Friday, 28 December 2012

2013? Look out!

Its been almost three weeks since I last posted and for anyone who is kind enough to read this blog I do apologise for such a barren interval. Anyway, seasons greetings to you all and I hope you have a very good and enjoyable festive season.

The main reason I haven't posted is that I have been in a state of some despair about the current social and poliotical situation and find the attitude of the general public difficult to both accept and to understand. The gutter tabloids have been full of their usual bile and hatred towards the unemployed and people on benefits and these attitudes are becoming the norm thoughout the population. We are actually in the quite unbelievable situation where the victims of the criminality and greed of our elite are being successfully portrayed as the criminals. The government's policies are now starting to kill people, particularly the disabled who cannot cope with the consequences of the government's hatred of them and their persistent demonisation of the most vulnerable in society, and the statistics for hate crimes against such people have never been higher.

The government and the gutter tabloids consistently attack anyone who does not, or cannot work as useless and a parasite. They insist that anyone who can breathe and get out of bed in the morning is not only fit for work, but will get a job if they only bother to look for one. If you are not working you are a burden on society and you should be ashamed of yourself as everyine else is fed up looking after you. In Nazi Germany, they had a term for the disabled and people who could not work, they called them ballastexistenzen or human ballast that should be cast overboard when they become too much of a burden on the rest of society. Such people were called useless eaters as they were consuming valuable resources and not giving anything back. As a result, the proper policy towards such people was to simply exterminate them as you were obviously doing the rest of us a favour. By persistently encouraging hatred and contempt for the unfortunate in our society, the British elite are following the same kind of policy. When I contemplate the coalition government's social and economic policies, the term arbeit macht frei springs to mind. The UK has lost its soul, and is losing its sense of humanity. Over half a million British children are being fed from food parcels whilst the elite earn money that they cannot possibly spend in ten lifetimes. It genuinely beggars belief, and the majority of the British population simply couldn't care less. This situation cannot and will not continue. If Britian withdraws from the EU it is definitely finished and there will be social unrest that is unimanginable. All we can do is warn, and I wish you a good new year, although 2013 is not a year you should be looking forward to as things will deteriorate seriously. Take care of yourselves, because you get what you vote for.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

Sunday, 9 December 2012

democracy 2015

May I urge everyone who cares about the future of our nation and the appalling state of our political system to look at the Democracy 2015 website which you will find at

This is a new political initiative started by the editor of the Independent newspaper Andreas Whittam Smith to attempt to address the serious disconnect between our ruling class and the rest of society. It is an attempt to rescue our nation and our political system from a bunch of political gangsters and to redress the balance of   politics back to the people of the UK.

I will say no more as the website will explain it better.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 2 December 2012


The reaction to the Leveson Report and the political debate that has followed it is symptomatic of what is fundamentally wrong with our political system and how we have lost sight of the roles and functions of government and the nature of the human being.

The human is a social and regulatory being.  Humans regulate their environment and this regulation is essential to the peace and stability of society and is a reflection of human nature. It is the social regulatory nature of the human being that gives rise to government; that is what we mean by government being derivative. Government is the principal regulatory mechanism that we utilise for establishing a meaningful social order. As a result, government's principal function is the regulation of society in accordance to the wishes and needs of the polity. Human beings are essentially interdependent and interactive with other human beings. As a result, no form of interactive human behaviour can be exempt from some form of regulation as such behaviour interacts with other humans and affects them however slightly. Not all human behaviour is subject to regulation, but there is very little that falls into this category. By the same token, individual freedom is indeed a basic human right, but has to be seen in the context of the human being as a social animal, in that, one person’s exercise of freedom may require the restriction of anothers. For example, your freedom to swing your fist ends at my nose, and your freedom of speech ends when you utilise it to encourage violence, hatred and discrimination towards me. Thus, freedom is not an absolute value, it is relative. That includes the freedom of the press.

The press must be subject to regulation, simples! In an ideal world, the press could self-regulate, but in the UK, they have demonstrated beyond any argument that this is impossible. They are neither intellectually nor ethically capable of it. Following the scandal of the press treatment of Princess Diana and the subsequent Inquiry, we were assured that they had learned their lesson and would never descend to such levels again. Remember the Home Secretary at the time, David Mellor, warning them that they were drinking in the last chance saloon. They got worse. All rights carry responsibilities and the British press have shown with crystal clarity that they will not exercise their responsibilities, either to decency or human dignity. In good neoliberal practice, anything goes in the pursuit of profit. Added to this is a pathetic Prime Minister who assured us that he would implement the Leveson recommendations but who continually grovels to vested interests and who is desperate that the press support him in the next election. I used to think that Gordon Brown was the worst Prime Minister we had ever had, but he is a giant next to this intellectual pygmy.  David Cameron is a genuine disgrace to his office.

As a result, there will be no respite for the British people from a feral press and an interest driven government. They will behave for a time, but then flex their power again when they feel that they are safe from any form of accountability, and this Prime Minister has given that assurance. Despite their noises, Labour will buckle under as well as Milliband and his crew are no better or braver than the Tories. That the British press needs to be externally regulated is now so self-evident that it should not need to be said. They are guilty of criminal behaviour and are morally bankrupt. It is a pity that genuine press such as the Guardian have to come under this regulation as well, but that is what needs to be done. As we stand, no-one is safe from these guttersnipes. It is not necessary to restrict the freedom of the press, it is necessary to regulate that freedom and hold it to account, and that is a major difference. When newspapers like the Daily Mail invent stories like the McCanns selling their child Madeleine it is time to say enough, and you will not be allowed to do such things in future without serious penalty.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 30 November 2012

So much for representative democracy

Surely there can be no-one left in this miserable class ridden society who questions whose interests governments govern for. 77% of the British public demand the implementation of the Leveson Report according to the polls. The majority of Parliamentary MPs want it implemented but the Prime Minister says no. Who on earth does this man represent? This is a political disgrace, but more importantly it is dangerous.

Governments are derivative. That means that they derive their existence from the people. The people elect them, pay their wages, pensions and all their expenses. The government's authority derives from the people and the people have the ability and the right to strip them of that authority. Government's are supposed to be representative of the nation. They are not supposed to be representative of vested interests. That the Prime Minister can be so dismissive of the Report of the inquiry he set up and promised people he would implement its recommendations as long as they weren't bonkers is nothing short of scandalous and removes any vestige of authority from this government to claim to speak for the nation. The Conservatives are becoming the equivalent of the Corleone Family.

The human being is a social being who interacts with other people naturally. They create societies as a result of their human nature and they regulate those societies. That is what governments are, regulatory agencies. Their purpose is to regulate society for the peace, security and stability of the population. They have no other purpose. They do not exist for their own right, indeed governments have no rights, only people have rights. As a result of this government, the press will simply carry on as usual and the Leveson Inquiry will end up the biggest waste of time imaginable. Democracy is for sale, it is a commodity as is everything in the neoliberal universe. Government in the UK is fast becoming a danger to the rest of society. Roll on Scottish Independence.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The NHS is almost f....d

Warnings that the Tories are determined to completely privatise the health service are being ignored by the British public because they find it difficult to believe that the Tories would do something so enormous after constantly assuring us that they will do no such thing. As Goebbels said, if your going to tell a lie then tell a big one and tell it often.

A report from the Kings Fund just released shows how 'unprecedented financial pressures' are speeding up the demolition of the service as we know it. They state that because of a combination of financial cuts and policy changes  "signs that the impact on patient care could be felt as early as 2013" and that "the stakes could hardly be higher" with some hospitals "experiencing serious challenges in delivering services of an acceptable quality" Analysing the government's reforms to the health service the report states that "major organisational changes and the loss of experienced managers leave the service in a precarious position" and argues that the core of the government's reforms, GP-led commissioning, will undermine the national system and concludes that  "it is no exaggeration to say that the NHS is heading into treacherous waters, and the risks are high."

What the Tories are doing is applying the Shock Doctrine to the Health Service. Naomi Klein shows graphically in her book Shock Doctrine how the neoliberal policy is aimed at creating crisis within states and organisations that will bring them to the edge of collapse and then using that state of collapse as an excuse to completely remodel them as neoliberal privatised industries. Despite all the promises of the health service being safe in their hands the Tories are bringing the health service to a state of collapse when they will then step in and tell everyone that the only way to save it is to hand it over to the private sector, the same sector that they all have interests in and have their family fortunes invested in. In other words, the financial crisis and the crisis in health care is being deliberately engineered by this government in order to destroy all public health provision and replace it with private.

Once this has been successfully accomplished education will follow and they will not rest until all public service provision has been abolished. The public do not believe this and so it has an inevitability about it as nothing is being done to prevent it. . All that can be done is for people like me me to keep warning an electorate who refuse to see the reality of life in modern Britain..

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 26 November 2012

A fundamental and repeated assertion of this blog is that Britain's fundamental problems are ideological. Britain is bedevilled by an obsession with free market ideology, both economic and political. This has led to a whole set of governmental programmes, beginning with Thatcher and growing steadily under successive governments, that are antisocial and mutually exclusive. It is this ideological fixation that led to our financial crisis and our failure to recover. This obsession with individualism and the free market is evidenced by our elite's love affair with all things American.
We are now witnessing the appointment of a Canadian governor of the Bank of England. This is a man steeped in the North American free market tradition who will approach his job, and therefore the future of the British economy from a North American free market background.

Now, I hope I am completely wrong, but, for the ordinary people of this country this appointment only means more of the same. What Britain needs is a complete change of approach, a complete change of thinking. The free market approach has failed completely, and, as I said in my last post has demonstrably failed, with the evidence all around us every day. We need a massive injection of public investment. A real and determined public effort could be utilised by empowering our system of local government to create jobs. Local government, exercising its traditional functions of housing, education, waste disposal and sewage etc. could, on its own, eliminate unemployment in the UK. There are alternative available in such a crisis, but I have no confidence in a North American to look to such an approach to solve our problems. A properly resourced and managed health service would also be a huge employment opportunity, and these would be real fulltime and properly paid jobs, putting an end to our part-time temporary culture that offers neither future nor hope.

There can be no doubt left now that our Prime Minister and his Chancellor are hopeless incompetents and that the current Labour Party are no better. This appointment may offer a glimmer of hope, but I have no confidence in anyone who is wedded to our dominant ideology. In the meantime the elite continue earning money at levels they can never hope to spend whilst up to half a million people in the UK are getting emergency food rations. It genuinely beggars belief. Welcome to modern neoliberal Britain.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Westminster is beyond reform

I am sorry I have not posted anything for some time but I have been away and was busy. The public should take note of a report in this morning's Observer on how the government have been lying through their teeth to the medical profession and the public over their so-called consultations on the future of the health service. During this time they have been merrily proceeding with their chums in the private health sector to sell off our health service for profit.

Despite the financial crisis, the corruption of Westminster, the press and the police over recent years, this government is carrying on as if nothing has happened. The British really must pause and reflect how our governments and our police have been virtual employees of Rupert Murdoch. We are ruled by people of all parties who still subscribe to an ideology that is not only ruinous, but is demonstrably so. You don't need to know anything about politics or economics to understand modern Britain. The evidence of the failure of free market economic theory is all around you. Yet, our politicians still parrot the same old nonsense that there is no alternative.

What is happening is that our ruling elite are carrying on business as usual in order to loot as much of the national treasury as possible before the whole rotten edifice collapses all around us. They can then make their escape with all the money and leave the rest of us to get on as best we can. As I keep warning, the British are going to sleepwalk into ruin with their refusal to accept reality. The momentum that has gathered to leave the European Union will allow the elite to reduce us to virtual slavery with no human rights to protect us. That is the agenda behind this campaign. Having reduced workers to almost serf like status, with the removal of most of our employment protection, the focus is now on health and safety. This gang of robber barons is determined to remove the very health and safety we rely on to protect our very lives, and the British public sit and nod their heads in approval. I have to say that, in such matters nothing the Tories do should surprise us but the treachery of the Labour Party and its abandonment of working people takes some prizes for sheer affrontery.

Scotland must become independent as the corruption of Westminster has possibly passed the point of no return. The entire Westminster system and all of its members are beyond contempt, morally and intellectually corrupt. There are alternatives, but not within the Westminster universe in the forseeable future.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat. 

Friday, 9 November 2012

child abuse

Anyone hoping that justice will be done over the child abuse scandals that are swirling around the country had better forget it. This is a class issue and if anyone gets prosecuted you can be sure it will be nobody from our elite. It will be covered up, make no mistake about that. The United Kingdom is corrupt from top to bottom and throughout all its institutional structures. If there are prosecutions, they will be token scapegoats to deflect attention from the elite criminals. There will be agreement on this from all major parties as they all have such people throughout their organisations and they all know who they are. Justice in the UK is a class issue and a farce!

Monday, 5 November 2012

We leave Europe at our peril

The Tory hatred of the European Union is reaching alarming levels and is infecting the rest of the UK. We have got to a point where we are now in grave danger of submitting to the hostile propaganda the right have been spewing out over the EU and leaving it. If we do that the UK is finished and the working people of this country will have no protection whatsoever against the creeping slavery that threatens them.

The only thing that has protected the few employment rights left in the UK is the EU. Make no mistake, the Tories are determined to remove all constraints on owners and managers and their ability to do exactly as they like in the pursuit of endless profit. Workers rights are top of their hit list. It was announced last week that they are preparing to scrap most of the UK's health and safety legislation so that workers will have no redress against employers callousness and disregard of their employees welfare. If someone gets killed at work, not a problem, there are plenty to take their place. In addition, we would be forfeiting membership of a trading partnership of some 500 million potential customers and growing. With the constant outsourcing of all services to foreign countries where employment rights and wages are minimal the Tories are destroying the employment prospects of millions of British people and there will be nothing you can do about it. The aftermath of this process is that the British will be prepared to take any job at any wage rate under any conditions. That is what is coming, and make no mistake it is a deliberate process, you are heading for a form of slavery.

For that reason alone, Scotland should vote for independence and English residents should mount a serious challenge to this madness. If they do not, then you heard it here first and you have no cause for complaint because you will be accepting your slavery.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Our ruling elite just keep getting more and more arrogant and out of touch. If that was not bad enough, they keep peddling hatred and targeting vulnerable goups in society as scapegoats for their own incompetence and criminality. One Tory member of the House of Lords, a certain Lord Bichard is now demanding that Britain's pensioners be put on workfare programmes, so that if they are not making some kind of 'positive input' into the life of the nation then they will lose their benefits. This is the same thinking that demands that people who have been diagnosed with terminal cancer be made to find work if they have been given over six months to live. It genuinely beggars belief. The government is consciously targeting vulnerable groups, such as pensioners, the sick, the disabled, the unemployed and people on welfare benefits and creating a climate of hatred and resentment towards them, branding them as 'scroungers' and 'lazy' and a drain on the nation's economy, in order that they can initiate discriminatory and financially penal policies on them; this is a complementary set of policies to their policies designed to gradually beggar and enslave the working class. The Conservative policies have been designed to transfer as much of the nation's wealth as possible from the poorest to the richest since the early 1980's.

This aristocratic parasite Lord Bichard asked the question  “Are we using all of the incentives at our disposal to encourage older people not just to be a negative burden on the state but actually be a positive part of society?” This clown was a senior civil servant who retired at age 54 on a publicly funded pension estimated at £150,000 a year. This is a parasite whose entire life was spent being kept at the taxpayers expense and whose retirement is similarly financed. As a result, this loathsome idiot is one of the biggest burden's on the state imaginable. His retirement is being financed by a state pension and parliamentary allowances that are all funded by taxpayers, but, in his opinion anyone on a state pension of  £5,300 a year is a negative burden. He should be removed from our nation's decision-making process with immediate effect.
The bulk of today's pensioners are people who started work at age 15 and sometimes younger, and worked till they were at least 65, paying a substantial part of their income over those 50 years into a national insurance scheme in order that they can receive a pension when they retire. Another idiot, the Scottish Labour leader, Johann Lamont, referred to such people as creating a 'something for nothing society' on the orders of the national Labour leadership. National Insurance is a system of deferred wages and the state pension is simply people getting the wages they have already earned when they get older and retire instead of receiving them when they were working. They are in fact getting nothing for nothing, and these lying political scumbags know that.
The Westminster parliament has outlived its usefulness and is now the demonstrable enemy of the mass of the British population. It must be reformed root and branch as a matter of priority!
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Government illegality

I note an interesting development with regard to the British government and the European Court of Human Rights. The government is refusing to comply with a legal obligation they have by refusing point blank to give prisoners in British jails the right to vote in elections. In addition, they, true to form, are lying to the British people.

The Attorney General, Dominic Grieve, has advised the government that it has a legal obligation to comply with the Court's ruling, but Cameron is boasting that whilst he is Prime Minister no prisoner will ever get a vote.

What the Court has actually ruled is that a blanket ban on all prisoners being allowed to vote is illegal under European law, and is allowing the British government discretion on how they implement this ruling. They have not insisted that all prisoners should be allowed to vote as the Tories are claiming, just that they cannot simply refuse every prisoner because they don't like them. This Tory government decision classes people in jail for motoring offences or acts of civil disobedience in the same category as rapists and murderers. In addition, this decision by the British puts them in breach of the European Convention on human rights and means they are acting illegally as they are signatories to the Convention and the convention is an international legal obligation.

Thus, the British government is signalling to everyone in the UK that it is OK to break the law if you don't agree with it or you don't like it, simples! What this tells us is, that, following the example of crazy Tony, Cameron is telling us that he has no intention of being bound by legal obligations that he doesn't agree with. The problem is that there are many people in the UK who don't agree with much of the legal obligations incumbent on them as a result of British law. What the government is doing is creating a legal precedent that may come back to haunt them. So much for the great party of law and order, like Osborne taking a first-class seat on a second class ticket, such laws are for the little people. The British elite are destroying this country by their incompetence and their arrogance far more effectively than any amount of terrorist bombs ever could. How can anyone regard this loathsome crew with anything other than utter contempt?

Yours Sincerely
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Scotland has the chance to be free

Finally the Scots are being given the chance to escape the corruption and class warfare of the Westminster political system. Westminster is beyond reform under the present system as the two main parties are agreed on the terms of reference under which British politics is conducted and their are no meaningful alternatives on offer. The Labour Party is as riddled with hatred of  working people and their representatives in the union movement as the Tories have ever been and the Scots have now got the chance to redress the balance.

Since Blair became Labour leader no Labour spokesman has ever conceded that working people are justified in taking industrial action for any reason. Labour are 110% behind employers and managers and are the enemy of working people. Ed Miliband never misses the chance to put the boot into the union movement and refuses point blank to support working people in any form of conflict with employers. As far as Labour is concerned employers have the right to do whatever they want whenever they want, and working people had better accept it.

As a result, the working class in the UK have no relief in sight from the onslaught of neoliberal austerity and will have no support from any section of the Westminster political class in their efforts to protect their rights, terms and conditions. Only by removing themselves from the UK have the Scottish people any prospect of meaningful change. As I have said in previous posts, the ruling elite in the UK are slowly introducing modern forms of slavery and Labour is as culpable in this as the Tories. This admittedly leaves the rest of the UK working people to the mercies of Westminster, but that is not reason enough for the Scots to pass up the chance of demonstrating an alternative and saving themselves. The Scots cannot afford to wait for the rest of the UK to waken up!

Westminster is alarmingly divorced from reality and has a complete disconnect from the rest of British society and I despair of the UK electorate being able to challenge this situation as they have no meaningful alternatives on offer. The only challenge I see emerging will be further riots and social disruption caused by the misery that is still to come from the results of government policy, and that is something that Scotland can avoid if they have the courage to grasp the opportunity. Scotland therefore does have a meaningful alternative, a non-violent and democratic alternative that can give them real control over their destiny and save them from the coming destruction of British society and the economic slavery that will be the inevitable result of Westminster's obsession with class and neoliberal ideology. I trust that the Scots will break their traditional allegiance to the Labour Party and see them for what they really are, their enemy!

Yours Sincerely

Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


I apologise profusely for my last post, as I forgot to sign it and misspelled 'endeavour.' I really will have to proof read my posts before publishing them.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

The Tory road to slavery

The Conservative Party revel in the moniker of the nasty party and, true to form, they just keep getting nastier. People take issue with me when I suggest that the Tories have a longterm plan to reintroduce modern forms of slavery, but George Osborne just took another tentative step yesterday at the Tory Conference when he floated his plans for workers to surrender their employment rights in return for shares in the company. This measure also reveals their hatred for any form of collective endevour and their obsession with individualism. You see, no-one has the right to surrender their employment rights as, employment rights are collective, and, if such rights are to be changed, and/or renegotiated, that process should be conducted collectively. They are rights that have been fought for, and won, on behalf of the collectivity of working people and should only be altered by the same process. Osborne calculates, probably quite correctly, that if he can get one person to surrender their rights, then that will provide the opportunity for divide and conquer amongst working people and reduce the resistance to full-throttled slavery in large parts of the nation's workforce, which is the Conservative long-term goal.

Anyone seriously considering this plan had better tread carefully. Should the firm you invest your life in go bust, you will be left with no redress whatsoever, holding a load of worthless shares and having surrendered your rights to redundancy pay and unfair dismissal. Should your employer sell the firm you are again left with no protection against an incoming employer whose trademark practice today is to immediately sack all existing workers and make them all apply for their own jobs. You won't even have the backing or support of a trade union when you are left unemployed holding a miserable handful of shares that are probably worthless as they will be the shares of the firm that has just gone out of business, not the shares of the firm that takes over. This is a modern form of bonded servitude that ties you to a master for life, and is the result of the thinking of the venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft who presented a programme for modern slavery to the Tories last year. Beecroft has argued for the removal of all employment rights as it is employment rights that are holding the economy back and preventing economic recovery. That's right, its not the banks refusal to release money, its not the obvious incompetence of Chancellor Osborne, its not the government's scorched earth economic policies that are holding back economic recovery, its employment rights, simples! You genuinely could not make it up.

The modern Conservatives have become dangerously divorced from reality and are fixated on class warfare. Their hatred and loathing for working people and the disadvantaged in society has reached levels that are completely unacceptable, and its no use looking to Labour for relief as they are just as contemptuous of the poor and the working class as demonstrated by their leader Miliband who continually tells the Tory voting public he hopes to capture at the next election to get him into Downing Street how much he hates the unions.

As I continually say, you get what you vote for. If you proceed down this route, you will end up with no employment protection whatsoever and employers will be able to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and you will be completely at their mercy. If that is not a form of slavery then I don't know what it is. So, if you're happy to see other working people losing all their rights and being reduced to a modern form of slavery, think again, 'cos after that, you're next!

Monday, 1 October 2012

Why on earth do the unions support people who hate them?

Ed Miliband and the Labour Party just keep on showing us how contemptuous and dismissive they are of working people and the poor of this country and their hatred of the trades unions. Every address he has made to the Labour conference (who of course enthusiastically applaud him) since he became leader has contained some reference to why working people should never take any form of industrial action to defend their terms and conditions of service in the face of open government warfare against working people and the poor. He also determinedly refuses to give any assurances that Labour will take measures that will protect working people and so remove the need for industrial action. In 13 years in government in which Miliband was a minister during some of this period, Labour never lifted a finger to alter any of the Tories draconian anti-union legisation, and Miliband quite clearly has no intention of doing so either.Why the unions continue to bankroll these clowns is a complete mystery as they have been quite open about their contempt and loathing for working people and the unions since Blair and his cronies took over. Labour is now a party of the rich and has been taken over by careerists who have graduated from the elite university system and are well schooled in the delights of free market neoliberalism. Miliband himself and some of his circle have links to Harvard University and so are fully committed to the neoliberal agenda. What Miliband and Labour are offering the British people, is not relief from the neoliberal experiment and its attendant economic and social misery, but a promise that they will apply it more in a more humane and, in Miliband's words 'responsible' manner. I trust the British people will note that in the 5 years since the start of the economic crisis, Labour has still to come up with a policy to deal with gangster bankers.

This attitude is compounded by Labour in Scotland who regard people who have worked all their lives and paid thousands into national insurance schemes over their working lives as scroungers who are part of what the Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont calls a something for nothing culture. Lamont is obviously loyally obeying instructions from the Westminster Labour elite. The notion that Scottish Labour has something resembling a mind of their own would be laughable were it not so serious for the Scottish electorate. Labour are clearly setting their stall out to capture the Daily Mail, Daily Express reading public and the middle class who they think will abandon the Lib Dems and the Tories, and working on the assumption that the working classes in both England and Scotland will line up in their millions to vote for them regardless of how they are treated. In Scotland they may well find that they get what the Scots refer to as a 'gunk.' There may well be a debate to be had over the issues of free care for the elderly and free bus passes, but these arrogant cretins are seriously out of order by telling the elderly they are getting something for nothing.

Labour have abandoned the working classes, and don't even pretend to represent working people any longer. At least with the Tories the poor know they will get stuffed, but they expect better from Labour. They are in for a gunk with this lot!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Elite arrogance

The contempt and loathing of our ruling elite for the ordinary people of the country was graphically evident from the reaction of the government chief whip Andrew Mitchell to the police who prevented him from doing exactly as he wanted to. In other words he was treated like the rest of the plebs he so evidently despises. I hope he remembers how worthless the plebs are the next time the police provide him and the rest of his despicable crew with the protection they so depend on on a daily basis.

Mitchell and our noble betters at the apex of our political system are the result of our system of first-past-the-post voting. This system has produced a hereditary system of government in the UK through which the political elite can indulge in their favourite pastime of excluding those who they disapprove of, those who do not belong to 'their people.' Our elite actually have a nickname for the sort of people that they socialise with, they are PLU's, people like us. The rest of the plebs are of course not like them and so must be excluded from their circles, which includes the top echelons of society in all its manifestations, government, civil service, and all areas of decision-making.

The FPTP voting system allows the party leaderships to centralise decision-making in the parties and therefore control all aspects of the party including candidate selection and party management positions to ensure that only those people whom the leaders can depend on will come through the system. Thatcher and Blair were experts at this form of manipulation and ensured that all people of talent within the major parties were excluded if they posed any form of threat to their leadership and control. That is why we have such an appalling level of politician in the UK. All the people with any talent and ability were weeded out in case they posed a threat to the leadership with the result that Thatcher and Blair were surrounded by PLU's, in other words a group of brainless yes people who refused to exercise any form of independence and were quite content to say and do whatever the leadership told them. As a result we are saddled with the choice of Cameron and Osborne or Milliband and Balls. It's genuinely enough to make you weep. I don't think its an exaggeration to say that if you combined the IQ's of all four of these eminent political giants you still would not manage to get a half-wit.

As a result, any hope of meaningful recovery in the UK is predicated on a genuine root and branch reform of the political system, beginning with the electoral system. One of the imperatives of British politics is that Scotland will have to vote for independence if it is to avoid the worst ravages of the political and economic destruction that is being, and will continue to be, inflicted on the rest of the UK. Scotland must detach itself from a Westminster parliament that has lost all sight of its roles and functions, that has become a vehicle for class warfare and advancing the interests of a select group of PLU's. This has nothing to do with nationalism and everything to do with democracy and economic realism.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Friday, 21 September 2012

Modern British politicians are characterised, above all things, by their capacity for lying through their teeth without the slightest twinge of remorse. If a modern Westminster politician's lips are moving you can be sure he/she is telling a lie.

The biggest and most repeated lie, utilised by all our major parties, is that there is no alternative to the policies being pursued to reduce the deficit and cure the economic disaster that was caused by the very same policies. It never fails to amaze me how the British public can accept such nonsense, particularly as it is demonstrable nonsense, and the evidence of its nonsensicality is before everyone's eyes every day. Economics is the study of a particular form of human behaviour. It is not a science and has been demonstrated by our recent past, and present national shambles, to be very imprecise and practised by a professional gang of incompetents. As I have said before, humans are generally irrational and so economic behaviour is generally irrational as well. The free market concept of the rational consumer is obvious garbage. An entire marketing industry depends for its success on exploiting that irrationality, in persuading you to purchase things you don't need and don't even really want.

For every economic problem there is a multiplicity of alternatives. You may not like or agree with them, but they are there and available. For example we could raise taxation and switch the emphasis of our tax system from indirect to direct taxation. This would have the result of redistributing resources from the better off to the poorer; instead of the present system that does precisely the opposite. We could nationalise public industry and services and create employment by direct state intervention. The biggest potential employer in the country is local government, that is one of the reasons why the neoliberal has such a hatred for local government. To say that we can't do such things is simply a lie. It is only not a viable alternative if you are totally committed to the neoliberal free market economic model that has demonstrably failed. Britain used to have upper income tax rates in the 70 and 80% range. The country didn't grind to a halt, the sun didn't fall from the sky and human life didn't suddenly disappear. In fact, a bigger percentage of the population had a better standard of living and most people were in meaningful full-time employment.

No-one should ever vote for any politician who tells you that there is no alternative, and all politicians who persist with this lie should be sacked on the spot. Poverty and unemployment could be seriously reduced in the UK quite easily if the will was there to do it. However, by doing that you would reduce inequality and that is what the neoliberal will not tolerate. As I said, you may not like some of the alternatives, but don't listen to anyone who tells you there are none. It is a lie because they know that what they are telling you is not true. If they actually believe that themselves they are the worst kind of fool.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

The Working classes can get lost - please

It should be obvious now, even to the most bigoted Tory thinking supporter that the neoliberal free market obsessed governing classes in the UK are openly exclusionary, that is, their policies are designed to exclude large sections of the British population from the benefits of the wealth and privileges of their economic and social policies. These benefits are reserved for the privately educated and property owning elite that the dominant classes regard as (in Thatcher's famous phrase), 'one of us.'

The most obvious example of this is the national policy on student finance that is targeted to exclude working class students, particularly mature students who make education their way out of a cycle of poverty and unemployment. In addition, higher education is seen as a method of training as opposed to education. The government only requires you to be 'educated' to the extent that you can function in a neoliberal economy. Education will be the preserve of the private system and the elite universities who cater for the economic and political elite. The neoliberal sees no immediate economic advantage in subjects such as social sciences and so are unwilling to fund them. For example, the Metropolitan University in London has closed its history and philosophy courses. Think about that, the society you live in is the result of its history and the ideas that have shaped it over the years and you will never understand the present society if you are ignorant of such things. That is what the neoliberal wants, a robotic, low paid ignorant workforce who can't and doesn't think and who can't and won't challenge the system. As Jonie Mitchell sang, don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got till its gone, they paved paradise and put up a parking lot. They're paving over the education system, health, welfare etc., and putting up a sterile society where progress and success are limited to a wealthy and privileged elite and everyone else is excluded, because health, education, and every other important aspect of what makes a society civilised will soon be completely privatised  and only available to those who can pay. Welcome to your modern slavery, you voted for it! At least the Scots are showing another way and may escape the worst ravages that are soon to be visited on the rest of the UK.

Your Servant

Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Workers beware

I have tried to awaken people to the dangers that working people are being reduced to sophisticated modern forms of slavery. Everything that the authorities do in the field of labour relations only confirms my fears. Vince Cable's widely acclaimed success in watering down the Tories plans for no fault dismissals should not deflect our attention to what the Lib Dems have agreed to. Britain openly boasts that it seeks the most flexible labour force in the Western world. Flexible means that the working person has no protections and no guarantees. Cable's attempts to dilute Tory plans is only a holding action that will allow us to become accustomed to the reductions of our employment rights and make us less resistant to the next dilution of our rights and liberties.

The excuse for these measures is the old saw that we must make it easier to hire and fire, and that such measures are attempts to clear the ground for increased employment opportunities. This is of course garbage. The increased employment opportunities being planned by our masters are in part-time, temporary, low wage jobs where you are being increasingly expected to work unlimited unpaid overtime. Flexible means being prepared to work for no wages, (as the modern confidence trick of offering work experience has been shown to be the reality for many people) no pension entitlement and without employment rights. This is the increasing reality in modern Britain. Most of these measures are being put in place in preparation for a massive assault on the workforces in the public sector, particularly the health service which is seeing, and will continue to experience, its services outsourced to the private sector and the delights of the neoliberal labour market. This labour market is increasingly approaching the Thatcherite neoliberal dream of a truly free market with no regulations on its activity.

What must always be remembered is that the 'right to manage' is a different thing from the right to do what you want, and employers are demanding the right to do what they want, unrestricted and unregulated.The dilution of our employment rights is only one factor in the wider plans to dilute all of our rights and liberties and remove any resistance to the complete domination of our neoliberal elite and their accumulation of unrestricted wealth and power. When your employment rights are stripped from you, then it will be a simple matter to strip the rest of your civil liberties. Working people have only one option at their disposal if their conditions become intolerable and unacceptable, that is the ability to remove their labour. Should working people lose that ability, which is one of the most fundamental of human rights, then you will be in the position of  being at the total mercy of the employer. If you must accept whatever conditions you are offered, and have no redress other than to refuse to work in such conditions, and that refusal results in you forfeiting all you benefit rights so that you are left with no income whatsoever, then you have been stripped of choices. If you take the work and are then sacked for simply trying to complain or raise your standard of employment, then you are truly in a situation of having no rights. That is a form of slavery, and that is what is coming in the United Kingdom. You have been warned.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The state

One of the major problems with modern Britain and a major barrier to meaningful economic recovery is the dominant hatred of the state. This has led to UK policy making being completely schizophrenic throughout the last 30 years. British government policy formulation has been genuinely non-sensical for the past several decades, with a constant emphasis on ‘rolling back the state,’ ‘removing the dead hand of the state,’ and ‘getting the state off our backs,’ whilst formulating political policy that has consistently enhanced the roles and the power of the very state that they are so desperately keen to diminish. As a result, political and economic policy formulation and practice has been, and continues to be, contradictory and self-defeating. We have witnessed the economy being increasingly deregulated and privatised, our public services systematically dismantled, all of which has resulted in increasing economic centralisation and monopoly, whilst the centralisation of the state under neoliberal control has reached levels that Stalin would have been proud of with a massive transfer of power and decision-making to the executive, the marginalisation of parliament, the politicisation of the civil service and the police, the proliferation of surveillance and the power of the state and its security services under the guise of a bogus ‘war on terror.’

The neoliberal has a completely negative view of the state, summed up by Karl Popper’s description of the state as ‘a necessary evil that must not be allowed to grow greater than is absolutely necessary.’ State activity is seen as a restriction on the freedom of individuals to make their own decisions free from external constraint and to control their own resources.
This is simply wrong, and portrays the state as some kind of ‘thing,’ as an entity with its own existence independently of the people who compose the state and direct its activities. The state is an administrative concept. It is the administrative arm of the government and exists to regulate, control, implement and sustain government and public policy. As a result, the state is not evil, it is neutral and is a reflection of the people who make up its personnel and the policies they are tasked with implementing. The state can be evil, of that there is no doubt, but that is when it is directed by evil people. However, the state can also be benign or beneficial and enabling.

As I repeat without apology, the fundamental assumptions that underpin free market    economic theory and its political equivalents are wrong, and, are demonstrably wrong. They have manifestly failed and the empirical evidence of that failure is all around us. Government policy is simply stupid and is based on ideological dogma that is founded on a set of false hypotheses.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Yes, let's champion the wealth creators

I trust you will have seen the latest Tory plea to abandon the politics of envy and champion the wealth creators in our society. Absolutely, first-class, I agree. But wait a minute, are we talking about the same people?

My problem with the Tory point of view is that for their mentality the only people who create wealth are the business and financial class. To the free market mindset working people do not create wealth; they are wealth preventers, rather than creators. That is because these people only see the working class as a cost, never a benefit. It never occurs to the Tory and free market mentality that wealth comes from labour. You see, you can have all the money in the world for investment, but without the physical labour of a working man or woman, that investment will never realise wealth. You may finance a golf course for example, and provide facilities for people who will pay to play golf for the next thousand years, thus returning a very lucrative profit on that investment, but nothing will happen until that golf course is physically built. In addition, the course has to be designed and planned. It is very unusual for any one person to have the money to invest in a new golf course and then have the ability to plan, design and then physically construct that course all by themselves. In addition, they will necessarily need to utilise tools and machinery that were themselves produced by human labour.

Another argument is that the state and the public authorities cannot create wealth. The most successful, and prestigious golf course in the world is a municipal course, owned and maintained by the local council, St. Andrews. It also hosts, arguably, some of the most prestigious wealth creating tournaments in the world. This creates wealth for the whole kingdom of Fife, and of course the Tory government's tax coffers. It would be interesting to know how closely Scottish golf courses, most of which are municipally owned, rival the royal family in tourist income for the nation?

Of course the idea that wealth comes from the input of labour will be immediately dismissed by the intellectual giants from the free market right-wing as Marxist, despite the fact that it is a truism. Marx said it so it must be wrong, simples. In addition, anyone who agrees with this point of view must, by defintion, be a Marxist as well, they are incapable of exercising their intellect to come to such conclusions without being infected with communist propaganda.

However, does it ever occur to such people that teachers and doctors and janitors and bus drivers etc.are wealth creators as well? How much wealth would be created in a modern economy without the ability to read, write, count and work a computer? How much of those activities would be possible without the ancillary services that underpin them and maintain them? As a result, the activities of the state and the public sector, so hated by the neoliberals, are fundamental to the process of wealth creation. We therefore come to the realisation that the creation of wealth is a whole society activity, it is a social activity and cannot simply be attributed to certain individuals regardless of how gifted they are. I therefore look forward with full and confident expectation to the Conservative Party sponsoring the trades union movement as an essential cog in the wealth creation machine. I mean the Tories are not stupid people are they?

I meant to use this post to comment on the neoliberal free market hatred of the state, I will address that next.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat 

Friday, 7 September 2012

May the NHS rest in peace

I trust the British people will have carefully noted the appointment of Jeremy Hunt as the new Health Secretary. This is the man who was co-author of a pamphlet that stated that

"Our ambition should be to break down the barriers between private and public provision, in effect denationalising the provision of health care in Britain."
For the next part of this post I am indebted for my information to the Guardian newspaper and I sincerely hope they do not mind me quoting from their publication.
The Guardian reports (Friday 7/9/2012) that 20 NHS trusts in the South-West of England have formed themselves into a consortium, The South-West Pay, Terms and Conditions Consortium, in other words a cartel, to initiate a system of locally negotiated pay, terms and conditions of service. The Consortium has begun its official life with an open threat to all of its employees that if they resist these moves (which the BMA have called 'draconian') then 6,000 of their 68,000 employees could be sacked.
The Department of Health's response is the one we have come to expect from our highly politicised civil service who will never fail to do their masters bidding, they tell a barefaced lie, stating that  "There are no plans to cut NHS pay. Pay agreements need to be fit for purpose." Now I trust you will recognise the complete contradiction within that short statement. There are no plans to cut pay, but if we need to we will because agreements need to be fit for purpose. This consortium has already announced plans to cut pay, or else why do they wish to enter into locally based negotiations, indeed why did the BMA refer to the plans as draconian?
The health unions, including the BMA have all said that the attempt to localise agreements is with the purpose of cutting pay rates, reducing holiday entitlement and reducing sick-leave provisions. Now we all know that the Tories have a neoliberal obsession with privatising the health service, and Hunt has admitted this with his desire for denationalisation when he tells us that denationalisation is 'in effect' privatisation. If you denationalise, you no longer have a national service, and, the Tories already have legislation in place to ensure that denationalised health boards must outsource their services to private industry. President Obama told us in his State of the Union address in January that 57 million Americans have no health insurance. The necessity for private health insurance in the UK is the next Tory objective. Remember, British public policy is inherently exclusionary, that is, our policy excludes people rather than includes them. This is seen in health, education, housing etc. I do not apologise for repeating the Tories hatred of disabled people and their continued attempts to exclude them. You see, the disabled are seen as a cost that has to be reduced as far as possible. 
The British people cannot say that they have not been warned. We are well on the way to being a carbon copy of the United States in all things. The health service is doomed and medical provision for the British people free at the point of service is also doomed. Medical provision will no longer be provided according to need, but according to ability to pay, and if you can't pay, you will die. That day is not very far off, perhaps only ten years or so, in other words if the Tories get another term in government. That is what Hunt's appointment is warning you.
In addition, you must give the Tories full marks for consistency. The solution to any economic crisis is to hammer the workers, cut their pay and conditions, extend their working day, week, year. I warn you again, these people are introducing sophisticated modern forms of slavery, and it is quite planned and deliberate. 
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Welcome to British notions of justice

One man is sent to jail for six months for stealing bottles of water worth £3.50p Another man steals £40,000 from the taxpayer and is found guilty by his superiors of having committed a series of serious breaches of the rules over a considerable period of time, receives no punishment other than a demotion for two years, and is then promoted into the British Cabinet. Welcome to British justice and notions of fair play and equality.

David Laws, the MP was given the opportunity to repay what he fraudulently stole from the public purse, the man who stole the water wasn't. Of course the miscreant who stole the water did so as a result of being involved in the rioting that took place in the UK during the summer of 2011. David Laws was a member of the government whose policies led to the rioting. But of course British society is not dominated by social class and anyone who even suggests that it is is a dangerous left-wing lunatic, it stands to reason! British justice is fair and independent and everyone is equal before the law, and of course it must be correct because the British wouldn't vote for anything else would they?

British politics and society are in a very perilous state, as this type of corruption is not only widespread but is endemic. It is structural and built into the very fabric of the nation. As a result, British government and the Westminster system is losing both its authority and its legitimacy. There will be serious long-term consequences for the nation if this situation continues for much longer. The increasing destruction of the health service and the slow slide into slavery for the working class, the disabled and the unemployed cannot continue much longer. This government now officially classifies people with terminal cancer who have more than six months left to live, victims of strokes, and people paralysed from the chest down as fit for work. I am reminded of the book and television series "The Nazis, a Warning From History."

Your Servant 
Doktor Kommirat

Monday, 3 September 2012

On the subject of human behaviour I often marvel at a phenomenon I witness regulary in supermarket cafes. There are tables that have just been used by customers and they haven't been cleared. They have trays and plates and cups etc. Next to them there are tables that have been cleared and cleaned. People will go to a table that is cluttered with trays and plates etc. and start clearing the table and placing everything on a clean table next to it so that they can sit at that particular table rather than simply sitting at the clear table. I never get used to seeing that and still marvel at it. It is completely irrational behaviour, but is quite normal and happens regularly.

David Hume tells us how reason is the slave of our passions and always must be so. For Hume our passions are such things as our natural drives of hunger, thirst and lust, but they also embrace our emotions, many of which are social, such as pride, envy etc. They are the likes and dislikes we experience that motivate our behaviour. What Hume argues is that we do not have the feelings we do because we reach them through the application of reason, but rather that we reason on the basis of our feelings, which are the result of our passions. As a result, the collective beliefs and moral codes of our society are the result of the dominant feelings on any particular matter. Most of the rules and norms that guide our behaviour in our society are not determined by cool detached reasoning over what is good or bad, but are the result of our feelings towards any particular social phenomena. In the UK as these feelings are the result of the dominant forces in society, they are class feelings. That is why we often uncritically accept the dominant views that denigrate working people and their organisations, immigrants, Muslims and the disabled. 

These feelings are, of course, the result of our socialisation, and so, most of our feelings are not our own, they have been given to us by external forces, such as parents and other powerful influences on us, that we internalise without really considering them.  As a result most of us operate through a normative system that we have never really considered with reference to its influence on us, or to whether it is correct or incorrect. How often have you asked people if they would like something to eat and they tell you that they don't like it, and then admit that they have never tasted it?

Thus, moral, political and ethical convictions are positions we choose, not because we have reasoned them to be right or wrong, but simply because we feel that they are right or wrong, and, if asked to explain why we think something is right or wrong, we cannot really give a satisfactory explanation, we just feel it. We can then understand that they are not logical conclusions reached from the application of reason, they are the result of desire or aversion.

Sigmund Freud supports Hume's thesis arguing that we are motivated by what he terms our affective interests. Our affective interests are what Hume calls our passions, our emotional faculties. Freud writes that

Students of human nature and philosophers have long taught us that we are mistaken in regarding our intelligence as an independent force and in overlooking its dependence on emotional life. Our intellect, they teach us, can function reliably only when it is removed from the influences of strong emotional impulses; otherwise it behaves merely as an instrument of the will and delivers the inference which the will requires.

and that

the shrewdest people will all of a sudden behave without insight, like imbeciles, as soon as the necessary insight is confronted by an emotional resistance, but that they will completely regain their understanding once that resistance has been overcome.

So, why do we clear a table when there is a better option available? Because we want to sit at a particular table and not one that is on offer. If we sat at the other table our meal would not be so enjoyable, would it? It would taste different. Food is therefore affected by our choice of seating in a restaurant, just as all disabled people are benefit scroungers and all Muslims are potential suicide bombers, it stands to reason doesn't it? It must because if the government and its henchmen in the tabloid press say these things are reasonable, then they must be, simples!

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Humans are rational beings - aye right!

If anyone still labours under the illusion that the human being is a rational being they need look no further than Britain's coalition government for evidence that will finally dispel that illusion. Following August 9th 2007, the day that the CEO of Northern Rock, Adam Applegarth, said had changed the whole world, we were comprehensively shown that the fundamantal assumptions underpinning free market and neoliberal economic theory were in tatters. These monumental events proved once and for all that the human being may have the capacity for rationality, but most certainly does not start from that basis, indeed quite the opposite.

It is now over 5 years since these dramatic and world changing events, but still the British government, nor the majority of its people, have learned one thing from their experience. Government still labours under the failed theories, still applies the same discredited policies and still refuses to accept reality. That is why they are failing and must fail. You cannot have a successful conclusion from a false hypothesis. So, why are they continuing with what are demonstrably stupid and dangerous theoretical assumptions?

Class, that is why. Greed on a monumental scale. The description of the Prime Minister and his Chancellor as arrogant public schoolboys is absolutely spot on. The Tories, and their Liberal partners are simply class warriors, who have a towering contempt for ordinary people, and a hatred of working people in particular. The free market experiment based on neoliberal economic theory begun by Thatcher has failed, and has demonstrably failed, but this will not be accepted by our ruling elite, why? The why is that they know that their ideology is bankrupt but that they are intent on looting as much of the country's wealth as they can before the people finally waken up to reality and get rid of them.

British government is dictated by a determination to stick with policies that are deeply damaging to the British people and are destroying the social fabric of the nation in a manner that is threatening to become irreversible, and they don't care. Make no mistake, the health service in England and Wales will very soon be completely privatised and run by foreign business interests for profit. These people are slowly but surely introducing modern sophisticated forms of slavery and they are being aided and abetted by the British government. But, you voted them in and if you continue to vote for such people and their policy agenda then you will get what you deserve.

Now you tell me that British government and the British electorate are rational individuals! I will return to this theme later as I should explain why people are not naturally rational and should not expect it to be self-evident, even though it is.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Tory mentality

I expect most of you have seen the media reports about the Tory backbenchers who are publishing a book, 'Britain Unchained - Global Growth and Prosperity,' on their vision of Britain's problems and how to solve them. According to these intellectual geniuses the British working people are amongst the worst idlers in the world, preferring a lie-in to hard work.

I must commend this work. It must have been incredibly difficult producing a book that required such a vast amount of primary research. I mean, to reach such conclusions, the group must have interviewed literally millions of people. They must have gained first-hand interviews with all the people who prefer a lie-in, or they couldn't possibly know about it could they? I mean, how can you possibly know that people prefer a lie-in if you haven't asked them what their preferences are? They must have personally visited thousands of workplaces to personally witness workers idling and interviewed their managers and employers. This must be a work of paramount academic importance.

I mean, no-one with any self-respect would just publish a book based on suppositions and hypothetical prejudice that condemns and demonises millions of British working people whilst using such obvious garbage to justify policies that are aimed at destroying their terms and conditions of service and reducing them to levels of servitude not witnessed since the industrial revolution, without being absolutely certain, through detailed research of their hypothesis would they?

It would be interesting to discover the background of these intellectual giants, what kind of work they did before they became MP's. I am sure they must have a vast amount of the kind of industrial and business experience that would be necessary to support and produce such observations about the British workforce. I mean you don't just publish a book with such profound and potentially revolutionary conclusions on anecdotal evidence (or even worse, prejudice and a hatred of working people) do you?

I am deeply grateful to such people. As I said when I commented on the article by Simon Calder, I was under the impression that Britain's problems were structural, rooted in governmental policy based on deregulatory practices such as the refusal to regulate financial and commercial malpractice and criminality. I thought the problems lay in economic and financial gangsterism allied to political arrogance and incompetence. I thought the problems lay in a rapacious and totally selfish British elite who were determined to amass fortunes they could never possibly spend at the expense of, and on the backs of, the British working people. I genuinely thought that the same elite were moving inexorably towards sophisticated modern forms of slavery. But I must have been wrong. Our problems are human. They are the fault of a lazy and feckless population of people we call workers who actually spend their whole lives seeking ways of getting money without actually working for it. We are ungrateful for the myriad of opportunities continually being offered to actually work for as long as possible for as little as possible in order to solve the massive problems that we caused in the first place by lying in our beds all day. Enlightenment is a wonderful thing.

Your servant