Saturday 20 October 2012

Scotland has the chance to be free

Finally the Scots are being given the chance to escape the corruption and class warfare of the Westminster political system. Westminster is beyond reform under the present system as the two main parties are agreed on the terms of reference under which British politics is conducted and their are no meaningful alternatives on offer. The Labour Party is as riddled with hatred of  working people and their representatives in the union movement as the Tories have ever been and the Scots have now got the chance to redress the balance.

Since Blair became Labour leader no Labour spokesman has ever conceded that working people are justified in taking industrial action for any reason. Labour are 110% behind employers and managers and are the enemy of working people. Ed Miliband never misses the chance to put the boot into the union movement and refuses point blank to support working people in any form of conflict with employers. As far as Labour is concerned employers have the right to do whatever they want whenever they want, and working people had better accept it.

As a result, the working class in the UK have no relief in sight from the onslaught of neoliberal austerity and will have no support from any section of the Westminster political class in their efforts to protect their rights, terms and conditions. Only by removing themselves from the UK have the Scottish people any prospect of meaningful change. As I have said in previous posts, the ruling elite in the UK are slowly introducing modern forms of slavery and Labour is as culpable in this as the Tories. This admittedly leaves the rest of the UK working people to the mercies of Westminster, but that is not reason enough for the Scots to pass up the chance of demonstrating an alternative and saving themselves. The Scots cannot afford to wait for the rest of the UK to waken up!

Westminster is alarmingly divorced from reality and has a complete disconnect from the rest of British society and I despair of the UK electorate being able to challenge this situation as they have no meaningful alternatives on offer. The only challenge I see emerging will be further riots and social disruption caused by the misery that is still to come from the results of government policy, and that is something that Scotland can avoid if they have the courage to grasp the opportunity. Scotland therefore does have a meaningful alternative, a non-violent and democratic alternative that can give them real control over their destiny and save them from the coming destruction of British society and the economic slavery that will be the inevitable result of Westminster's obsession with class and neoliberal ideology. I trust that the Scots will break their traditional allegiance to the Labour Party and see them for what they really are, their enemy!

Yours Sincerely

Doktor Kommirat

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