I haven't posted anything for a week because I felt that everyday politics had become a bit unimportant following the terrible events in Paris and I wished to reflect for a bit. One of the striking things I find about the aftermath is how we are suddenly looking to the Russians for a satisfactory solution to the Middle Eastern dilemma. The rhetoric in the UK about all things Russian and the evil Vladimir Putin has taken a rather remarkable U-turn with the Russian President being held up as not such a bad bloke after all, I mean not in the same league as old Uncle Joe Stalin eh? Even Michael Portillo commented how we must form an alliance with the Russians if we are to be successful in defeating Isis. In other words, if you want someone to do the dirty work of actually taking the fight to the enemy who better than the Russians? Maybe old Doktor Kommirat was correct when he warned you that he saw something flawed in the anti-Russian western narrative after all?
As I've commented before, most of the important decisions in politics come down to choices between bad and worse. No-one is saying that Assad in Syria is anything but a seriously nasty piece of work but it has now become obvious that whilst the British government and its useful idiots in the press propagandise about supporting 'moderate' forces in Syria, in reality no such thing exists. It is what I call Kommirat's law that if the British and Americans are supporting anyone you can bet they are supporting the wrong people. The real evil in the Middle East are the Saudis and yet we hold these murderous barbarians up as the good guys and are right now supporting their attempts to eradicate Yemen as a viable state whilst they also continue to supply and finance Isis. I hope you have noticed how no refugees, all of course Arab and Muslim, are welcomed in the richest Arab Muslim state on earth.
I am not a Russian sympathiser, nor despite my blog name am I a communist, but I refuse to be bullied by propaganda and outright lies. I am probably wrong but throughout my life I never bought into the idea that Russia was a threat or had any intention of attacking the UK. I could not see any genuine reason why they would. As far as I am concerned we have Russia to thank for Hitler's defeat. Without diminishing the tremendous contribution of the British armed forces, particularly in such events as the Battle of Britain, the turning points of the Second World War were Stalingrad and Kursk. Hitler effectively lost the war on 22nd June 1941 when he launched Barbarossa. Over 4 million German troops invaded Russia, can you imagine if they had been deployed against us? Anyway, recent events will see a change in British propaganda as we look to the Russians to give the lead in dealing with a genuine threat that has been caused by our own incompetent and stupid foreign policy. As I said, bad and worse, we will have to somehow come to terms with the need to support Assad now which means (whisper it quietly) changing our attitudes towards Iran as well. Is it any wonder that the Conservatives are called the stupid party? You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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