Well the real world is again coming around to the Kommirat view of things with the Guardian newspaper running a leader article decrying British government and society as cruel. Yesterday the Sunday papers ran articles showing how a recent government minister, a lady (well a female), called Nicky Morgan, has been writing on the Tory Party website warning that they are again being seen as the nasty party. This is a reference to a speech made by the Prime Minister, Theresa May herself, in 2002 when she described the Tories as the nasty party, telling the Conservative Party that their base was too narrow as were their sympathies. In her piece, Morgan highlighted a letter she had received from a Tory constituent who told her he could no longer support a party that was “hellbent on completely destroying, our relationship with our mainland European neighbours, on driving the NHS onto the rocks (or into the private sector?) and on closing our doors to migrants in desperate need of our humanity” As I have written before, not all Conservatives are stupid people, it is just that most stupid people are Conservatives (which of course is paraphrasing John Stuart Mill).
Morgan wrote how the Tories will have to start working hard to dispel the appearance that they know the price of everything and the value of nothing in the wake of their abandonment of humanity by stopping the Dubs child refugee scheme (I paused here to wonder if this person was aware that she was quoting Nikita Khrushchev, who of course is a kindred spirit of modern Tories). I have news for Ms Morgan, she is asking the impossible. Because of the Tories hate campaigns against Europe and immigrants we are witnessing a plethora of swastikas and white supremacist slogans appearing all over the place, particularly in the London Tube network, but more worryingly on university campuses and on synagogues and mosques (although this type of behaviour is relatively rare in Scotland which is, of course, much more civilised and intelligent than the rest of the UK). This type of activity has been bolstered by Trump and his rhetoric and the impression that it is now all right to vent your racist hatred and religious bigotry, especially as none of our leaders will condemn such behaviour. What is significant is that most of the blame for this state of affairs lies with the Tory press, particularly the Mail, the Express and the Sun, who run incessant campaigns against immigrants and foreigners in general. They have been responsible, in collusion with the government, for a serious hardening of hearts in this ghastly country, and remember, this is all quite deliberate and orchestrated. The British Home Office is staffed by some of the most odious individuals it is possible to imagine, people who delight in devising racist and cruel policies and feeding the Tory press lurid stories. The one shaft of sunlight is the decision by Liverpool football club to ban all Sun reporters from their facilities as a result of the "Total Eclipse of the Sun" campaign organised by Liverpool supporters. I can proudly say that I have never bought a Sun in my life. It is just a pity that they haven't included the Mail and the Express as well. As you will be aware, most shops in Liverpool will not sell the Sun because of its depraved conduct following the Hillsborough disaster. I am going to buy a Liverpool scarf. As I trust you understand, I am not anti-English, just anti-Westminster and anti-Tory. I despise Scottish Tories equally with their English counterparts. I have supported an English football team, Port Vale, for many years and go south to watch them regularly. I also occasionally watch an English team called Burnley when Vale is playing too far away for me to travel. I will now have to try to get to see Liverpool, only having seen them once before when they were playing Port Vale.
When I started writing this blog and reporting on zero-hours contracts, there were an estimated 250,000 people in Britain under this disgusting form of naked exploitation. Last year this had risen to 903,000 and it is expected that they will reach over one million by this summer coming. The average wage for such workers is £7.25 per hour, whilst the average wage for the executives of the UK's 100 largest stock market listed companies is £1000 per hour, 138 times what the average worker earns. That, in modern Britain is considered, not only acceptable, but what the Tory government calls "the right thing to do." I was going to write to Amber Rudd, our Eichmann clone of a Home Secretary, to ask her if, given that she believes accepting child refugees incentivises children from all over the place to become refugees, we should we stop paying unemployment benefit because it must surely incentivise people to give up their job in order to receive benefits, or disability benefit as it must surely incentivise people to seek a disability? I didn't write to her because I don't want to give such barbarians ideas that they would assuredly adopt. Britain, but particularly England, is becoming darker and more barbarian every day and the Tories are descending into a political hell. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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