Monday, 27 February 2017

A Hard Brexit? bring it on

I expect I will come in for a fair bit of criticism for this post because I have to admit I am getting quite animated by the prospect of Brexit, but for reasons that most people will not agree with. Let me begin with noting how Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, regaled the Scottish Labour Party conference on how nationalism and racism are really the same thing. Now, Sadiq Khan is as familiar with Scotland as I am with London, I have visited the place five times in my life which is five times too many. London is as familiar to me as Paris, and I have never been in France. The honourable Mr Khan shows how the English elite have not a scooby doo about Scotland and Scottish politics. I have repeatedly admitted on this blog that I support the SNP and Scottish independence but I am not a nationalist by any stretch of the imagination. Most of the people who voted Yes in the Scottish referendum are the same. Our support for the SNP and independence is a disgust with, and a rejection of, the Westminster pigsty, and we are fortunate that we have an alternative to the Westminster filth, an alternative that is predominantly working class. Most of the people that Mr Khan assumes are flirting with racism are traditional Labour supporters who simply refuse to associate any longer with, or support, the odious party that he represents, the party of illegal rendition, of warmongers, torturers, and neoliberal imbeciles who presided over the banking crash. In Scotland voting for the Tories is like voting for the Black Death and the Liberal Democrats are simply a joke. In other words, voting for the SNP is a mechanism to cleanse our political system and our nation and start afresh.

Now we may not get independence, but every utterance by clowns like the honourable Mr Khan makes it more likely. Wedded to the idea of unionism with the rest of the UK, the Scottish Labour Party becomes an increasing irrelevance and because of their impotence, we will probably see a rise in the Tory vote because unionists have nowhere else to go. Again, an increase in support for the Tories is another likely move towards independence. Labour's only hope in Scotland is to oppose Brexit and adopt support for independence and they have neither the intelligence nor the courage to do so.

I have told you that I consider Prime Minister May as quite stupid, a perfect example of well-schooled but not well-educated. Every day she does more to cement my opinion of her as she is like an unguided missile, offending almost everyone who matters in the EU and hardening their stance on negotiations for Brexit. As a result we are likely to see what the pigsty calls a hard Brexit with very few concessions made by the EU. This result will be brought about by the pigsty's sheer arrogance and affrontery. Ms May is like someone who buys a ticket for a train journey and then insists that not only should the train go where she wants it to, but that she must be allowed to drive it. If the Tories continue with their present strategy then Brexit will be a disaster, and that is the conclusion of most of the people who specialise in European politics, I do not claim any originality here. As a result, this also brings independence closer for the Scots. What the Sadiq Khan's of the world fail to grasp is that Brexiteers are the real nationalists, the foreign haters, the Little Englanders who quite genuinely believe that Britain still matters, that it is important, with a culture and identity that is being daily bastardised by the invading hordes. It will take a disaster and a national crisis to make such people realise what they have done. The dry rot is everywhere in the building but the house will have to collapse before they even recognise something is wrong, but with a bit of courage and self-confidence Scotland will avoid such a fate. I will finish with a reminder of how Britain is becoming ever more barbarous. A lady of Singaporean origin who has lived in this country for 30 years, married to a British gentleman, with two children and grandchildren from the marriage has just been detained in a centre and then unceremoniously bundled onto a plane and sent back to Singapore without being allowed to see her husband and children. Her crime? She spent too long on a return to Singapore caring for her dying mother. The British are of course a Christian people, motivated by love, compassion and charity, and governed by the rule of law and justice. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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