I do not believe in the concept of important people. I have never met anyone who is genuinely important, although I did once have the honour of meeting with, and shaking the hand of, Pele, the best football player ever, but I can think of no-one who could be described as indispensable. Some people occupy important positions and some do important tasks, but the importance normally lies in the positions and the tasks and not in the people performing them who can all be adequately replaced. But there are exceptions to every rule, people who genuinely make a difference and who do important things, and, in some way change the world, and in that category I would place Nelson Mandela. Mandela is a genuinely important person on many levels. He is also what I would describe as a great man. Indeed, when Mandela finally dies, there will be no more great men in this world, and I doubt if I will see another in my lifetime.
Part of Mandela's importance lies in how he symbolises so much that is wrong in our society, how we create monsters and judge by stereotypes and get it so wrong so often. Listening to our leaders, particularly Cameron, paying homage to Mandela in his last days, is genuinely nauseating given what they said about him and how they regarded him in the past when he was portrayed as a black Marxist terrorist who would bring about the death of civilised society.
Mandela typifies everything that these people are lacking. He has dignity, charisma, intelligence and the ability to rise above class and race. He is a genuine statesman. He signifies tolerance and forgiveness and the rare ability to unite people who, on the face of it have nothing in common, in a common cause. He is a healer. If I did not consider it an insult, I would be tempted to call him a genuine Christian as he represents what I am led to believe a Christian is supposed to represent. However, I consider him a better person than that. The world will be a poorer place with his passing.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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