This may seem a bit over the top but I cannot become reconciled to the complete moral bankruptcy of the political class in todays modern world. I know that is a generalisation, but it is general enough to be a truism. What I mean is that there is an almost total absence of integrity, decency and self-respect within any politician of note. This situation is compounded by the morons who speak for them, and I mean morons because we have the repeated spectacle of politicians and their spokespeople debasing themselves and disgracing themselves on behalf of people who pay them to lie outrageously on their behalf. This scenario is common in both this country and the US. Donald Trump has openly attacked and defamed the judiciary, the press, the security services, the FBI and now the office of the president itself. He is systematically destroying the reputations of, and therefore attempting to destroy the people's confidence in, all of the principal reference points in the American political system. What he is producing is a widespread national situation of what sociology calls anomie, a state of normlessness. Such a situation is a precursor to an authoritarian state as an anomic populace will turn to a strongman to provide the security that has been systematically removed from them. Ironically, if they turn to Trump, they will seek such security from the person responsible for removing it in the first place.
Similarly, in Britain we have witnessed the systematic demonisation of the EU and the widespread political tactic of scapegoating to deflect the blame for the crisis we find ourselves in onto the institutions of the EU, immigrants, and increasingly the Scots. It never seems to occur to a gullible British public that the refugee crisis is our fault and our blind loyalty to the pigsty who helped create it. In Scotland we are witnessing the start of a ferocious propaganda campaign being launched against the possibility of a new independence campaign in the wake of the Brexit disaster. The neo-Nazi press is in full force at the moment, and I fear that it will probably work in the absence of an alternative major voice. Any lie will do as such people have voluntarily sold their soul, their dignity and their self-respect in an orgy of hatred. The repeated lies that we had to regain our country, that we had to control our borders, that we were being dictated to by a soulless and unelected bureaucracy etc. produced a similar sense of normlessness, that we were no longer Great Britain that we no longer knew who we were etc and so we turned to the real authors of our misfortunes to seek solutions because the decent people left in the country would not stoop to the level of the filth to combat their lying racist propaganda. In both Britain and the US we are seeing a deliberate and systemic assault on our human rights, both governments are poisoning our diplomatic relations with other nations and both are threatening our health and our future with their imbecilic denials of climate change. In classic anomic style, people no longer know what to believe and live in a constant climate of fear and uncertainty, governed by a moral and ethical vacuum.
The end product of this is authoritarianism as I have been warning about for the past five years. British government exhibits utter contempt for its own Parliament, and hatred towards its own people, particularly the Scots. American government appears to display utter contempt for everyone and everything. Both governments are led by compulsive and shameless liars and staffed by mindless morons who have sold their souls, prepared to publicly prostitute their minds, their intelligence and their dignity. Sexual prostitutes at least sell a form of pleasure and provide a service. Political prostitutes sell the electorate and the nation's integrity, wealth and resources, indeed its future, for their own perverted ends. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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