Thursday, 25 October 2012

Our ruling elite just keep getting more and more arrogant and out of touch. If that was not bad enough, they keep peddling hatred and targeting vulnerable goups in society as scapegoats for their own incompetence and criminality. One Tory member of the House of Lords, a certain Lord Bichard is now demanding that Britain's pensioners be put on workfare programmes, so that if they are not making some kind of 'positive input' into the life of the nation then they will lose their benefits. This is the same thinking that demands that people who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer be made to find work if they have been given over six months to live. It genuinely beggars belief. The government is consciously targeting vulnerable groups, such as pensioners, the sick, the disabled, the unemployed and people on welfare benefits and creating a climate of hatred and resentment towards them, branding them as 'scroungers' and 'lazy' and a drain on the nation's economy, in order that they can initiate discriminatory and financially penal policies on them; this is a complementary set of policies to their policies designed to gradually beggar and enslave the working class. The Conservative policies have been designed to transfer as much of the nation's wealth as possible from the poorest to the richest since the early 1980's.

This aristocratic parasite Lord Bichard asked the question  “Are we using all of the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people not just to be a negative burden on the state but actually be a positive part of society?” This clown was a senior civil servant who retired at age 54 on a publicly funded pension estimated at £150,000 a year. This is a parasite whose entire life was spent being kept at the taxpayers expense and whose retirement is similarly financed. As a result, this loathsome idiot is one of the biggest burden's on the state imaginable. His retirement is being financed by a state pension and parliamentary allowances that are all funded by taxpayers, but, in his opinion anyone on a state pension of  £5,300 a year is a negative burden. He should be removed from our nation's decision-making process with immediate effect.
The bulk of today's pensioners are people who started work at age 15 and sometimes younger, and worked till they were at least 65, paying a substantial part of their income over those 50 years into a national insurance scheme in order that they can receive a pension when they retire. Another idiot, the Scottish Labour leader, Johann Lamont, referred to such people as creating a 'something for nothing society' on the orders of the national Labour leadership. National Insurance is a system of deferred wages and the state pension is simply people getting the wages they have already earned when they get older and retire instead of receiving them when they were working. They are in fact getting nothing for nothing, and these lying political scumbags know that.
The Westminster parliament has outlived its usefulness and is now the demonstrable enemy of the mass of the British population. It must be reformed root and branch as a matter of priority!
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Government illegality

I note an interesting development with regard to the British government and the European Court of Human Rights. The government is refusing to comply with a legal obligation they have by refusing point blank to give prisoners in British jails the right to vote in elections. In addition, they, true to form, are lying to the British people.

The Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, has advised the government that it has a legal obligation to comply with the Court's ruling, but Cameron is boasting that whilst he is Prime Minister no prisoner will ever get a vote.

What the Court has actually ruled is that a blanket ban on all prisoners being allowed to vote is illegal under European law, and is allowing the British government discretion on how they implement this ruling. They have not insisted that all prisoners should be allowed to vote as the Tories are claiming, just that they cannot simply refuse every prisoner because they don't like them. This Tory government decision classes people in jail for motoring offences or acts of civil disobedience in the same category as rapists and murderers. In addition, this decision by the British puts them in breach of the European Convention on human rights and means they are acting illegally as they are signatories to the Convention and the convention is an international legal obligation.

Thus, the British government is signalling to everyone in the UK that it is OK to break the law if you don't agree with it or you don't like it, simples! What this tells us is, that, following the example of crazy Tony, Cameron is telling us that he has no intention of being bound by legal obligations that he doesn't agree with. The problem is that there are many people in the UK who don't agree with much of the legal obligations incumbent on them as a result of British law. What the government is doing is creating a legal precedent that may come back to haunt them. So much for the great party of law and order, like Osborne taking a first-class seat on a second class ticket, such laws are for the little people. The British elite are destroying this country by their incompetence and their arrogance far more effectively than any amount of terrorist bombs ever could. How can anyone regard this loathsome crew with anything other than utter contempt?

Yours Sincerely
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Scotland has the chance to be free

Finally the Scots are being given the chance to escape the corruption and class warfare of the Westminster political system. Westminster is beyond reform under the present system as the two main parties are agreed on the terms of reference under which British politics is conducted and their are no meaningful alternatives on offer. The Labour Party is as riddled with hatred of  working people and their representatives in the union movement as the Tories have ever been and the Scots have now got the chance to redress the balance.

Since Blair became Labour leader no Labour spokesman has ever conceded that working people are justified in taking industrial action for any reason. Labour are 110% behind employers and managers and are the enemy of working people. Ed Miliband never misses the chance to put the boot into the union movement and refuses point blank to support working people in any form of conflict with employers. As far as Labour is concerned employers have the right to do whatever they want whenever they want, and working people had better accept it.

As a result, the working class in the UK have no relief in sight from the onslaught of neoliberal austerity and will have no support from any section of the Westminster political class in their efforts to protect their rights, terms and conditions. Only by removing themselves from the UK have the Scottish people any prospect of meaningful change. As I have said in previous posts, the ruling elite in the UK are slowly introducing modern forms of slavery and Labour is as culpable in this as the Tories. This admittedly leaves the rest of the UK working people to the mercies of Westminster, but that is not reason enough for the Scots to pass up the chance of demonstrating an alternative and saving themselves. The Scots cannot afford to wait for the rest of the UK to waken up!

Westminster is alarmingly divorced from reality and has a complete disconnect from the rest of British society and I despair of the UK electorate being able to challenge this situation as they have no meaningful alternatives on offer. The only challenge I see emerging will be further riots and social disruption caused by the misery that is still to come from the results of government policy, and that is something that Scotland can avoid if they have the courage to grasp the opportunity. Scotland therefore does have a meaningful alternative, a non-violent and democratic alternative that can give them real control over their destiny and save them from the coming destruction of British society and the economic slavery that will be the inevitable result of Westminster's obsession with class and neoliberal ideology. I trust that the Scots will break their traditional allegiance to the Labour Party and see them for what they really are, their enemy!

Yours Sincerely

Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


I apologise profusely for my last post, as I forgot to sign it and misspelled 'endeavour.' I really will have to proof read my posts before publishing them.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

The Tory road to slavery

The Conservative Party revel in the moniker of the nasty party and, true to form, they just keep getting nastier. People take issue with me when I suggest that the Tories have a longterm plan to reintroduce modern forms of slavery, but George Osborne just took another tentative step yesterday at the Tory Conference when he floated his plans for workers to surrender their employment rights in return for shares in the company. This measure also reveals their hatred for any form of collective endevour and their obsession with individualism. You see, no-one has the right to surrender their employment rights as, employment rights are collective, and, if such rights are to be changed, and/or renegotiated, that process should be conducted collectively. They are rights that have been fought for, and won, on behalf of the collectivity of working people and should only be altered by the same process. Osborne calculates, probably quite correctly, that if he can get one person to surrender their rights, then that will provide the opportunity for divide and conquer amongst working people and reduce the resistance to full-throttled slavery in large parts of the nation's workforce, which is the Conservative long-term goal.

Anyone seriously considering this plan had better tread carefully. Should the firm you invest your life in go bust, you will be left with no redress whatsoever, holding a load of worthless shares and having surrendered your rights to redundancy pay and unfair dismissal. Should your employer sell the firm you are again left with no protection against an incoming employer whose trademark practice today is to immediately sack all existing workers and make them all apply for their own jobs. You won't even have the backing or support of a trade union when you are left unemployed holding a miserable handful of shares that are probably worthless as they will be the shares of the firm that has just gone out of business, not the shares of the firm that takes over. This is a modern form of bonded servitude that ties you to a master for life, and is the result of the thinking of the venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft who presented a programme for modern slavery to the Tories last year. Beecroft has argued for the removal of all employment rights as it is employment rights that are holding the economy back and preventing economic recovery. That's right, its not the banks refusal to release money, its not the obvious incompetence of Chancellor Osborne, its not the government's scorched earth economic policies that are holding back economic recovery, its employment rights, simples! You genuinely could not make it up.

The modern Conservatives have become dangerously divorced from reality and are fixated on class warfare. Their hatred and loathing for working people and the disadvantaged in society has reached levels that are completely unacceptable, and its no use looking to Labour for relief as they are just as contemptuous of the poor and the working class as demonstrated by their leader Miliband who continually tells the Tory voting public he hopes to capture at the next election to get him into Downing Street how much he hates the unions.

As I continually say, you get what you vote for. If you proceed down this route, you will end up with no employment protection whatsoever and employers will be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and you will be completely at their mercy. If that is not a form of slavery then I don't know what it is. So, if you're happy to see other working people losing all their rights and being reduced to a modern form of slavery, think again, 'cos after that, you're next!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Why on earth do the unions support people who hate them?

Ed Miliband and the Labour Party just keep on showing us how contemptuous and dismissive they are of working people and the poor of this country and their hatred of the trades unions. Every address he has made to the Labour conference (who of course enthusiastically applaud him) since he became leader has contained some reference to why working people should never take any form of industrial action to defend their terms and conditions of service in the face of open government warfare against working people and the poor. He also determinedly refuses to give any assurances that Labour will take measures that will protect working people and so remove the need for industrial action. In 13 years in government in which Miliband was a minister during some of this period, Labour never lifted a finger to alter any of the Tories draconian anti-union legisation, and Miliband quite clearly has no intention of doing so either.Why the unions continue to bankroll these clowns is a complete mystery as they have been quite open about their contempt and loathing for working people and the unions since Blair and his cronies took over. Labour is now a party of the rich and has been taken over by careerists who have graduated from the elite university system and are well schooled in the delights of free market neoliberalism. Miliband himself and some of his circle have links to Harvard University and so are fully committed to the neoliberal agenda. What Miliband and Labour are offering the British people, is not relief from the neoliberal experiment and its attendant economic and social misery, but a promise that they will apply it more in a more humane and, in Miliband's words 'responsible' manner. I trust the British people will note that in the 5 years since the start of the economic crisis, Labour has still to come up with a policy to deal with gangster bankers.

This attitude is compounded by Labour in Scotland who regard people who have worked all their lives and paid thousands into national insurance schemes over their working lives as scroungers who are part of what the Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont calls a something for nothing culture. Lamont is obviously loyally obeying instructions from the Westminster Labour elite. The notion that Scottish Labour has something resembling a mind of their own would be laughable were it not so serious for the Scottish electorate. Labour are clearly setting their stall out to capture the Daily Mail, Daily Express reading public and the middle class who they think will abandon the Lib Dems and the Tories, and working on the assumption that the working classes in both England and Scotland will line up in their millions to vote for them regardless of how they are treated. In Scotland they may well find that they get what the Scots refer to as a 'gunk.' There may well be a debate to be had over the issues of free care for the elderly and free bus passes, but these arrogant cretins are seriously out of order by telling the elderly they are getting something for nothing.

Labour have abandoned the working classes, and don't even pretend to represent working people any longer. At least with the Tories the poor know they will get stuffed, but they expect better from Labour. They are in for a gunk with this lot!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat