Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Welcome to the modern world of work.

If I may return to the subject of trades unions, I trust you will have read in the papers how the sports retailer, Sports Directs' 20,000 employees are all on zero hour contracts. That is actually a misnomer because people on zero hour conditions don't have contracts and that is the significant point. If you have no contract of employment then you have no employment rights.

If you work in an environment where the employer can treat you exactly as he/she pleases then you are working in a form of slavery. It was exactly such conditions that trade unions were created to defend against. It is genuinely difficult to come to terms with the fact that in modern Britain, the country that created the trades union movement, the 5th richest country in the world, that fought the greatest war in history against regimes that were enslaving people, that took the lead in abolishing slavery, and that claims to be the mother of democracy, will accept its peoples being treated in this manner. Britain is becoming truly more barbarian by the day. This is the real legacy of Margaret Thatcher.

What are trade unions? Well, they are agencies of collective bargaining, that is what trade unions do. They bargain on behalf of a collective, their members, with another collective, the representatives of the employer. Collective bargaining is the process by which employers and workers representatives collectively regulate the conditions under which people work in their various types of employment. In the absence of a trade union the only other form of regulation is law, and that it what successive governments have been systematically dismantling since Thatcher first took office. Collective bargaining regulates the workplace. For example, trade unions gradually convinced employers to reduce the working day and the working week, introduce holidays, pensions, health and safety measures etc. over many years, and were able to demonstrate that such measures were to everyone's benefit. The only method at their disposal to bring pressure to bear on employers who refused to treat their workers fairly was the strike weapon, the ability to withdraw their labour. Without that ability workers are literally powerless and at an employers mercy, and that is exactly how both Labour and the Conservatives want them to be. They have successfully marginalised the unions and removed the legal protections on employment built up over a hundred and fifty years, and the bulk of the British people, who depend on such measures for their protection, sit and nod their heads in agreement with all the anti-union propaganda that spews out of the government and its loathsome supporters. You genuinely couldn't make it up.

Independence for Scotland is becoming a moral imperative as one of the only solutions to the carnage being inflicted on our country by a rapacious elite that cares for nothing other than their own enrichment. The British elite are genuinely repulsive. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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