Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Tory road to slavery

The Conservative Party revel in the moniker of the nasty party and, true to form, they just keep getting nastier. People take issue with me when I suggest that the Tories have a longterm plan to reintroduce modern forms of slavery, but George Osborne just took another tentative step yesterday at the Tory Conference when he floated his plans for workers to surrender their employment rights in return for shares in the company. This measure also reveals their hatred for any form of collective endevour and their obsession with individualism. You see, no-one has the right to surrender their employment rights as, employment rights are collective, and, if such rights are to be changed, and/or renegotiated, that process should be conducted collectively. They are rights that have been fought for, and won, on behalf of the collectivity of working people and should only be altered by the same process. Osborne calculates, probably quite correctly, that if he can get one person to surrender their rights, then that will provide the opportunity for divide and conquer amongst working people and reduce the resistance to full-throttled slavery in large parts of the nation's workforce, which is the Conservative long-term goal.

Anyone seriously considering this plan had better tread carefully. Should the firm you invest your life in go bust, you will be left with no redress whatsoever, holding a load of worthless shares and having surrendered your rights to redundancy pay and unfair dismissal. Should your employer sell the firm you are again left with no protection against an incoming employer whose trademark practice today is to immediately sack all existing workers and make them all apply for their own jobs. You won't even have the backing or support of a trade union when you are left unemployed holding a miserable handful of shares that are probably worthless as they will be the shares of the firm that has just gone out of business, not the shares of the firm that takes over. This is a modern form of bonded servitude that ties you to a master for life, and is the result of the thinking of the venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft who presented a programme for modern slavery to the Tories last year. Beecroft has argued for the removal of all employment rights as it is employment rights that are holding the economy back and preventing economic recovery. That's right, its not the banks refusal to release money, its not the obvious incompetence of Chancellor Osborne, its not the government's scorched earth economic policies that are holding back economic recovery, its employment rights, simples! You genuinely could not make it up.

The modern Conservatives have become dangerously divorced from reality and are fixated on class warfare. Their hatred and loathing for working people and the disadvantaged in society has reached levels that are completely unacceptable, and its no use looking to Labour for relief as they are just as contemptuous of the poor and the working class as demonstrated by their leader Miliband who continually tells the Tory voting public he hopes to capture at the next election to get him into Downing Street how much he hates the unions.

As I continually say, you get what you vote for. If you proceed down this route, you will end up with no employment protection whatsoever and employers will be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and you will be completely at their mercy. If that is not a form of slavery then I don't know what it is. So, if you're happy to see other working people losing all their rights and being reduced to a modern form of slavery, think again, 'cos after that, you're next!

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