Monday, 5 December 2016

If Conservatives are Christians then heaven and hell are the same place

Sarah Palin has told us that god intervened in the American Presidential election and describes herself as a Bible believing Christian. If that is the case then god must have a peculiar sense of humour. I was then left wondering if she thinks that god must have intervened to prevent her from becoming Vice-President and if he/she prefers a male imbecile in the White House to a female imbecile. My last reflection in this area was being reminded that Hitler also believed that he had been chosen by whatever he imagined was god. So, if Sarah Palin's god is the god of Christianity she can keep him/her.

I then began to reflect on all those people who call themselves Christian, especially the ones who go into politics but never go into a church. I read an article about a group of Tories being described as Christians and members of something called the Conservative Christian Fellowship. Now, most of the people I have met in my life who boasted of being Christian were some of the most highly hypocritical and at root, nasty people I have ever met, people who were the most brazen liars imaginable. The Christians I have met always claim to love the sinner but hate the sin, but in my experience it's the other way round. They hate the sinner but absolutely love the sin. Two of the kindest, most generous and loving people I have ever met were both gay men who were despised and held in contempt by the good Christian people I knew, not for who they were, but for what they were. If there is such a thing as a good Christian, then my two friends are definitely candidates, despite what the official Christians I know say about them. The Christian never even attempted to look for the character, only for 'the sinner' despite the fact that the Christian clergy is riddled with gay men and women, and if I ever need conformation as to the shallowness of the average Christian I only need to look at people like Sarah Palin, or those good Christian Tories who infest the pigsty. However, I feel that if you are a Bible believing person, then it is not possible to be a political conservative.

If we are to take Christianity at face value and separate it from those who practice it, there are some fundamentals that even a cursory understanding of Christianity must highlight. As I just alluded to, it must show how a Christian and a modern Conservative (whether British or American) are mutually exclusive. The first thing that springs to mind is the instruction in the Bible to love thy neighbour. Now I have searched the Bible and can find no reference to the instruction that this only applies if your neighbour is not an immigrant, or a Mexican, or a Muslim, or that your neighbour must be white, or indeed must be Christian. As the Brexit campaign highlighted, Tories, indeed all right-wingers I have ever met, hate their neighbours with a passion, they hate foreigners of every description, but particularly those who are not white. They also hate their own kind if they are poor, disabled, unemployed etc. A Tory is the antithesis of a Good Samaritan; whilst the Samaritan is tending to the sick and injured the Tory is going through their belongings, stealing their wealth while charging them for any assistance they need. My experience tells me that Christians have a capacity for hate that is quite awesome. If god is indeed a Christian then he/she keeps very unfortunate company.

I do not wish to burden you with a recital of what are supposed to be Christian values as I am sure you are all more familiar with them than I am, but I will make the observation that the last thing Britain and America are, are Christian countries. For example, there are many instructions in the Bible concerning 'the stranger within thy gates' and none of them refer to demonising such people as we demonise our immigrants. There are instructions on the welfare of the poor and needy etc. instructions we used to at least pay lip service to but have long ago abandoned. What characterises today's societies that have adopted the free market ideological narrative is their complete indifference to ethical behaviour and common decency. The biggest culprits are the British who are shameless in their greed, inequality and mendacity. In their claims to be Christian, they must also be the world leaders in self-delusion and hypocrisy. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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