Wednesday 24 October 2012

Government illegality

I note an interesting development with regard to the British government and the European Court of Human Rights. The government is refusing to comply with a legal obligation they have by refusing point blank to give prisoners in British jails the right to vote in elections. In addition, they, true to form, are lying to the British people.

The Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, has advised the government that it has a legal obligation to comply with the Court's ruling, but Cameron is boasting that whilst he is Prime Minister no prisoner will ever get a vote.

What the Court has actually ruled is that a blanket ban on all prisoners being allowed to vote is illegal under European law, and is allowing the British government discretion on how they implement this ruling. They have not insisted that all prisoners should be allowed to vote as the Tories are claiming, just that they cannot simply refuse every prisoner because they don't like them. This Tory government decision classes people in jail for motoring offences or acts of civil disobedience in the same category as rapists and murderers. In addition, this decision by the British puts them in breach of the European Convention on human rights and means they are acting illegally as they are signatories to the Convention and the convention is an international legal obligation.

Thus, the British government is signalling to everyone in the UK that it is OK to break the law if you don't agree with it or you don't like it, simples! What this tells us is, that, following the example of crazy Tony, Cameron is telling us that he has no intention of being bound by legal obligations that he doesn't agree with. The problem is that there are many people in the UK who don't agree with much of the legal obligations incumbent on them as a result of British law. What the government is doing is creating a legal precedent that may come back to haunt them. So much for the great party of law and order, like Osborne taking a first-class seat on a second class ticket, such laws are for the little people. The British elite are destroying this country by their incompetence and their arrogance far more effectively than any amount of terrorist bombs ever could. How can anyone regard this loathsome crew with anything other than utter contempt?

Yours Sincerely
Doktor Kommirat

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