Sunday, 7 July 2013

Big Bad Unions

If there is one thing Thatcher must be given credit for it is how she resoundingly won the battle of ideas in crucial parts of the national narrative. One of her greatest successes has been the climate of hatred towards anything associated with trades unions. The present row within the Labour Party is a reflection of that and now Labour is determined to join in the demonization and continuing marginalisation of the unions. Britain's hatred for unions reflects the visceral Tory hatred of working people and we now have a growing scenario within our national discourse that resembles how the Americans used to view their coloured slaves, you have the good house slaves who know their place and fully accept the unquestioned right of white people to enslave the subhuman blacks, and you have the dangerous blacks who have the audacity to think that they are full human beings with rights, and who must of course be put firmly in their place as they are a threat to civilisation and the future of the human race.

We now accept two kinds of worker is this country, good non-unionised workers who are happy to accept any job at any wage under any conditions and who are quite properly eternally grateful to their employer for the opportunity to serve them in whatever capacity, and bad unionised greedy left-wing bastards who claim that they have rights to minimum conditions of employment and what they arrogantly call a living wage. How dare these dangerous lunatics challenge our superb minister for Work and Pensions who is an intelligent and educated man and who is an expert on such matters and who has demonstrated beyond any doubt or question that anyone can live perfectly well on £53 per week. These people, who pay 80% of the Labour Party's funding and most of its membership are now actually claiming that they should have a say in choosing the people who will represent them in parliament. Who do these people think they are? Don't they know, what everyone else in Britain now seems to know, that the only people entitled to a say in any form of decision-making in the UK are middle-class university educated ex public school people, preferably male, and most certainly preferably white Anglo-Saxon. I mean that is what such people are born for, and workers are born, well, to work! What on earth is this country coming to? I personally blame this outlandish concept of democracy, where people from the lower orders are actually encouraged to think that they have rights. It will have to go!

Should the neoliberals in Westminster achieve their goal of completely de-unionising British society, and it looks very likely that they will succeed, then there will be no barriers left to the complete privatisation of the health service, education, welfare, and the entire public structure of British society, because the trades unions are the only serious barrier to that left. I shall post a blog on the role and functions of trades unions and how the British hatred of them is a truly dangerous threat to all of us. The need for an independent Scotland separated from the madness of the neoliberal Westminster parliament and its henchmen in the English gutter press is now reaching a critical stage. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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