I was motivated to post this following a programme I listened to discussing the government's appeal against the Court's decision to require the government to consult Parliament before triggering Article 50 announcing our intention to leave the EU. The BBC interviewed several people in a street in London who all cheerfully denounced the court for attempting to thwart the will of the people, who had all voted to leave, but who all confessed to not having a clue about politics. We have had the spectacle of the Daily Mail publishing the names and addresses, incomes, background and the value of their property, of all eleven Supreme Court judges. This is following on from branding them the enemies of the people. Now if this is not an act of pure hatred and fascist politics then someone will have to tell me what it is. This is getting dangerous and threatens, not only democracy and the rule of law, but the very foundations of the British political system.
Any non-British person who takes an interest in British politics and current affairs must look on in disbelief at the character and the total unprofessionalism of British politicians and of a tabloid press that is quite seriously beginning to look like Germany in the 1930's. We voted to leave the EU in June, and in December, every foreign politician who has been required to negotiate with our government reports how completely at sea they are and devoid of any idea of what they are hoping to achieve except to have all of the benefits they enjoyed whilst being members of the EU, but none of the responsibilities. Foreign politicians respond with incredulity at the ignorance and stupidity of Britain's leading political figures who are demanding what every EU politician repeatedly tells them is quite impossible. If those of you reading this are keeping up to date with British current affairs you will know I am not exaggerating. I was watching an interview with a leading EU diplomat who summed our position up as how we are insisting on a divorce but demanding to keep the house, all the money and all the assets.
What is evident is that none of our political class did any homework before they embarked on the most important exercise in British politics since World War Two. They reveal daily that they really don't know how the EU works or what membership actually entails. But what is most revealing is that they are now demonstrating their entire case was founded on what I and many others told you during the campaign were a pack of lies. They are now seriously telling us that we may pay to stay in the single market. These are the people who campaigned for six months on a message that when we left the EU we would save at least £350 million per week that would be invested in the NHS and are now telling us that we are prepared to pay even more to stay, not in the whole EU, but only in the single market. This is genuinely verging on insanity and they are getting away with it because all of the people who voted leave are now happily admitting that they know absolutely nothing about politics and voted to halt immigration, simples. But of course these good people are not racist, perish the thought and are only following the excellent example of their immigrant hating Eton and Oxbridge educated betters, Boris the Spider who was born in the USA and whose family are immigrants, Nigel Garbage whose wife is an immigrant, Michael Gove whose wife is an immigrant etc. etc. If hypocrisy was an Olympic sport British politicians would sweep the medal board. We are in a dark place and its going to get worse as our leaders incompetence translates into crisis. At least we have the possibility in Scotland of independence. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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