Tuesday, 24 July 2018

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine

I have been watching the political situation in both the UK and the USA closely for the past few days and find it difficult to believe how things are getting progressively worse on both sides of the Atlantic as our respective political systems get closer to breaking point without a significant sign that our general populations have any kind of awareness of how bad things are. It is a truism that the closer you get to the woods, the less you can see of the wood because of the trees. This is the agenda set on both sides of the Atlantic by our respective governments. Both governments have become quite expert at deflecting our attentions away from the real political problem by bombarding us with minor 'crises' downright lies and falsehoods and their old favourite, scapegoating. And, despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite all that our respective governments are doing being demonstrated daily as something resembling genuine insanity, our electorates are lapping it up. They are loving the lies, the hatreds, the chaos unleashed by the most unprincipled set of fraudulent gangsters in modern history. They know they are being lied to on an industrial scale and they simply don't care. Well good for them, I trust they are prepared for the consequences.

Today we got marvellous news in the UK, the Prime Minister is taking personal control of the Brexit negotiations. This is the imbecile who all commentators are now freely describing as the worst Prime Minister in British history. Years after the Kommirat told you, they have now reached the conclusion that she is incompetent because she is thick. This is marvellous news because the EU will walk all over her and the UK will crash out of Brexit without any kind of deal and begin the rapid descent into national bankruptcy. That is the only lesson that the British nationalists will pay any heed to. Until they wallow in the consequences of their own hubris they will never see the woods that they have blundered into. By that time, Scotland will be independent! More and more Scots are now coming to realise that if they had voted for independence in 2014 they would be free of Westminster and a member state of the EU with all the advantages that England are hoping to discard. Most importantly, they would have been free of the Tories and the Eton and Oxbridge Mafia.

In the same manner, Putin and Little Rocket Man have just walked all over the Know Nothing. It is common knowledge in the European media that the Russians regard the Know Nothing as a moron (their description) who is there to be taken advantage of, and that is precisely what they are doing. The Know Nothing is the classic example of what the Russians refer to as a useful idiot. By the same token, the Tories fall into that same category with the British government doing exactly what the Russians want them to. Make no mistake, both the Tories and the Know Nothing are systematically dismantling British and US democracy and at the same time, in their own way, dismantling both the EU and NATO. It is no use criticising the Russians, they make no secret of their agenda, and, from the Russian perspective their agenda is perfectly logical and rational. What is illogical and irrational is the support for both the Tories and the Know Nothing in the UK and the US. What this demonstrates is that their supporters are as thick and stupid as they are. That is the greatest threat in our respective nations, not the Russians, not Little Rocket Man, nor Iran etc. It is our own populations who will bring about the fall of our own societies, and, just like 1930's Germany, they will do it at the ballot box.

You see, on both sides of the Atlantic the government agenda is the establishment of elite authoritarian rule. There are 350 million people in the USA and I sit in wonderment at how the Know Nothing, the most ignorant, ill-mannered, thuggish bully imaginable, a pathological liar who is demonstrably insane, has caught those 350 million people in his headlights, paralysing them into inaction and incapable of mounting, not only a defence, but indignation at his conduct and the manner in which he is positioning himself for mounting a campaign to be made president for life. I say this, not from a position of the moral highground, because in the UK we are just as paralysed by liars and charlatans and an astonishing ignorance about what is actually happening. Parliament broke up for the summer recess today, which means that they effectively have one month to negotiate the entire Brexit process once they return in the autumn. For two years they have not moved forward one clause in one negotiation. Future historians will look back on this era of British history with genuine disbelief. I leave you with some wise messages to contemplate. As you know I am not a religious person, but I am always pleased to find wisdom and guidance from whatever source, and in the Bible I find some eerie insights into the great malaise that afflicts both America and the UK. In Isaiah 30.10 we read of the dominant narrative from the American and British people to their leaders

"Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits"

and in 2 Timothy 4.3 and 4 we read

For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires....So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 13 July 2018

Hey Nurse, get your pad, this guys insane (with apologies to Bob Dylan)

If anyone wishes definitive proof that the White House Moron is genuinely insane then he has furnished all the proof you need this week on his visit to the UK. At the start of his visit he gave an interview to the Sun newspaper which was recorded and played on every news bulletin on every news media in Britain, as well as being reported in every available form of news media. I myself heard it at least half a dozen times and read as many different reports. As you will appreciate, the UK is known as the news capital of the world because we have the widest diversity of news outlets, press, radio, television etc. of any nation of earth. So, there is no other nation where you can enjoy such blanket news coverage, or such in depth reporting. Today in his press conference with Theresa May, he denied point blank saying what everyone in the world heard him say, calling the reports of his interview fake news. The Sun is owned by the Murdochs and so is a subsidiary of Fox news, Know Nothing's favourite outlet and one he exploits every chance he gets, and is why he chose to be interviewed by that paper, yet he has branded their reports as fake news, despite the fact that their reports have been backed up by an audio recording that everyone on earth must have heard. In addition, he has repeatedly claimed that he arrived in the UK the day before the result of the Brexit referendum and accurately predicted the outcome of that referendum, when the world and his brother knows that he arrived the day after the referendum, which is also recorded for posterity. He thinks he can make such claims made because, as he told us on worldwide television, he is a very stable genius, he actually said that. Only someone completely insane can behave like this, someone completely divorced from reality. This is a person with no capacity for shame or common decency. There is actually something inhuman about this creature. But he must not just be dismissed as a nutcase because he has become the most dangerous person on the planet.

In his interview with the Sun he gratuitously insulted the British Prime Minister and heaped praise on Boris the Spider, another psychopathic nutcase, thus heaping further humiliation on May and deliberately undermining her position and her policy programme for Brexit. This came after he had quite deliberately insulted almost every European head of state, but particularly the German Chancellor. He has therefore broken almost every known diplomatic protocol and interfered directly in British politics. He is the classic bully, daring anyone to call him to account for his behaviour and behaving in such a manner simply because he can, or he at least thinks he can. He has now shown us beyond reasonable doubt that he has an agenda that includes destroying the European Union and NATO in collusion with Vladimir Putin. His goal is divide and conquer and install himself as a dictator.

But we must not allow ourselves to feel sorry for May. She has brought all of this humiliation and ignominy on her own head, fawning and grovelling to a person who anyone with an ounce of common sense would immediately recognise as quite mad and untrustworthy. Even before he was elected it was obvious what he was, but the Tories could not wait to prostrate themselves at his feet because they know in their hearts that Brexit is a disaster and they want to found a recovery in alliance with the USA. They now must assuredly know that this will not happen. The Moron wants to humiliate all things European and destroy their prosperity and that includes the UK. Whatever the Russians have on him must be very damaging as he is obviously doing their every bidding. What we have seen so far from this person is only the beginning, it is going to get a lot worse unless the American people call enough is enough. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Is your vote returning to haunt you?

If you think I may be a bit hard on Boris the Spider, let me share the opinion of the largest selling Scottish newspaper the Daily Record with you. The Record is a committed Labour supporting paper and opposes the SNP and Independence. They are a Westminster loving unionist organisation, so they do not endorse people like The Kommirat. However, this morning they ran an opinion column that said

"Is Boris Johnson the most selfish, despicable and morally repugnant politician to ever hold a great office of state?This is the guy who was fired from a newspaper job for making up a quote, sacked from the Tory frontbench for lying to the party leader over an extra-marital affair and agreed to give a reporter’s address to a convicted fraudster so he could beat him up....Johnson should never have been allowed in the same room as the Foreign Secretary, never mind given two years in the role to trash Britain’s reputation on the international stage....That he was made Foreign Secretary as a reward for running the most deceitful political campaign in British history quite neatly sums up the shower of charlatans that currently pass for a UK Government.....Even BoJo’s resignation was a masterclass in dishonesty......Once again Johnson showed that he has no political ideology, no principles and not a shred of decency. His only focus is pursuing the advancement of Boris Johnson." 

A penitent is always to be welcomed, but I just wish that the British press had shown the courage, or perhaps it needed the perception, to understand this creature from his first manifestation as a caricature of a human being, never mind a politician. It must always be remembered, this is the creature that the English electorate repeatedly fawned over and voted for and who they consistently, for many years, proposed as a future Prime Minister. I also hope you note their description of the Tory government as a shower of charlatans. I don't think they read this blog, but then again, maybe they do. Whatever is the case, they most certainly should. That is what you get when your vote is thoroughly racist and you ignore all other considerations because of your hatred of foreigners, particularly those of a different colour.

As I have written before, the Spider is the prototypical result of the British class system and the people's fawning sycophancy for 'their betters.' He comes from an upper class family, he has a posh name, went to Eton and Oxford and therefore he is entitled to considerations that the little people are not. He must be clever, he must be a gentleman etc. It is the classic emperor with no clothes on syndrome. For years I have listened to people telling me how wonderful the Queen is, what a nice lady she is. I always ask them how long they have known her, and when they look at me in puzzlement I tell them that they must know her well if they can say she is nice, wonderful etc. otherwise how do they know? That is the British way and is why they deserve all they get.

On that same theme, I am amused by the panic that is rippling through America over the threat to Roe vs. Wade posed by the Moron's choice for the Supreme Court. In the news clips I have seen I was struck by the number of white women demonstrating against the possibility of Roe vs. Wade being overturned. This is the demographic that voted 53% for the Know Nothing and if I was a news commentator I would ask each of those women who they voted for before I allowed them to express an opinion. Again, I suspect that this is another consequence of people voting for a single issue and ignoring all other considerations. The Know Nothing made it quite clear even before he was elected that he would overturn Roe vs. Wade if he got the opportunity, but still these people elected him. So they do not deserve any sympathy or support. The people who do are those who have been left behind, those whom society has abandoned, the African Americans and the minorities for whom those nice white ladies have nothing but contempt and indeed hatred for. You get what you voted for, you get what you asked for. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 9 July 2018

I know an old lady who swallowed a spider

There may be a God after all. The Spider has gone, consumed by his own web of lies, deceit, self-aggrandisement and downright treachery. There can no longer be any doubt, the British are lumbered with the worst government that anyone alive can remember, and even the press are now admitting to that. The British are now wondering how on earth a creature like that, revealed now as the self-publicising clown that he is, can rise to such prominence. Boris tells you all you need to know about British politics. This is what the Kommirat has been telling you ever since this grotesque shower came into office. Over the pond, the White House moron stands revealed as having been comprehensively shafted by Little Rocket Man as I safely predicted he would be before his much publicised summit. As Elton sings, Rocket Man is not the man you think he is at home, and the Americans are having to face the reality of that now. So, how much evidence do the British and American public need as to the complete disaster that their respective governments really are?

To give you another flavour of the British political class, before they were allowed into the much publicised Cabinet day at Chequers to thrash out the most important decision a British government has had to make, probably since the Second World War, all Cabinet ministers were obliged to surrender their mobile phones and their tablets along with all other forms of communicatory technology. What does this tell you? That the Prime Minister had no confidence that any of her ministers would respect the confidentiality of such an important discussion. That she could not trust any one of them to respect their office, or the oaths that they take on assuming that office. That is the type of personnel who compose British government, wretched, treacherous vermin, and it starts with the PM herself whose Cabinet is a reflection of the circles that she herself inhabits and indeed helped to create. Remember I told you from her first day in office that she was both grossly incompetent and thick. Another thing that the British government shares with the American is that they are pathological liars who have no concept of service other than self-service. They have no interest whatsoever in 'the people' whom they fear and hate in equal measure.

May has consistently and persistently intoned the standard mantra that Brexit means Brexit, but well, now it doesn't actually mean that after all. Well when we said we were coming out, we didn't actually mean we were coming out the whole way, when we said we were taking back control, we didn't actually mean full control blah, blah, blah. Even when they get it wrong they have neither the sense not the self-respect to admit it. People can respect when you tell them you have made a mistake, that you have made a cock-up, but they never respect when you have got it so wrong, but still insist you are right, that you are 'doing the right thing.'

As I have said many times, government, especially in a polity that operates without a formal written constitution, is wholly dependent on trust. That trust is now non-existent in the UK as our political class are demonstrated to be liars, self-serving and seriously incompetent. This is not confined to the Tories. Jeremy Corbyn is just as hopeless as May, vacillating, devious, unaccountable with no-one really knowing what he stands for. Despite this government still unable to define what they mean by Brexit after two full years of debate and discussion, Labour are in exactly the same position. That is one of the reasons that the Tories have managed to get away with being so useless for the past two years, because they have no opposition, and all that I can glean from the American media is that the Democrats are just as bad as Labour, both are quite pointless. What will be the final disaster will be if England can actually win the football World Cup. Xenophobia is already at fever pitch and we're only at the semi-final stage. The English are still talking about 1966, so if they do win it it will be unbearable. As you will gather, I am an ABE, anyone but England. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 6 July 2018

The White House and Ten Downing Street are occupied by the worst

I have not posted for a bit because of a recent bereavement and I trust you will understand as my thoughts and focus have been elsewhere. In addition, I have not posted as regularly recently because I have found myself being overtaken by reality and have had to stand back and take stock as things have gotten even worse than I have predicted that they would. That the dominant free market economic model has demonstrably failed is now too obvious for anyone to challenge, but in their desperation, the free marketeers on both sides of the Atlantic, incapable of admitting the obvious, have descended into a fantasy world of their own invention, a world of nightmare to the rest of us as they unleash an unrestrained political free market that is as dangerous as the economic. This is a politics that also demands unregulated and unrestrained freedom for its adherents, a freedom from rules, norms and values, decency and the conventional regulatory frameworks that have governed our respective political systems for centuries. Both the White House moron and the Tories feel justified in slandering their opponents, lying with abandon, ignoring both their respective elected decision-making forums, insulting other nations and their elected leaders, and breaking all forms of diplomatic and political protocols, and if anyone dare challenge them they unleash a torrent of vitriol and hatred
that defies decency and civilised behaviour. If you challenge either the Know Nothing or the Tories you are a traitor, an enemy of the people, a threat that must be destroyed and demonised. Neither the White House moron, nor the Tories, won anything close to a majority of their popular votes yet both claim, and demand that we accept, that they now embody the will of the people. This is democracy going mad. Britain and America have become ugly and dangerous places.

Free market political and economic ideology has descended into dogma, it is faith based and presents itself as self-evident, that is, its adherents feel that they do not need to justify themselves and that people such as me are deluded if they seek to challenge or reject its fundamentals. As the Blessed Mulgarath Thatcher claimed, it has no alternative. Within this narrative it appears to me that there are two explicit assumptions underpinning what passes for debate in modern western economies, one, that there is and can be such a phenomenon as free markets, and two, that they are self-evidently good things, that is, they are superior to all other forms of economic and social organisation and therefore ethically and morally superior as well. This approach has come to represent a mirror image of its mortal enemy, Soviet style communism, in that it must not, and will not be challenged. It is this belief, that it is both scientific and true, that prevents the free marketeers from embracing reality and accommodate meaningful change and leads them to become increasingly disconnected to reality. Thus, within this fantastical ideological bubble, because the free market is the most superior, economic, political, moral and ethical model in existence, the damage it has wreaked throughout the world cannot have been caused by this self-evidently superior model, it must be someone else's fault. That is why I tell you that the free market is a fundamentally totalitarian ideology.

This is the fundamental reason why the governments of both the USA and the UK now live in an environment of persistent and ever blatant lying, to mask the fact that they are disconnected to reality and their respective societies, indeed their mendacity is now our greatest threat to social order and stability. Added to that is the ratcheting up of the scapegoat strategy, it is everyone else's fault but theirs. We have the spectacle of the White House moron blaming the Democrats for his own policies and daily denying things he has said only days previously whilst the Tories lie so brazenly that even their own civil servants are publicly calling them out in disgust. All the while the Tories cruelty has become so unacceptable that others in the pigsty, not known for their humanity, have been shamed into calling them to account. Our respective societies are indeed in a very dark place that is only going to get worse because of the atrocious personnel that we have elected into office. What is also worrying is that the public on both sides of the Atlantic seem quite unconcerned about the conduct of their elected representatives. If any party can challenge the Tories for incompetence and indifference to the damage being done by their leaders it is the Republicans, and in both nations the opposition, Labour and the Democrats, are quite incapable of mounting any kind of effective opposition or alternative to the carnage being unleashed by those in government because they are also committed to the fundamentals of free market stupidity. It genuinely beggars belief when you sit and reflect on the quality of political representatives we have today, and is one of the reasons I tell you that they may be well schooled but they are far from well-educated. They can neither see, nor offer, any alternatives because they are incapable of seeing reality. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat