Thursday, 18 July 2013

Politicians are the ultimate public servants, elected into post by the public who then pay their salaries, expenses and support their lifestyle through their taxes. The Prime Minister lives free of charge in a fully taxpayer funded council house in Westminster, as does his Chancellor who lives next door. They of course reject the concept of council housing and deny it for everyone else. They are elected into office to protect and serve the public and to represent the will and the wishes of the British people. That is their sole reason for holding office. The police are in a similar position, public servants whose entire career and pensions are supplied through taxation. Politicians and the police are the ultimate public servants.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister was repeatedly asked in Parliament if he had a discussion with his public relations adviser of tobacco packaging and he simply and repeatedly refused to answer. All that was required for this question was a simple yes or no, but he did what all Westminster politicians do and rambled a load of garbage. The reason for this is, of course that he has had such discussions, but, if he denied it he may have been found out to have been lying to Parliament and would have had to resign, or if he admitted it he would have been in breach of the ministerial code and would have had to resign. Thus, the Prime Minister has been exposed as breaking the rules and regulations he has taken an oath to uphold. If you or I did this in a court we would go to prison.

Today we find that the police have refused to submit a list of people and companies that they know have been breaking the law by hacking people's phones. The police earlier refused to admit to lists of people they knew had been doing things such as hacking Millie Dowler's phone. They also refused to reveal the identities of people who had assumed the identities of dead children so that they could spy on British citizens who had done no wrong. They were, of course, up to their necks in the phone hacking scandal and were covering up criminality.

I could fill this blog for the next year with examples of public servants like MPs and the police who simply lie through their teeth to cover illegality and corruption on the grounds that they are not like the rest of us and are entitled to lie and indulge in criminal activity. Thus, thanks to the Westminster system of government we have an elite in this country who genuinely think that they are above the law, and that the law is for the little people, witness the activities of the police over Hillsborough and of Westminster who colluded in their disgraceful behaviour.

No politician, no police officer, or any other form of public servant has any right whatsoever to refuse to answer a legitimate question as to their activities in office. The political class in particular has no defence against accountability. There are of course matters of security that cannot be publicised, but we should be made fully aware of such circumstances so that we can be assured that such matters are legitimate. We must never simply have to take the word of people who have neither decency nor any form of moral authority and who take us to war and kill millions of people on a farrago of lies.

Yesterdays spectacle in Parliament is ample testimony to the complete corruption of our political system and the appalling character of all Westminster politicians. When you vote in the coming referendum, I trust you will consider the kind of people you are voting for if you decide to reject your opportunity for self-determination, and the kind of government you must obviously prefer. If you do reject it, then you will deserve all you get and will not be able to complain afterwards. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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