"What I hope to achieve in the future is a clear recognition amongst people with a scintilla of intelligence that the neoliberal free market experiment has been well and truly demonstrated to be a disaster and is both practically and intellectually dead. Free market economic theory is a fraud and is based on flawed intellectual and theoretical assumptions, it is, if I may be allowed to quote Engels, ‘a developed system of licensed fraud, an entire science of enrichment.’"
Another persistent theme of this blog has been to catalogue the continuing descent of Britain's working class into a condition of virtual slavery. It is now evident that the same phenomenon has been occurring in the United States. This of course is a direct and quite deliberate result of free market economics and is the principal driver of both Brexit and Trump. The tragedy is that both the Brexiteers and Trump himself, have successfully convinced enough people that the cause of their misery is still the immigrants, etc. 'the others' of popular mythology, with the result that the mass of the people themselves have still to understand the poisonous legacy of neoliberalism and therefore the true source of where their anger should be directed. Thus, those who voted Brexit and Trump have once again put their faith in false prophets, in fact the same kind of people who caused their woes in the first place.
As I frequently write, this situation is the result of enough people in both nations voting for their own impoverishment and slavery, all I can do is warn them what they are doing and hope that they are misguided and not doing it deliberately. I find it hard to have sympathy for people who are so wilfully blind to their own predicament and willing to place their faith in people who are so demonstrably stupid, incompetent and disgustingly venal as the elites in both our benighted nations, but recognise that they are not the majority, just the enough. I also recognise that me, my family and all my friends are on the sharp end of the gangsters who run our world, and so I continue to highlight their criminality as long as someone is willing to listen. At least there are some people in our societies, ironically called experts, who are at last beginning to realise what I have been telling you for the past four years. I have already written that Brexit and Trump are the natural consequence of the free market, of Thatcher/Reaganism and the institutionalisation of greed and selfishness as deliberate public policy in both societies, and that another natural consequence of this is the continuous war against working people. This has resulted in Britain becoming quite uncivilised and descending into a form of barbarism, and following on from the US election, it is evident that these conditions also apply in the USA. As of this September, there were 903,000 people in the UK on zero hours contracts. There are now more than 7m Britons in what is designated as 'precarious employment'.
Precarious employment is jargon for people who can lose their job at very short, or no, notice. That is one in five of the British workforce and is getting worse all the time. It has grown by two million in the past ten years. Thatcher, Reagan, and their acolytes laid all the foundations that allow such working conditions. In Britain this meant destroying the union movement, making industrial action almost impossible and convincing a gullible British public that trades unions and workers, particularly in the public sector, were the devil incarnate. It also involved the destruction of employment rights and law, and deregulating bullying and harassment by managers and corporations. It is now the norm for employers to utilise self-employed workers and increasingly recruit on temporary and zero-hours contracts. The Tories boast about the rise in the number of self-employed, but over fifty percent of such workers are in low paid poverty wages and take home less than two-thirds of median income. The Chairman of the government's own commission into social mobility, Alan Milburn, one of Mad Tony's cronies, stated that
“There is something profound going on and all of this poses a potential risk to social cohesion and a risk to the potential for social mobility”
It must be bad when even the vilest of the pigsty reach such conclusions, he being of course one of the authors of this situation. He reported that self-employed workers typically earn about half the wage of permanent employees, zero-hours contractors about 40% and temp workers around two-thirds. These are the same people who voted Brexit and so voted to entrench their own misery. You genuinely could not make it up.
Ps. For those of you who feel that I am too harsh on Boris the Spider, I trust you are following his fortunes as Foreign Secretary. It is wonderful to watch him demonstrating every day and with every utterance that he is an even greater imbecile than I gave him credit for. The man is a disaster and will surely need to be sacked as a matter of priority, he is so useless and so obviously mad that I am beginning to develop a fondness for him. This is the sort of person that the British placed their faith in as their future. We can never criticise the Americans over Trump when we have the Spider. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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