I warned you some time ago about the Tory MP Sajid Javid, who has risen to stardom as a result of trying to out right-wing even the most right-wing free market fundamentalists. An example of rising to the top despite a staggeringly limited intellect, he has come up with the brilliant idea of requiring all persons who secure employment in the public sector to pledge an oath to uphold British values, foremost amongst which he cites democracy, tolerance, and equality. This is from a British Tory MP, you genuinely couldn't make it up; it is farce of the highest order. This is to counteract the evil influence of foreigners and immigrants who are swamping the public sector and stealing all the good British people's jobs and undermining our great British way of life with their foreign and therefore inferior values, people presumably like Mr Javid's immigrant family. As I have said before here, there will never be a lack of irony in this unfortunate country as long as people like him are prominent. Think about that, democracy, tolerance and equality, all concepts that are almost completely absent from British society thanks to people like Sajid Javid and his mates. If anyone should be forced to take such an oath it should be all those in the pigsty.
I decided to post this because I saw this cretin on the news immediately after having watched a programme about the Third Reich that had shown footage of the German Army and the SS collectively taking the Fuhrer Oath and I was reminded that such behaviour is symptomatic of authoritarian and tyrannical regimes. In addition, as I have posted here before, there is no longer such a thing as a United Kingdom in the sense that there is a united entity that shares a common set of goals and values. I would be deeply offended to be classified as sharing a universality with any of the Westminster gang of whatever party, so there is no possibility of me taking an oath to uphold any values that are held by the British elite, or even their middle-class useful idiots. But we should consider what this offensive clown is actually proposing. Tolerance as a British value? We have just witnessed two years since the beginning on the EU referendum campaign of the most outrageous propaganda against foreigners. The majority opinion has demonstrated the British to be amongst the most intolerant people in the western world. Our papers were, and still are, full of racist and hate mongering propaganda. But the British don't stop at foreigners and immigrants. They hate their own people if they are workers and union members as our political class and our newspapers are filled with anti-union and anti-working class bile and hatred on a daily basis. They hate the disabled and the disadvantaged. If the British represent anything it is intolerance. Of course many people think like I do and the British are not all like that, but a significant enough majority do support such hatred and intolerance, do support the Tories and the Farages of the world, and do buy the Mail and the Express who encourage this vile characteristic to be dominant.
It also beggars belief that any member of the political class, but especially a Tory, can stand up in public and advocate equality as a British value with a straight face. All statistical evidence shows Britain to be the most unequal country in the developed world. We have inequality on an Olympian scale with obscene levels throughout our whole society. Inequality in Britain transcends far more than wealth, it is manifest in opportunity, in gender, race and ethnicity. It is regional and of course is most graphic in social class inequalities. In Britain you can be judged by your regional accent and one of the greatest influence of the Beatles was not in music, but in culture, in forcing people to come to terms with a Liverpool accent and from the fact that Britain did not cease to be civilised outside of London and the Home Counties. Who can ever forget John Lennon telling the people in the cheap seats at the London Palladium to applaud by clapping their hands and the Queen and her entourage to rattle their jewellery.
I will not comment on the wonderful Sajid's claim for recognition of British democracy as I have fulminated over this farcical claim many times on this blog. For example, the pigsty and its press endlessly accuse people who challenge the Brexit result as seeking to deny the will of the British people. I remind you, the referendum vote for leaving the EU was 51.9% of a 72.2% turnout. This gives the leave vote 37.5% of the British electorate. However, in the fevered imaginations of the pigsty, this 37.5% represents the 'settled will of the people' to quote our illustrious Prime Minister. However, in Scotland 62% of a 67.2% turnout voted to remain which means that 41.5% of the Scots voted to remain. This cuts no ice with our dedicated democrats in the pigsty however, despite the fact that many people voted to remain part of the UK in the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 because they were assured that the only way they could remain members of the EU was to vote No. If people like Sajid Javid did not exist we would have to invent them. They are a continuing reminder how vile our ruling elite are and how out of touch London and the pigsty are with reality. This post is too long and for that I apologise, but you have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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