Saturday, 22 September 2018

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian?

Can there be anyone more disgustingly hypocritical than a white American Christian? I have reached this conclusion after watching and reading innumerable documentaries and articles about this strange group of people, who, whilst preaching brotherly love, tolerance, and peace and goodwill to all men, must rank amongst the most hate-filled, intolerant and potentially murderous people on the planet. I could fill this blog with quotes from Christians who appear to genuinely believe that their god, not only put the White House Moron into office, but supports and defends him, and regards him as his/her true representative on earth, a protestant pope. It was Jesus Christ Himself who told us that when we wish to know the true character and motivations of a person we should judge them 'by their fruits'. There are few people who can match the Moron for lying, fostering hatred, demonising others, abuse, racism and misogyny, and those are his better characteristics. They are however, his fruits which are divisive in the extreme and very dangerous, as he continues to incite and encourage violence and hatred. He would make a perfect Tory Party leader.

I fear American Christians are rather selective in their understanding of the teachings of their own religion. I have an article in front of me of a Christian rally, by something called the Values Voter Summit, where one woman actually told the reporter that Trump had surrounded himself with godly men. Either me or the Christians are living in an alternative universe, because in the world I inhabit, all of Trump's godly men are in serious trouble with the law as they have been exposed as a bunch of gangsters and criminals. I watched a rally last night during which the Moron praised his Supreme Court nominee as a great man and dismissed the lady who has accused him of sexual assault without even listening to what she had to say, and the great and good American Christians applauded enthusiastically. This is a lady who has already submitted to a polygraph. So, what kind of Christian justice is that supposed to represent? By what moral standards are these people operating? Is that Christian morality and justice? Perhaps that is actually what the Christian religion is evolving into in its American context!

However, I am seriously beginning to think that Trump and his army of godly men are indeed representative of the American Christian community. I have watched three documentaries about the Ku Klux Klan in recent months and they all spout the same gibberish about love of god, love of country and love of the Moron. They all claim to be Christians, and as a result of watching the Christian community in America in its many forms I confess that I no longer understand what Christianity is, or what it is supposed to represent. The things that appear to unite all white Christians in America are hate, guns, and the Moron. If these people are indeed representative of the god of the Bible, then I no longer understand the Bible either and want absolutely nothing to do with their god. Imagine going to heaven after you die and spending eternity surrounded by such people and under the authority of a god who endorses them, their teachings, and their behaviour?

By the standards of their own Bible, the behaviour of the Moron has been, and still is, on a daily basis, a catalogue of never ending sin. Nor is he either repentant or even slightly remorseful. Now, I do not judge this creature on his behaviour by the same standards as a Christian is supposed to, but it is they who claim to uphold their commandments, which, the last time I looked forbade lying and adultery amongst other things, both of which forms of behaviour are the Moron's supreme talents, indeed they appear to be his only talents. That matters not a jot to our good, upstanding white American Christian community however. They are quite happy to ignore this because morality and ethical behaviour is selective and relative in their world. Their brand of Christianity is a moral and ethical supermarket where you exercise your individual choice, and, as long as you are happy with it, you are a rational consumer, a good old boy or girl. This is the real manifestation of the American free market, it is a free market of moral and ethical choices, and as long as you utter enough 'praise the lords' and 'hallelujahs' you're in the gang. If the Supreme Moron does indeed qualify to be accepted as a Christian, and the Christian community continue to support him on his own terms, then the Christian religion has lost all meaning and relevance. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Immigration - the myth that will not die

The British Government's Migration Advisory Committee has just released a report confirming all that The Kommirat has been telling you about immigration since the start of this blog. The government should be congratulated as they are only six years behind me, which for a Tory Party led by the appalling Theresa May, is quite an intellectual triumph. If you are following the Brexit saga you will now be aware that the British government are even more staggeringly incompetent than I have been giving them credit for. They are genuinely useless and we, in the UK, are at present in crisis in almost all parts of our social life, particularly in railways, transport in general, health and education just to name the most crucial. But our biggest problem is political as we have a government of unbelievable stupidity and an opposition which is possibly even worse.

However, this report on immigration is quite serious, and should be a cause of national concern, because what has always been obvious to me, but has been repeatedly denied by most of the Westminster pigsty and their lackeys in the media,  and in particular by the Tories, in order to fuel the myths that the political class peddled for the purpose of scapegoating their own incompetence and criminality, was that immigration was the principal source of the Brexit vote to leave the EU, which I remind you was unadulterated racism and hatred of foreigners, despite what the British majority white population want you to think by their repeated and indignant denials that they are racist, anti-Muslim or antisemitic. That British white nationalistic population are of course a significant minority in Scotland which, I again remind you, is by far the most intelligent and civilised sector of the United Kingdom. Without going into details which are widely available in the press, I quote you the summary of the government report from the Independent newspaper.

"Key myths on the negative impacts of EU immigration have been blown apart by a major report commissioned by the government. The document found EU citizens have little impact on UK workers’ wages, pay more in taxes, have no adverse impact on young Britons’ schooling, are not linked to increasing crime and contribute “much more” to the NHS than they consume. It did highlight how immigration helped push up house prices, but concluded the rise is directly linked to a broader failure to build new homes".

Crucially, the Migration Advisory Committee concluded that EU immigration has been significantly beneficial to the public purse with each EU migrant contributing £2,300 more to the exchequer each year, in net terms, than the average adult, and over their lifetimes, they pay in £78,000 more than they take out in public services and benefits, while the average UK citizen’s net lifetime contribution is zero. How does that grab you Boris the Spider and Nigel Garbage?

