Wednesday, 11 December 2013

No Welfare State, no NHS, welcome to your future if you think we're Better Together

I must confess to you that I committed a grievous sin today, one I am truly ashamed to admit. I was in a hospital waiting room and I picked up and read a Daily Mail. There, I've told you and I will now spend a week in sackcloth and ashes in burning shame. However, I read a report in the Mail that Prime Minister Cameron had told a Mail reporter that he wanted a clear majority at the next election because being in coalition had prevented him from fully implementing the policies he deeply desired to implement unhindered, cutting income and business tax, go further on welfare reform and reform human rights law. So, there you have it, your future with the Better Together people, because whether you vote Tory or Labour at the next Westminster election that is what you will get because I will remind you again that Labour has already committed themselves to match the Tories benefit reforms and tax cuts.

You will notice that the tax cuts will be on income and business taxes, no cuts in the consumption taxes that penalise the poorest the hardest, like VAT, petrol, clothes etc. and are designed to transfer wealth from the poor to the rich, a process that will intensify under such policies. This attack on the poor will be intensified by even harder benefit cuts and attacks on the welfare budget. This will affect benefits, health and education. It will hit the poor, the elderly, the sick and of course, the disabled, the clear enemy and principal target of Mr. Duncan Smith. How that man hates the disabled. His hatred of the disadvantaged is genuinely terrifying to behold.

As I have repeatedly told you, the attack on our human rights is economically motivated. Its purpose is to remove all constraints on the government's economic policies and programmes and to ensure that their destruction of the NHS and the welfare state, and their relentless determination to reduce Britain's working people to modern forms of slavery will meet with no resistance. What they call the war on terror is merely a convenient excuse to introduce measures that are distinctly authoritarian and undemocratic and are aimed at rights at work, rights of public welfare, benefit rights and trade union rights. One of their great aims is to end rights of protest and demonstration, and this is a desire of all the major parties, indeed that is what is meant by all being in it together.

I will remind you again, no politician has been elected to do these things, no-one told you at the last election that this was their actual policy programme, they are getting away with it because they have managed to convince the British people that the financial crash was their own fault, it was not Westminster or the financial class. It is classic scapegoating. We have the spectacle of another banking scandal today with Lloyds being fined £28million, but nobody is to be punished, nobody is to lose their job, nobody will be prosecuted. Their rights to break the law and defraud the public are protected by the very legal system that is supposed to punish. Their punishment is corporate, it is never individual. If you work in Britain's corporate or financial system you can actually do anything you want and you will not be punished. The corporation will be punished, and of course if a bank is punished then that is actually you and I being punished instead because if a bank is fined they pay the fine with the money you and I save in that bank, it comes out of the money you and I are supposed to get back in interests, it never comes out of their pocket. If you vote to maintain this disgraceful system next September on the farcical proposition that we are Better Together, then I repeat, you will deserve all you get. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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