Sunday, 19 March 2017

Its Official the Conservative Party is a criminal organisation

Again the Kommirat has been vindicated. I have repeatedly told you the Tories were liars and gangsters and now we have the evidence. The Electoral Commission has just fined the Conservative Party £70,000 for electoral fraud and has reported twelve constituency party organisations to the police. The Commission spoke of their regret that this was the limit they could go to under existing powers as they would have liked to have been able to apply even more swingeing penalties. The Commissions findings and its recommendations now has the potential to involve police investigations into twenty-one MPs as several of the constituencies boast more than one MP. We could therefore be facing several election results being declared void with the possibility of Tories going to jail. I won't be holding my breath though as the legal system is a class system in this country and therefore corrupt and it is likely that although criminality has taken place, no-one will be held responsible except for the collective penalty of the fine. The Electoral Commission sent a separate file to the police on the Tories former Treasurer Stephen Day for possible criminal offences relating to electoral fraud. However, true to form, the Prime Minister, who is becoming more and more ridiculous every day, appeared on national television telling us that the Tories had cooperated fully with the Electoral Commission in its investigations after the Commission delivered a damning report into how the Tories had sought to evade cooperating with it at every turn, delaying and refusing requests for information and data and forcing them to seek a court order requiring the Tories to comply with their own laws. Now, I remind you, this is the government seeking to avoid admitting their criminality. May is increasingly making Trump appear truthful and competent.

The Tories excuse when they were finally cornered would be funny were it not so serious. Everyone does it, they whined, not even trying to deny it any more. Now this becomes serious when you consider that these people are the lawmakers, the legislators who insist that people must be punished if they break the law and that there is never any excuse for breaking the law. As you know I am not one who subscribes to the notion that you must always obey the law, but I do subscribe to the idea that if you break the law you must take the consequences if you are caught. Laws are social artefacts that are simply a reflection of the people who have the power to sanction behaviour they disapprove of and in this class ridden society it is the most disagreeable and loathsome elements who normally exercise this power. However, this is not a case of someone caught in a wrongful act, this is corporate crime, a deliberate breach of the legislation that is designed to protect society from the illegal and dangerous violation of trust and the democratic processes by the powerful, by the very institution whose position in society is to protect us from such acts against the people. I am reminded of Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, writing in 1928 that "If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for the law. It invites every man to become a law unto himself. It invites anarchy." As Pliny the Younger wrote in the first century AD "The Prince is not over the law, but the law is over the Prince." As a result, the Tories have undermined trust and respect for both government and the law.

If a law is outdated, change it. If it is proven to be bad legislation, amend it. The government cannot simply act as if the law is for other people. In the United states, Russia, and now the UK, we have leaders who act as if they are the law. They seem to think that because they are in their position they can do whatever they like irrespective of law, constitutions, common decency or accountability. I have been warning you for many years now of the creeping authoritarianism we are facing throughout our several societies. As importantly we are led by people who are largely incompetent and lacking in intelligence. They compensate for their stupidity and mismanagement by bullying and persistent lying. Do not ever assume that because someone rises to the top they are there on merit or that they know what they are doing. In Britain they get there because of the class system and privilege. I would never get to the top because I am working class, did not attend a private school, Oxford or Cambridge. That is the criteria, it has nothing to do with ability or merit. I ask you, in what other decent and respectable society would Boris the Spider gain prominence? The man is a demonstrable imbecile, but he has the right pedigree, and, like Trump, genuinely thinks his background and position gives him the right to insult people, act like a thug, and we should all tug our forelock regardless of his behaviour. Why do the Scots want their independence? It is self-evident. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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