Monday, 19 June 2017

The Kommirat is back where he started

 I've just watched two senior Tories, an MP, Sarah Wollaston, and a Tory journalist, Toby Young, on Channel Four news, deny that Britain is suffering from anything called austerity, or that this austerity programme, which of course hasn't happened, had any bearing on the disaster of Grenfell Tower. Wollaston by the way, was a practising GP before she became an MP and so only met working people when they were whingeing, constantly complaining, and trying to procure a sick note to allow them to bunk off work on holiday, so cannot really be criticised for her utter contempt for such people. Young hates the working class because he is paid to hate them and they don't buy the right-wing Tory supporting press anyway, so, in a way they are threatening his livelihood and don't deserve any sympathy. If the working class were decent human beings they would read his upstanding patriotic journalism and share his hatred of the EU, immigrants, Muslims, the disabled etc.These two people are a good example of a person's ability to sell their soul, the essence of their humanity, thus allowing them, indeed justifying, defending the indefensible. It is now ten years since the financial crash and ten years of constant cuts to public services, the police, fire, the NHS etc. ten years of no wage rises, ten years of benefit cuts and freezes, but, according to these people, we have not suffered austerity. This is a classic example of how figures never lie, but how liars figure. I keep telling you about the moral bankruptcy of Tories at every level and of their complete lack of humanity, but events must now demonstrate to even the most ardent Tory supporter that a Tory has no humanity, no decency, no shame. The whole world has now witnessed this government's, and the Tory Kensington Council's absolutely abominable response to the worst fire London has witnessed since the Second World War. Made homeless by a fire, left with no clothes, no food, no money, the Tory Council gave the surviving residents of Grenfell Tower £10. Wasn't that wonderful, £10, which is about $12 or 13 euros, in London, the most expensive city in Britain. Is there no end to the Tories love of the unfortunate, no end to their outstanding generosity? I am breathless in admiration. £10 wouldn't buy you a main course in a London restaurant.

The fire was on Tuesday and it was not until Friday that Mayhem commented on it, and when she did made an international fool of herself. Even the Daily Mail, the most fascistic newspaper in the Western world was forced to condemn her 'robotic' performance and her complete refusal to answer one single question. You see, to the Tories the Grenfell Tower disaster was not a disaster, it was not a tragedy, it was a nuisance, an inconvenience, and after all, it wasn't as if it was of any importance because it only affected working people and immigrants. What this disaster has exposed is the complete inability of this Prime Minister and her entire party to comprehend the real world. It exposes their total lack of sympathy or empathy and their class hatred. It has also exposed that whenever there is a conflict between profit and taking care of people, then there is no contest, because Tories care nothing for other people, particularly if they are poor, because never forget, from the Tory perspective, poverty is a moral problem, highlighting deep personal failings within individuals, it has nothing to do with any social issues because society doesn't exist. There are no structural social issues related to poverty, there can't be. Indeed the Objectivist philosophy of Ayn Rand that they all subscribe to tells us that poor people don't deserve to live. The Grenfell Tower tragedy has demonstrated tragically the bankruptcy of the dominant ideology, the destructive and fatal consequences of deregulation, the insanity of the concept of the free market. I consulted the very first post I made on this blog and here is what I wrote

For anyone accessing this I have to confess that this is my first attempt at anything like this. My purpose is to comment on news and current affairs, but in particular on the dominant ideology that exists within the UK and the way it is destroying the very fabric of our society. It is a truism that there is nothing as low as a Tory..... What I hope to achieve in the future is a clear recognition amongst people with a scintilla of intelligence that the neoliberal free market experiment has been well and truly demonstrated to be a disaster and is both practically and intellectually dead. Free market economic theory is a fraud and is based on flawed intellectual and theoretical assumptions, it is, if I may be allowed to quote Engels, ‘a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.’ I hope to expand on these themes in the future and explain myself in full.

I have reproduced that because I feel that my quest is more urgent than ever. This nation has gone progressively downhill since I wrote that five years ago. The Conservative Party and the tabloid press have quite deliberately reduced Britain to a society driven by hate, by obscene inequality and a horrible and hatefilled scapegoat dominant narrative that openly demonises and discriminates. But a change is coming, must come. Rationality must begin to challenge the irrational. Society, that abstract concept that the Tories insist does not exist, is reasserting itself. That has been graphically demonstrated in the last few weeks, beginning in Manchester. It tells you everything you want to know about modern British politics that our social and moral leadership has come from pop stars who have completely shamed a Prime Minister and her government. As I write this news coverage is all about yet another outrage caused by a hate filled right-wing nutter who drove a van into a group of Muslims outside a London mosque. I hope the Tories, Farage, Katie Hopkins and the Mail and Express are proud of themselves. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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