There is some good news however, Theresa May has just been firmly rejected by the EU and her policies are in tatters, and demographic data shows that, statistically, on 19th January next year, the majority of the electorate will now reflect that pro-EU voters will outnumber leavers by several percentage points and the prospect of Brexit will begin to recede rapidly. In some ways that is bad news for me. because, as I have told you before, I hope for the hardest of Brexits. Brexit will be a disaster and I firmly believe that the only way that the braindead Brexiteers will come to their senses is when they are faced with the disaster that they cannot deny was of their own making. They will need to have their noses firmly and repeatedly rubbed into their own mess. As you know, I have been thinking about Brexit for three years now and I still fail to see even one positive about it. It is an act of national political suicide based on lies, hate and quite frankly, stupidity. As the man said, 'that makes no sense at all.' The other reason I want the hardest of Brexits of course, is that I am quite certain it will bring about a large majority for Scottish Independence and Scotland will be free to create a Tory free zone. Hope springs eternal. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

The Tyranny of a so-called majority wedded to madness

There can be few more stupid and fatuous statements than Theresa May’s claim that a second referendum on Brexit would be a betrayal of democracy. It demonstrates the childish grasp of politics that predominates within the Westminster class and shows that we really have reached the point where the dominant Brexit narrative from the leave lobby has established itself as what John Stuart Mill called ‘the tyranny of the majority’. It now stands as a form of bullying and is exposed as a fraud. It is this kind of asinine approach that allows people to claim that the referendum result demonstrated ‘the will of the people’. Mill himself told us that, in practical terms, the will of the people means ‘the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority’. Thus, when we consider ‘the people’ we must remember that this actually means the electorate as opposed to the population, and that the Leave vote of 51.89% on a 72.21% turnout in the referendum equalled 37.47% of the electorate. In other words, 37.47% of the British electorate have succeeded in their demand that they must be accepted as the majority of the population, that their decision is sacrosanct, and to oppose it is treason. Thus, the result of the referendum has suddenly appropriated the authority of a sacred text.

This is important for several reasons, first, in differentiating between the population and the electorate, it must be remembered that the government refused to extend the vote to those 16 to 18 years old’s who were included in the Scottish Independence referendum (and who numbered 1.46 million in the UK in 2016) despite being earnestly advised to do so. Also, the referendum was only ‘advisory’ according to the government as they were determined they would not be held to the result if they did not like it or by claims that the vote embodied ‘the will of the people’ if it went against them. In addition, the Electoral Commission has confirmed that the winning side achieved their goal illegally with Vote Leave, Leave UK and BeLeave all having openly broken electoral law. This should have declared the result null and void, and therefore goes to the heart of the British claim to be a nation of laws; can the future of the British people be dependent on a flagrant breach of the rule of law and can we be bound for time immemorial on the ‘advice’ of a minority of the population who reached their decision on a farrago of lies and criminality? If anything constitutes a betrayal of democracy, it is a government who are determined to proceed with an openly corrupt policy process in the full knowledge of that corruption.

In addition all recent polling data shows that many of those who expressed their will in 2016 have now changed their minds and their ‘will’ is now something quite different, a fact of life that the tyrannous majority quite happily ignore, and that is an abuse of both power and the democratic process heaped on top of the abuse of proceeding with a lie, a fraud and deliberate criminality. Thus, we are all now expected to quietly submit to the demand that we must accept the result of a process of illegality, lies, damned lies and statistics. It would be funny were it not so serious. Is it any wonder that the Brexit process is such an incompetent farce when the authors of the Brexit vote are such liars and criminals?

It would appear that America suffers from a similar complaint about an apparent majority, that is in fact a minority, exercising a tyranny over policy and the political process and threatening unrest if their 'will' is either challenged or thwarted, and who also appear to have gained their victory illegally. In 2016 the American election saw a turnout of only 55.3%. Of that 55.3% of the electorate, the White House Moron polled 46% giving him 25.4% of the possible vote. Hilary Clinton polled 26.5% of the possible vote. As the American Presidential election is a first past the post election, The Moron won the electoral college whilst in fact losing the vote, and so claims that he represents the majority and therefore 'the will of the people' just as our own Brexit gangsters do as well. The fault of course lies with that 44.7% of the electorate who couldn't be bothered to vote.

That the Moron is demonstrably insane is too obvious to challenge, but what is so worrying is that just as a significant section of the British seem oblivious to the madness and lies of the Brexiteers, especially the Spider, so a significant sector of the American people are either oblivious, or simply don't care, that their president is a lunatic. The following is part of a speech given by The Moron in July 2016 at a venue in South Carolina, in a place called Sun City. This is a word-for-word transcript of a section of his speech

“Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart —you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you’re a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.”

That passage not only displays, but is, genuine insanity. This is in his own words. How can anyone who attended that speech support, let alone applaud, such demonstrable gibberish? Were they not listening? This demonstrates better than anything else that the American president is a gibbering bombastic charlatan who is incapable of rational narrative, or of even finishing a complete sentence, without an autocue. As I keep saying, the British and American people are in a very dark place at this moment in history and it is getting darker. Both the Conservatives and the Republicans have sold their souls and, because of the crisis they find themselves in, are becoming more intolerant and tyrannical. British politics are quite insane and completely irrational just now and are a reflection of the leading elites. In both of our nations we are seeing the ghosts of the 1930's rising up to haunt us. The future is in your hands and you cannot say that you never saw it coming. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat