Sunday, 12 March 2017

Local Democracy is essential, and America is proving that.

As you know I am reluctant to comment on the politics of other nations, but sometimes people take actions and say things that have a universal application and I feel it right to comment on them. The cities of Santa Fe and Philadelphia boast two elected mayors in Javier Gonzales and James Kenney respectively who appear to be beacons of sanity and decency in a nation that is currently experiencing significant trauma on fundamental issues of humanity and democracy, and refusing to submit to bullying by a quite aggressive governmental administration. Both messrs Gonzales and Kenney have taken a stance against the White House policy towards immigrants and its travel ban, with both describing the President as a bully. Mr Gonzales publicly stated that “We cannot submit to the will of a bully. When you do it once, you agree to be bullied every step of the way,” and Mr Kenney concurred adding that “If you participate in enabling the bully and give them support to be a bigger bully than they already are, then you are a bully too,” I would add that if you participate in enabling a liar and give them support to be a bigger liar than they already are then you are a liar too. The same could be said for those who support and enable the persecution of immigrants, minorities and the disadvantaged. Mayor Gonzales added that “Just being able to have a city people can feel proud of, that is under threat because of the president’s efforts to expand the role of Ice and disrupt and demonize many immigrants and their families in a way that’s very harmful to our cities. We know that having welcoming, inclusive societies in our communities is the key formula for having a higher quality of life and more productivity when it comes to the economy.”

This is exactly the sort of argument that the Scots are making with respect to the pigsty's plans for Brexit and the restrictions on immigration. Like the people of Santa Fe and Philadelphia, Scottish people want to have a country that they can feel proud of and at the moment they are deeply ashamed of the country by which they are identified, a United Kingdom that is actively disrupting and demonising many immigrants and their families in a way that is very harmful to Scotland. The Tories are, as I am sure you are aware, ferocious bullies. In addition they are ferocious liars. Just this week they have broken two of their core election promises and have spent the week pathetically attempting to deny that they have done what they have done.

This is an abiding characteristic of modern politicians and their lackeys. In the US we have the cringingly embarrassing Mr Spicer and the quite appalling Kellyanne Conway making complete fools of themselves on an international stage by shamelessly attempting to defend the indefensible and justifying outrageous lies. We have similar loathsome individuals in this nation as well. It is one thing to prostitute yourself and earn a living by selling your body if that is your choice and you are not under any form of coercion. It is quite something else to prostitute your intellect, to sell your mind and your soul. The first form of prostitution allows a person to be in control of their own humanity and their own destiny, but the second is an example of someone voluntarily selling their humanity. One can be a prostitute and retain their dignity and self-respect, the other loses all self-respect and dignity, indeed their humanity. Which is the most immoral, which is the most despised by right-thinking people? It is self-evident. An intellectual prostitute is a truly despicable person, the kind of person who will happily torture a complete stranger in order to curry favour with their master. The sort who staffs and runs Guantanamo Bay, Auschwitz etc. The Farages and Trumps of the world are truly vile people who are shameless and pathological liars, but the people who we should really worry about are those who know full well what they are, but still follow them willingly. In Britain we have the Spider, a truly loathsome creature, but the real foulness of the Tories is embodied in the Prime Minister, a person who knows what she and her cohorts are doing, knows full well the damage they are doing, but does it anyway because she has the power to do so. Just as Santa Fe and Philadelphia must never submit to the bullying and dictates of the Trump administration, so must the Scots resist the bullying and dictates of the pigsty. There is hope, you have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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