I haven't posted for a few days because I am watching events following both the Grenfell Tower fire and the start of the Brexit negotiations. What has become undeniable with respect to both these events is the utter incompetence of the British government and its hapless Prime Minister. The veil finally seems to have fallen from people's eyes and they are beginning to see their leaders in stark detail, emotionless sociopaths completely divorced from reality. Another significant change would appear to be that the dominant ideology is now no longer quite so dominant. I am cautiously optimistic that the free market narrative is in the beginnings of its death throes, although I never underestimate the stupidity of the average British voter and their blind subservience to their 'betters'. As my old granny used to ask me, 'do you really think that these people don't know what they are doing?' I told you before about the businessman who looked at me in bewilderment when I told him that Mayhem was thick and quite stupid and said, 'but she's the Prime Minister of Great Britain.' People cannot contemplate that those at the top are useless, it frightens and worries them. They have invested their future in these people and so have a vested interest in wanting them to be good. They will thus give them a seemingly endless benefit of the doubt, because the consequences of their own stupidity for voting for such creatures is too much for them.
But people are now beginning to realise that the pigsty and its revolting personnel don't care a fig for them and are only in it to serve their own interests. It is now obvious that the Tories do not recognise those who are not of their social class or social circle as fellow human beings, they view them exactly the same way the Nazis viewed the untermenschen and the ballastexistenzen. They are at best a nuisance, and they are always expendable. As one of the survivors of the Grenfell blaze asked the Guardian "Why did they wait for all those people to die?" Well you know my opinion, they don't care. They really don't care. We actually had the spectacle of the British Prime Minister in the pigsty this week tell the nation that she and her odious government are sorry. Sorry for what? For ignoring their complaints, for treating them with contempt, for treating people as commodities, for treating them as of no consequence, for neglect, and for placing them at the back of the queue in the never ending quest for profit and exploitation. Mayhem will never admit that, but that is what they should be sorry for. What the Tories are really sorry for is being exposed for the inhuman venal creatures that they really are. As I told you last time, what was the real cause of the fire? deregulation, free market ideological dogma, the poisonous pigsty narrative and the propaganda spewed out on a daily basis by the Mail, the Express and the Sun. These people are the corporate murderers. They provide the ideological justification for the neglect, the contempt, the demonization of living human beings, for the obscene transfer of wealth ever upwards and for the continual erosion of human rights and human dignity. In this they are supported by an ever increasing racist and xenophobic electorate who lap up the daily diet of anti-immigrant, anti-people on benefits, anti-poor, anti-unemployed, anti-Muslim hatred that saturates our press and media. I have several friends who simply refuse to watch the BBC any more, and even the odious Alistair Campbell on Question Time called on the British people to stop buying the Daily Mail. He never argued that when the Daily Nazi was right behind him and Mad Tony when they invaded Iraq. However, a penitent is always welcome.
I trust you are all watching the British Brexit negotiations crumbling at the very first hurdle. It is going to be the disaster I have always predicted. I'm loving it! Polls now indicate that the British (but they really mean the English) are regretting their decision. Other polls show that Gove, Boris the Spider and Nigel Garbage are now the most hated people in the country. I don't know how long this window of reality will last as I am sure that many people will again retreat into their patriotic fantasy world of a 'great' Britain, but I feel that events may just have initiated a meaningful change that may prove irresistible. The whole rotten edifice rests on the basis of the free market narrative. Destroy that and the entire structure will collapse. The real war is a war of ideas and the foundations of the free market neoliberal lie may just be about to crumble. I live in hope. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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