Our ruling elite just keep getting more and more arrogant and out of touch. If that was not bad enough, they keep peddling hatred and targeting vulnerable goups in society as scapegoats for their own incompetence and criminality. One Tory member of the House of Lords, a certain Lord Bichard is now demanding that Britain's pensioners be put on workfare programmes, so that if they are not making some kind of 'positive input' into the life of the nation then they will lose their benefits. This is the same thinking that demands that people who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer be made to find work if they have been given over six months to live. It genuinely beggars belief. The government is consciously targeting vulnerable groups, such as pensioners, the sick, the disabled, the unemployed and people on welfare benefits and creating a climate of hatred and resentment towards them, branding them as 'scroungers' and 'lazy' and a drain on the nation's economy, in order that they can initiate discriminatory and financially penal policies on them; this is a complementary set of policies to their policies designed to gradually beggar and enslave the working class. The Conservative policies have been designed to transfer as much of the nation's wealth as possible from the poorest to the richest since the early 1980's.
This aristocratic parasite Lord Bichard asked the question “Are we using all of the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people not just to be a negative burden on the state but actually be a positive part of society?” This clown was a senior civil servant who retired at age 54 on a publicly funded pension estimated at £150,000 a year. This is a parasite whose entire life was spent being kept at the taxpayers expense and whose retirement is similarly financed. As a result, this loathsome idiot is one of the biggest burden's on the state imaginable. His retirement is being financed by a state pension and parliamentary allowances that are all funded by taxpayers, but, in his opinion anyone on a state pension of £5,300 a year is a negative burden. He should be removed from our nation's decision-making process with immediate effect.
The bulk of today's pensioners are people who started work at age 15 and sometimes younger, and worked till they were at least 65, paying a substantial part of their income over those 50 years into a national insurance scheme in order that they can receive a pension when they retire. Another idiot, the Scottish Labour leader, Johann Lamont, referred to such people as creating a 'something for nothing society' on the orders of the national Labour leadership. National Insurance is a system of deferred wages and the state pension is simply people getting the wages they have already earned when they get older and retire instead of receiving them when they were working. They are in fact getting nothing for nothing, and these lying political scumbags know that.This aristocratic parasite Lord Bichard asked the question “Are we using all of the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people not just to be a negative burden on the state but actually be a positive part of society?” This clown was a senior civil servant who retired at age 54 on a publicly funded pension estimated at £150,000 a year. This is a parasite whose entire life was spent being kept at the taxpayers expense and whose retirement is similarly financed. As a result, this loathsome idiot is one of the biggest burden's on the state imaginable. His retirement is being financed by a state pension and parliamentary allowances that are all funded by taxpayers, but, in his opinion anyone on a state pension of £5,300 a year is a negative burden. He should be removed from our nation's decision-making process with immediate effect.
The Westminster parliament has outlived its usefulness and is now the demonstrable enemy of the mass of the British population. It must be reformed root and branch as a matter of priority!
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat