Thursday, 3 November 2016

We have a serious crisis of government and politics

I have written here several times and do not apologise for raising it again, but it has become essential that we have a serious discussion about the roles and functions of government. I have told you since the start of this blog that the free market narrative is essentially totalitarian and that Britain is getting dangerously close, if not to totalitarian government, most definitely authoritarian. It is similar with the United States. A report today estimated that a candidature for the US Presidency, requires at least $500,0000. Think about that, half a billion dollars to attempt to become the leader of a country that claims to be a democracy, and there is not even a guarantee of success. That's worse odds than trying to win the lottery. As a result, what kind of people can launch such a bid? Answer, only those who are either one of, or capable of being accepted by, the one per cent. Some democracy!

Today the British High Court ruled that the government does not have the authority to trigger Article 50 of the European Charter announcing Britain's intention to leave the Union. That authority lies with the sovereign parliament. Imagine that we actually had to go to court to have that clarified. Kommirat has been telling you that for years, that in a liberal constitutional democracy, parliament must be sovereign as it is the elected representative of the people. That is so fundamental it is a very serious situation when that has to be decided in a court. No-one elects a government in Britain, we elect parties, and historical precedent has decided that the leader of the victorious party becomes the Prime Minister who then appoints a government team from whomever he/she wishes from within the parliament, and in Britain that includes the House of Lords. Thus, the Prime Minister is a party appointment, not the peoples, and therefore the rest of the government are in fact third party appointments. This is particularly relevant today when the present Prime Minister succeeded to her post in the wake of the resignation of the incumbent. Thus Theresa May is Prime Minister by dint of the votes of a majority of Conservative MPs, she hasn't even been tested in an election. Thus, it is essential that the executive is always subservient to the legislature. That is why Britain can no longer claim to be a democracy because that situation has not prevailed since at least the Second World War. It is also why parliament must reassert its authority, particularly when we have a government of such appalling personnel as we have today. There is not one intellect in the entire governmental machine, and it is doubtful if there is any intellectual capacity in the entire pigsty.

In the United States we have a candidate who has announced in advance that if he loses the election he will not accept the result because he has decided, before any votes have been cast, that the election is fraudulent. The USA is actually on the verge of voting in a person who will only accept the legitimacy of the electoral process if he wins it. In this country we have the entire governmental apparatus screaming for a penalty kick because the court has had the temerity to make a legal ruling that it so transparently obvious only a fool would challenge it, but the Tory party is indeed a ship of fools. This government was quite prepared to annul over forty years of parliamentary legislation on a whim, and are quite adamant that they have a right to do so. The court has simply ruled that only parliament can repeal its own laws, not the government. Thus, as with Trump, the Tories will only accept whatever rules and outcomes, legal, political or whatever, that they agree with. This is a big topic and I will end here, but with a familiar warning. This is the logical outcome of Thatcherism and free market neoliberalism. You must be alert to what these people are doing to your nation, your democracy and your future. You have been warned.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat   

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