Thursday, 23 February 2017

Rule Brittania, Brittania rules the hate.

I genuinely do not take pleasure in saying I told you so, but I feel that the main thrust of this blog since I began has been vindicated by Amnesty International's annual Report "The State of the World's Human Rights" published yesterday. I have been repeatedly warning that government's, obsessed with neoliberal free market economics, are determined to remove all of our human rights, indeed that was the subject of the book I published in 2013. In the Report, Salil Shetty, Secretary General of Amnesty International, said: “A new world order where human rights are portrayed as a barrier to national interests makes the ability to tackle mass atrocities dangerously low, leaving the door open to abuses reminiscent of the darkest times of humanity". Again commenting on a subject I have repeatedly warned about, the Report also slammed the British government for "grave or systematic violations of the rights of persons with disabilities." That is indeed perhaps the most shocking and shameful indictment of the pigsty, one of the things I have told you makes me ashamed to be British and why I no longer call myself British, I am a Scot. What is almost as bad however, is that very honourable and well-meaning people in organisations such as Amnesty International are only now wakening up to what I have been warning you about for the past five years. That is testimony to the hegemonic control that the neoliberal political and economic ideology has been exercising over our people.

As you will be aware, in the aftermath of the Brexit campaign a right-wing nationalist fanatic fatally shot a Labour MP Jo Cox in the street. Yesterday her husband Brendan made an appeal to people to resist the hate speech and divisive language that has become the norm in this country, telling us that this is not us, this is not an accurate reflection of the British people. Much as I admire Mr Cox and sympathise with his plight, I am afraid I must disagree with him. This is, unfortunately, all too accurate a picture of what the majority of people in the UK have become, goaded into hatred and resentment of foreigners, immigrants and the less fortunate in society by the tabloid press, led by the Daily Mail, and UKIP led by the odious Nigel Garbage, indeed the Great Garbage has been highlighted by Amnesty in their Report for his behaviour during the Brexit campaign. In this they have been ably supported by the nutcase factions within the Tory Party, such as Duncan-Smith, Gove, and of course our dearly beloved Spider who has once again made a complete fool of himself in a European Forum, telling the world's press that Brexit is a 'liberation' implying of course that we have been under occupation for the past 50 years. I was going to call him a halfwit, but that would be  too complimentary to him because if you had the ability to combine the intellects of the entire British government you would not manage to come up with a halfwit

Since Brexit we have had our excuse for a Prime Minister railing against all and everything connected to the EU and damning it on a daily basis. As I have told you before, dear Mrs May is a genuine thicko who is making it up as she goes along. We have even had the spectacle of this parody for a politician threatening the House Of Lords with extinction if it dares to exercise its constitutional duty by holding her Brexit agenda to scrutiny and to account. As I have again repeatedly warned you, this country is sliding ever inexorably into an authoritarian state and that has now become so obvious that even some of the more timid of the Tories are speaking about it. We had a report in the Guardian about senior Tories warning that they are afraid that 'there will be blood on the streets before too long' if this government does not relent in its war against its own people. We are now characterised by hate, by callousness and a form of cruelty. I invite anyone to log on to the Independent newspaper website and read the comments below the line in any political article. It will really shock you, and is strange for a paper like the Independent which is quite responsible (except when it comes to Scotland).

It is an axiom of business that shop floor attitudes and culture are a reflection of the management, as personnel policies are determined at the top and are reflected down throughout the organisation. In Theresa May and her gangster government we have some of the most callous and cruel personnel imaginable, and this is now being reflected by an increasingly intolerant electorate. Today in a debate in the pigsty on the government's decision to halt all refugee children a Tory MP, Pauline Latham, told us that we should stop being so sentimental about these children, telling the pigsty that if children were living in “rat-infested” shelters with no mattresses in Greece, that was not Britain’s concern. Now I ask you, if you cannot get sentimental about homeless and parentless children, living in makeshift camps in the middle of a European winter with no end in sight to their tragic situation, then we really have abandoned all humanity and pretence of civilisation. That is the reality of the governing class in modern Christian Britain. This is Thatcher's legacy. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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