Today we got marvellous news in the UK, the Prime Minister is taking personal control of the Brexit negotiations. This is the imbecile who all commentators are now freely describing as the worst Prime Minister in British history. Years after the Kommirat told you, they have now reached the conclusion that she is incompetent because she is thick. This is marvellous news because the EU will walk all over her and the UK will crash out of Brexit without any kind of deal and begin the rapid descent into national bankruptcy. That is the only lesson that the British nationalists will pay any heed to. Until they wallow in the consequences of their own hubris they will never see the woods that they have blundered into. By that time, Scotland will be independent! More and more Scots are now coming to realise that if they had voted for independence in 2014 they would be free of Westminster and a member state of the EU with all the advantages that England are hoping to discard. Most importantly, they would have been free of the Tories and the Eton and Oxbridge Mafia.
In the same manner, Putin and Little Rocket Man have just walked all over the Know Nothing. It is common knowledge in the European media that the Russians regard the Know Nothing as a moron (their description) who is there to be taken advantage of, and that is precisely what they are doing. The Know Nothing is the classic example of what the Russians refer to as a useful idiot. By the same token, the Tories fall into that same category with the British government doing exactly what the Russians want them to. Make no mistake, both the Tories and the Know Nothing are systematically dismantling British and US democracy and at the same time, in their own way, dismantling both the EU and NATO. It is no use criticising the Russians, they make no secret of their agenda, and, from the Russian perspective their agenda is perfectly logical and rational. What is illogical and irrational is the support for both the Tories and the Know Nothing in the UK and the US. What this demonstrates is that their supporters are as thick and stupid as they are. That is the greatest threat in our respective nations, not the Russians, not Little Rocket Man, nor Iran etc. It is our own populations who will bring about the fall of our own societies, and, just like 1930's Germany, they will do it at the ballot box.
You see, on both sides of the Atlantic the government agenda is the establishment of elite authoritarian rule. There are 350 million people in the USA and I sit in wonderment at how the Know Nothing, the most ignorant, ill-mannered, thuggish bully imaginable, a pathological liar who is demonstrably insane, has caught those 350 million people in his headlights, paralysing them into inaction and incapable of mounting, not only a defence, but indignation at his conduct and the manner in which he is positioning himself for mounting a campaign to be made president for life. I say this, not from a position of the moral highground, because in the UK we are just as paralysed by liars and charlatans and an astonishing ignorance about what is actually happening. Parliament broke up for the summer recess today, which means that they effectively have one month to negotiate the entire Brexit process once they return in the autumn. For two years they have not moved forward one clause in one negotiation. Future historians will look back on this era of British history with genuine disbelief. I leave you with some wise messages to contemplate. As you know I am not a religious person, but I am always pleased to find wisdom and guidance from whatever source, and in the Bible I find some eerie insights into the great malaise that afflicts both America and the UK. In Isaiah 30.10 we read of the dominant narrative from the American and British people to their leaders
"Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits"
and in 2 Timothy 4.3 and 4 we read
For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires....So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat