Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Hate is so much more powerful than love and understanding

If our present history is demonstrating anything it is the real and graphic evidence of the power of language. On both sides of the Atlantic we are seeing daily how words are both symbolic and meaningful and being utilized to spread a hatred and division within our societies that is having real and tragic consequences. Language has power. The Brexit debacle was founded on a hatred of foreigners and the result of a national referendum was founded on the exploited fears of immigration. The US midterm elections are being fought on exactly the same kind of platform. In both cases the leading opinion formers utilise Nazi propaganda techniques to promote fear and loathing, arguing that outsiders are going to invade us in large numbers and destroy our social order, our culture and our fundamental way of life. They then feign surprise and innocence when such fears produce results, and atrocities are committed by people motivated by such hostile and inflammatory language. The purveyors of hate and violence then adopt the Monty Python defence, "it wasn't me guv, honest".

We live in a symbolic social world and our language is symbolic, it supplies us with images that we associate with the words we use to describe our everyday life. When we hear words we conjure up symbols and images from our consciousness and socialisation, from our particular cultural upbringing. Depending on our worldview we will have a positive or negative reaction to words like, Jew, Muslim, Black, Homosexual, immigrant etc. When someone asks you for a chair, they do not need to explain to you what a chair is, you immediately recognise the word chair by the symbolic representation you carry of a chair. In the same way you will respond to words like Jew or Muslim according to how you symbolically envision them as a result of your worldview. If you have a deeply negative symbolism of such associations you will react negatively which may be so intense that it spurs you to action. It is quite likely that your reaction will be inexplicable to you yourself, you will not be able to definitively articulate why you reacted in that manner, it will be genuinely irrational, and that is what the sowers of hate and poison are counting on, an irrational reaction that will lead to similarly irrational action, such as gunning down completely innocent strangers, simply because you associate them with a word.

It has become essential, indeed incumbent on us, to highlight and call to account those powerful people and institutions who habitually demonise others, who utilize language to promote the hatred and division we are seeing so graphically and tragically on a daily basis, hatred and division that terrorises some and motivates others to kill. It is time to say enough to those sowers of poison, the liars and propagandists, whether politicians, the press, or influential individuals and groups. By calling those who disagree with us, those we do not like, members of our own society, enemies of the people, parasites, not like us, etc. and portray our own citizens as ‘others’, outsiders who don’t belong, we promote an image, and exert a powerful influence that encourages others to refuse to see such people as real and appropriate human beings. By such methods we create an image of real and concrete enemies, see other people as threats, not only to our way of life and culture, but to our very existence. When we seek to quite deliberately demonise individuals and groups, we should not be surprised, or feign innocence, when such people are actually viewed as demons, as monsters who are not legitimate human beings but are something else. We create a society where people do not see Jewish, Muslim, Black, LGBT, immigrants etc. as human beings; instead they see demons, others, monsters who threaten them and their way of life. It therefore becomes our duty to oppose such demons and object to their presence amongst us. In the same way, we create demons who are a real and existent threat to our society when we label people on welfare, the unemployed, the disabled etc. as scroungers and skivers, as parasites  depriving us of our hard-earned money through the need for taxation to provide for those we deem undeserving and ungrateful.

By this process we create an alternative reality of an underclass of subhumans who are different from us and not deserving of the normal considerations we give to real people, and importantly, who do not belong amongst us. These are the people who are taking our jobs, our houses, destroying our children’s education, living off the benefits system and all the other malicious and mendacious propaganda we are subjected to on a daily basis from those who seek to profit from other people’s misery. Thus we reduce living human beings to the category of those untermenschen who were so powerfully and effectively demonised  by Hitler; that subhuman underclass who threaten to engulf society and destroy our culture and our way of life and who should be removed for the greater good of those of us who are real people, real citizens and  meaningful members of society.

When such language is being deployed from 10 Downing Street, the Home Office, The White House, Fox News, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail, it carries the cloak of authority and respectability and therefore gives permission for others in society to share such opinions and indeed promote them. However, it is then only a short step from holding such respectable opinions of hatred and division to acting upon them as we see being so horribly enacted in the United States and increasingly on our own streets. It must stop, now! You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 25 October 2018

So, The Moron's language is finally having its desired effect

Well it had to happen, and this is just the start. It now appears that numerous people have been warning the White House Moron that his rhetoric and behaviour was dangerous and liable to cause trouble, but that he wouldn't listen. Well, as you know, I have been telling you why he won't listen, because this is what he wants. At his rally last night, after all his weasel words about how America needed to unify, he reverted back to type by once again sowing division and trying to blame the media, when the whole world and his brother knows that he is the cause of  the terrorist attacks on American citizens who dare to oppose him. He can't help himself because he is a complete psychopath and is not in control of his behaviour or his emotions. He is an imbecile but a very dangerous imbecile, a deeply evil person who never sees opponents, only enemies that have to be vanquished and destroyed. I believe he is quite deliberately trying to foment civil unrest to give himself an excuse to delay and ultimately suspend, the democratic process so that he can begin the process of making himself president for life. What I don't understand is why legal and corporate bodies such as the Democratic Party and CNN don't sue him and seek to have him removed from office for his persistent lies and slanders about them. The Moron is a classical bully who must be confronted on his own terms because he doesn't understand anything else. He is a coward, as all bullies are, and therefore only understands threats and confrontations that will damage him, he is completely impervious to reason or appeals to decency.

What is perhaps more dangerous to the world and its security is the people who surround him, who recognise the atrocities that are his language and behaviour, fully understand the consequences of such language and behaviour, but persistently support him and deny what they know to be true. They are more evil than him, because, being insane, he probably ends up believing his endless lies, but his supporters aren't mad, they are simply bad, those people who emerge all throughout history around and behind tyrants and demagogues and who exploit their positions and encourage their mad masters to even greater excesses for their own personal gain. There can be few more soulless and amoral creatures on earth than his press secretary, a creature who lies even more effortlessly and shamelessly than the Moron himself. The people who surround the Moron are no less loathsome or inhuman than those who were despatched by the Saudis to butcher and murder Jamal Kashoggi, people who have sold their soul and quite deliberately taken that step, so graphically described by Solzhenitsyn, into the bottomless pit, people who have quite deliberately given up the essence that makes a person human.

There is no doubt that today's events will only prove to be a temporary setback and restraint on his language and behaviour, because he is incapable of restraining his baser instincts. He will seek to turn these events to his advantage and will soon construct an alternative reality where he is in fact the victim. American government and politics cannot get much lower or out of control and the American people do not have much time to turn things around. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 18 October 2018

The Tories, the party of financial probity

In a recent post I was warning about the destruction of local government and the catastrophe that is austerity, In Scotland, there has been resistance to austerity and the Scottish national and local governments have been indulging in imaginative initiatives to mitigate the worst effects of this government's cruelty. Remember, austerity is a political choice, there is nothing inevitable or absolutely necessary about it. England is largely Conservative and a prime example of how you get what you vote for can be graphically seen in Northamptonshire.

Northamptonshire County Council is officially the most incompetent council in the UK, if not the world. I had written the most incompetent in the civilized world, but deleted it for obvious reasons, because it is no longer correct to describe modern Britain as civilized. Northamptonshire has a catastrophic financial crisis and today it has announced that it will cut its financial help to the blind and the deaf, thus declassifying Northamptonshire as a civilized place and the personnel who took that decision as civilised people. I trust the reader will accept that as self-evident because I am quite certain that the councillors will still roll up to claim their expenses and their perks whilst the blind and the deaf can get by however they can. In February Northamptonshire Council announced that it was bankrupt and government inspectors concluded that the council’s problems were so deep rooted that it should be abolished as it was impossible to rescue it and any attempts to do so would amount to a reward for failure. Northamptonshire has seven parliamentary constituencies returning seven Tory MP’s. The County Council has 57 councillors, 43 of whom are Tories. In the EU referendum, all seven parliamentary constituencies voted to Leave the EU and Northampton voted 59% to Leave. You can only conclude that the electorate in Northamptonshire must be the dumbest voters in the world. Their councillors must certainly be amongst the most callous, which is simply stating the obvious because they are Tories.

Under their beloved Tory government, English councils have suffered sixteen billion pounds of cuts since 2010, proving, as I continually tell you, that you get what you vote for. That same Tory government all those good people in Northamptonshire voted for have ordered the council to save 74 million pounds out of a 441 million pound budget. The council has announced the closure of 21 out of 36 libraries in the county. Today the Swiss bank, Credit Suisse released a report telling us that 0.8% of the world's adult population own 44.8% of the world's wealth. The same report tells us that 5,000 people in the UK have fortunes in excess of $50 million (38 million pounds, I am afraid my pound sign has disappeared off my computer). These are the people that the government steadfastly refuses to compel paying their taxes. I assume none of these people are blind or deaf.

For those of you who probably feel that I am obsessed with the Tory Party, let me remind you that these are empirical facts and I am simply reporting them. In addition, there can be no excuse for an electorate who continually support demonstrable gangsters and staggering incompetents. I mean they are not even good gangsters, at least the Mafia makes a profit. This is the result of blind allegiance to a bankrupt political and economic ideology. This is Tory rule under free market conditions that have become demonstrably grotesque and is most certainly the fate of England and Wales if they succeed in exiting the EU under the present proposals. I say England and Wales because I cannot envisage the Scots tolerating such a scenario. It will almost certainly result in Irish unification  as well. I watch the fate of Northamptonshire with interest, and although this may appear quite callous, I have not a shred of sympathy for them, they not only voted for it, but continue to vote for it. Indeed such a fate awaits many more English and Welsh areas before they will learn the price of their self-imposed folly. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Our role models are the scum of the earth

Throughout the world we are seeing outpourings of hatred in different nations that is being manifest by the rise of political parties and individuals capitalising on and encouraging that hatred. Previously civilised societies like Britain and the USA are becoming ever more divisive and characterised by hatred and the demonisation of others and this is exploited by unscrupulous and dangerous demagogues like the Know Nothing Moron, The Spider, Rees-Mogg, and their loathsome ilk. Such vile characters are making the world a truly dangerous place. If you consider the nations that are becoming degenerate under such disturbing events you will notice that they are all those that have experienced the strongest commitment to free market economics. The free market divides and poisons, that is its nature. It requires division and scapegoats to divert attention away from its  consequences. Its adherents and greatest advocates are people of a psychopathic nature, devoid of compassion, self-respect, dignity or any form of social responsibility and driven by a towering sense of entitlement and superiority.

In the White House Moron we have a creature whose language and personal behaviour does not even reach the level of the gutter. This creature is a role model who's entire agenda is to appeal to the lowest common denominator and as a role model he is increasingly being copied by the scum who are whipping up hatred and division in the UK and elsewhere throughout the world as he shamelessly mocks and derides anyone he deems an opponent. This is, whether people like it or not, the essence of fascism. Mocking people's looks, their disabilities, their racial and ethnic backgrounds is the essence of a truly vile and seriously disturbed person. When it comes from the highest office in a nation, and is applauded and supported by a significant portion of the populace, not least by one of the major political parties in that nation, then that nation is in serious trouble and suffering from a collective psychopathy. All the ingredients are there for significant social unrest. The United States has a history of lynchings and the persecution of minorities that appears to be ready to raise its head again. Such an environment is the consequence of the language and behaviour of its head of state.

In the UK division has become acute. Again this is a combination of free market dominance and the consequent public policies that flow from it, and the behaviour and language of the ruling elite. The Westminster pigsty has just been condemned for serious bullying and harassment in an official report by a leading QC by an elite who believe that they should be allowed to get away with whatever behaviour they wish and never be held to account. This is the same elite who were found to be robbing the public purse through fraudulent claims for expenses. In this case the worst behaviour has again been identified at the top, whilst again such behaviour is being covered up and protected by a vile elite system of privilege and entitlement.

The greatest divisions are of course the result of Brexit, a situation that has occurred as a result of the catastrophic failure of free market inspired public policies and by the lies and the demonization of others of an unscrupulous set of abominable personnel who lie with an ease that astonishes and whose behaviour is indefensible. I no longer trust anyone who wears a suit and speaks with an upper class English accent. The Spider for example, a product of Eton and Oxford who studied the classics, is a prime example how anyone can graduate from Oxbridge without learning anything as long as they have the right background. If you study the classics you will learn loyalty, decency, dignity and self-respect. You will learn the duties and responsibilities of citizenship and civic pride. You will learn the demands and expectations of leadership and political responsibility. The Moron will have not a clue about any of such education, indeed the Americans elected a head of state who openly boasts that he never reads books. I have it on good authority that the Know Nothing believes that Plato is a horse running in the Kentucky Derby, but the Spider has no excuse. He has no shame, but as I have told you before, neither he nor any of his contemporaries display any evidence of having been educated as opposed to being schooled. The cleansing and healing of our respective societies requires fundamental change starting at the top, and that includes the top of our education system as well, to cleanse it of the elite poison that characterises our dominant ideology. The end product of Brexit will almost certainly mean the end of the United Kingdom. As I keep telling you, the Scots and Irish are far too intelligent and civilised to put up with this much longer. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

I wonder if God would let me help Him/Her?

I'm watching extensive coverage of Hurricane Michael on CNN, and although I am watching the effects of 150 mph winds, I cannot imagine them in reality, they genuinely overwhelm the imagination. I read an article earlier that although there is no such thing as a category 6 hurricane, because there has never been one, it seems it is only a matter of time until there is. All of this leaves me wondering when Americans are going to accept the facts of global warming? I mean it is they who are suffering the brunt of it just now with hurricanes, drought, and wildfires in different parts of the nation. It is not so long ago that it seemed to us on this side of the Atlantic that the whole of California was on fire. America seems to be suffering one natural tragedy after another just now, and those have come just after a winter that brought what was incredible snow and cold over a massive area for someone like me who lives in a nation that does not see such things. If I was an American I would be asking the White House Looney if the costs of altering the nations energy supplies and usage will come anywhere near the cost of the effects all those natural disasters will have, which, whether the nutjob likes to admit it or not, have their genesis in changing climate patterns caused by human activity. That is the conclusion of all sane and rational scientific evidence and research. It matters not what the Moron thinks, it matters what Americans know but seem to be in complete denial of. Anyone who denies climate change and how it is affecting the different parts of the world, is either a completely cynical liar, totally insane, or both.

If America is to be hit, some time in the near future by a category six storm, Americans need to sit and quietly contemplate such a possibility, and then contemplate the type of politician they are electing who scoffs at such scientific evidence, and, more importantly, is quite prepared to take the chance that such events will occur because it will not affect them. It will only affect the little people. Whether it happens or not, the mere possibility of such an occurrence should scare the living daylights out of anyone.

This is another consequence of free market neoliberalism. Necessary climate change measures will be costs and will require changes to the American (and everyone else's) lifestyle. As a result, it will affect those people responsible for the things that cause climate change and that will not be tolerated. Such people will quite genuinely watch millions of people die before they will allow measures that affect them, and their wealth, and they will utilise every political measure and politician who is corrupt enough to support them to ensure they remain completely unaccountable. It never seems to occur to the average voter that all climate change deniers, in tandem with holocaust deniers, are all right-wing Republican and Tory free marketeers. In this country we are having the same kind of experience, but on the subject of fracking. Despite massive local opposition, despite the evidence that areas where fracking has been allowed are suffering earthquakes, however mild, this free market obsessed Tory government is completely deaf to reality and to their own constituents. They are bribed and corrupted to their very soul. Earthquakes, in Britain? They are suffering minor, but real earthquake activity in the area outside Blackpool. If any of you are familiar with this area it is unbelievable, and is the largest holiday area in the UK, as Blackpool is Britain's largest holiday resort and sits less than an hours drive from the Lake District. Significantly, this has only occurred since the Tory Blackpool council allowed licences, with the full support of the government, to begin fracking.

You see the free-marketeers don't care. Just as Bush was completely unmoved by Hurricane Katrina, so the Moron cares not a jot about what will happen in Florida and those southern states that bear the brunt of the hurricanes and the floods. Similarly the Tories care nothing for anything that happens outside of London. As you know I am not religious, but there is a part of the Bible that tells us that God is going to return to destroy those who destroy the earth. That is enough to encourage me to be a believer, and, if He/She does return, and will allow me, I will gladly help as much as I can. You have been warned

Your Servant

Sunday, 7 October 2018

It is all about choices

I apologise for not having posted for some time but mein laptop vost kaput and I had to have it repaired. This involved getting a new hard drive and having to reinstall everything including Windows and Office etc. which, for a technological imbecile like me, was a daunting and time consuming process. However, the absence of a computer has given me time for reflection and I cannot avoid my increasing incredulity at the speed of descent into the bottomless pit of politics on both sides of the Atlantic. The situation in the USA is truly alarming with the divisive nature of congressional politics assuming the status of open hatred and this is reflected on the streets and in the media. Both The Moron and Theresa May have turned out even worse than I bargained for and both American and British governments are in a genuine and dangerous crisis. The Moron's stint as president must assuredly end very badly for the USA as its political culture is now genuinely scary, but it is the UK I wish to comment on here.

The Tories persistently peddle the mantra that because the 2008 financial crisis left the nation with such a punitive and costly deficit then austerity was not only necessary, but also, reverting back to the sacred words of the Blessed Margaret, there was no alternative. That of course is not only a barefaced lie, it is patently stupid. Austerity is both an ideological and political concept. Ideological because it is based on a very narrow and specific way of thinking, and political because it involves a series of quite deliberate choices that are the result of that specific way of thinking. It is part of a belief system that is itself rooted in the entrenched and ever present class warfare that is the essential characteristic of the United Kingdom. Britain, as I have repeatedly told you in this blog, is based on privilege, entitlement, and exclusion, and to the Tories it was neatly summed up by the Blessed Margaret who categorised people by whether they were 'them' or 'us'. I frequently comment that the notion that there is no alternative is a totalitarian concept. Now, those familiar with British politics will be aware that the Tory government will not allow a vote by either Parliament or the British people on the Brexit situation. It will not even sanction a vote by its own MPs or party. It has also refused to allow any input by the Scottish Parliament, The Welsh Assembly, or any political institution in Northern Ireland other than the DUP who they bribed to support their government after the last election. Thus Britain is governed by a set of ideological politicians who simply refuse to even pay lip service to democratic norms. They are both ideologically and by nature, authoritarians who must get their own way. One of the largest targets for the Tories war against democratic institutions has been local government. Local governments have suffered an average 60% cut in their budgets since the last election and local government has been effectively crippled. In his ‘Representative Government’ John Stuart Mill argues that
‘The very object of having a local representation, is in order that those who have any interest in common which they do not share with the general body of their countrymen may manage that joint interest by themselves.’

Liberal democracy requires a system of limited government with defined independent centres of power. Thatcher launched an aggressive war against such independent centres of power and her main targets were Britain's system of local government and the trades union movement. Both have been effectively crippled allowing central government to do what it wants, which was Thatcher's primary aim. Democratic governance requires legitimacy and representation and as wide a dispersal of power as is necessary. The principle of local government is designed to satisfy such requirements as is neatly summed up by Mill. If such local responsibility were to be replaced by centralised administration from London, it is argued that such local individuality of approach would be sacrificed to uniformity, and that the adaptability of local decision-making would give way to rigidity and the centralised imposition of a bureaucratic ‘only one way’ of doing things. That is exactly what has happened in the UK. If local government enjoys a degree of autonomy from the centre, the power of the state is therefore fragmented and limited and that is anathema to authoritarians like Thatcher and her successors. As the political commentator John Kingdom notes, the elimination of local government is generally taken as a symptom of totalitarianism.

However, austerity is not inevitable, even given the disaster of the financial crisis. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives and the Tories made the classic fundamental choice between imposing cuts or raising taxes, which was of course, completely ideological. For example Alfred Marshall was professor of political economy at Cambridge from 1885 till 1908 and founded what we know as the Cambridge School of Economics and so is hardly qualified to be labelled a socialist or a Marxist, even by the fevered imaginations of right-wing Tories or American Republicans. In his 'Principles of Economics' in 1890, he wrote that

"It has been left for our own generation to perceive all the evils which arose from the suddenness of this increase of economic freedom. Now first are we getting to understand the extent to which the capitalist employer, untrained to his new duties, was tempted to subordinate the wellbeing of his workpeople to his own desire for gain; now first are we learning the importance of insisting that the rich have duties as well as rights in their individual and in their collective capacity; now first is the economic problem of the new age showing itself to us as it really is. This is partly due to a wider knowledge and a growing earnestness.......In particular this increased prosperity has made us rich and strong enough to impose new restraints on free enterprise; some temporary material loss being submitted to for the sake of a higher and ultimate greater gain. But these new restraints are different from the old. They are imposed not as a means of class domination; but with the purpose of defending the weak, and especially children and the mothers of children, in matters in which they are not able to use the forces of competition in their own defence".

If Marshall was to write this today, The Moron would be mocking him and sneering at him at one of his infamous rallies and the Tories and their lickspittles in the media would undoubtedly seek to have him removed from his Chair at Cambridge. Today's capitalist employers are no longer untrained in their duties, indeed they are all too well trained today in how to subordinate the wellbeing of their workers to the desire for their own gain, another of the legacies of the Blessed Margaret, and sentiments such as Marshall's would render them impotent with rage. As Marshall obviously tells us, there are choices, there are alternatives. Both The Moron and the British Tories are quite deliberately dismantling our respective systems of politics and remodelling them in their own image. If our peoples allow them to do that, then they will get exactly what they deserve. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat