Labour Party that inhabits Hollyrood then that is your choice. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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