Sunday, 11 June 2017

Why spoil a good theory with facts?

I am deeply ashamed. The return of thirteen Tory MPs to Westminster has dealt a hammer blow to my faith in the innate intelligence of the Scottish people. Thirteen aptly sums up our run of luck at the moment in this poor benighted nation of ours. I sat down to post here in the aftermath of the election and then decided to wait until it sunk in as my immediate reaction was immoderate to say the least. I am angry at the SNP because, as you know, I have always considered that the call for another independence referendum was far too hasty and liable to be damaging, and that has unfortunately turned out to be all too true. Given the state of the Labour Party in Scotland, the unionist vote coalesced around the Tories, and unionists submerged all their concerns into one single issue, blithely ignoring the Tories record and the damage they have inflicted on the nation. There were actually two different elections in Britain last week, one that took place in England and Wales and the other in Scotland, because they were fought on entirely different issues. Thus, the Scottish unionist vote assisted in the Tories winning enough of a UK vote to attempt to form another government. Well, as I always say, you get what you vote for and the Kommirat will never cease telling them in future that I told them so. And here am I, assuring you for the past many years of the inherent good sense and decency of the Scottish people. I indeed humbly repent in sackcloth and ashes. Although the SNP still retains 35 seats out of 59, the fact of thirteen Tories soiling our polity is hard to take and seems like a defeat. It is most certainly a defeat for common sense and dignity.

There are some lights at the end of the tunnel. The end of Thatcherism and the free market is in sight. Mayhem turned out to be more stupid and incompetent than even I gave her credit for, and although people in other nations watching us may find it almost impossible to believe, the Tories are actually seriously considering replacing the Mayhem with Boris the Spider as Prime Minister. Can you imagine it, replacing a demonstrably stupid incompetent with a demonstrable imbecile? I would seriously pit my Yorkshire Terrier against the Spider in an intelligence test. As you also know, I hope that he becomes PM because the disaster that would follow is the kind of thing that may finally bring the British electorate to their senses. Mayhem took them halfway there and the Spider would surely finish the job. I mean what can you genuinely make of an electorate that supports such people? What does it tell you about the shallowness, the greed and selfishness, the irrationality of a population that supports congenital liars and idiots, but more importantly, supporting people who govern against the interests of the British people, who have systematically destroyed our living standards whilst blatantly serving the interests of the financial class to the detriment of the health and welfare of the nation.

What the Tories did in Scotland was launch a powerful emotional assault on the electorate, an appeal to the irrational, to myth and an inbuilt subservience that far too many British people harbour towards an unscrupulous monarchical and aristocratic elite. They were very successful and enough Scottish
voters once again bowed the knee to a class of people who despise them and hold them in utter contempt. I leave you with an observation I have used before as it is worth repeating

"Students of human nature and philosophers have long taught us that we are mistaken in regarding our intelligence as an independent force and in overlooking its dependence on emotional life. Our intellect, they teach us, can function reliably only when it is removed from the influences of strong emotional impulses; otherwise it behaves merely as an instrument of the will and delivers the inference which the will requires. Thus, in their view, logical arguments are impotent against affective interests, and that is why disputes backed by reasons…produce so few victories in the conflict with interests. Psycho-analytic experience has, if possible, further confirmed this statement. It can show every day that the shrewdest people will all of a sudden behave without insight, like imbeciles, as soon as the necessary insight is confronted by an emotional resistance, but that they will completely regain their understanding once that resistance has been overcome".

                   Sigmund Freud, Thoughts for the Times on War and Death (1915)

You have been warned. Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat


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