Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Trust me, trust is dead

The fundamental problem with modern politics is the question of trust. There is a vast chasm between the public and the political class and this seems to be the situation in all modern so-called democracies. Just last week in the UK we had the spectacle of the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber flying over from New York for the sole purpose of voting for the government in the House of Lords to prevent their tax credit cuts being voted down. This is one of the richest men in Britain going to all that expense and trouble for the purpose of impoverishing an estimated six million of his fellow citizens. A very working class and down to earth pensioner remarked to me that this is the actions of a nut case, a fanatic with a burning hatred of ordinary people. In another story, a Labour MP introduced a motion in the House of Commons to exempt people who are carers for long-term sick people and who visit them every day, often for long periods of the day, from the heavy parking charges that exist in hospital in England and Wales. The motion would also have exempted the people who work in hospitals from parking charges at their place of work. In England, the government outsourced hospital car parks to private firms who now levy quite swingeing charges for parking at a hospital. These charges also apply to all visitors and the staff who work there. The Scots, who as you all know are far more civilised than Tory voting English barbarians, abolished hospital parking charges years ago. However, true to their hatred of both the NHS and all working people, four Tory MPs filibustered the proposed measure by speaking over it for over four hours and preventing it from being voted on. Thus, long-term carers, nurses, cleaners, doctors etc. will have to continue either paying for the privilege of parking at their place of work or using public transport. Either way they will continue to be financially penalised by their wise and wonderful Tory masters. However, my sympathy for them is somewhat muted because that is what they voted for.

For those of you who are from outside these sorry British Isles, the Prime Minister and several of his colleagues gave categorical assurances before the last election that they would not cut the tax credit system. Thus, both the last two election results were influenced by bare-faced lies. In Britain we are going through a farcical process called the Chilcot Enquiry that is supposedly attempting to get to the truth of the circumstances that took us into war in Iraq. This Enquiry has been going on for seven years now and it is the worst kept secret in the world that it will exonerate Mad Tony and his henchmen regardless of what it uncovers. The referendum on Scottish Independence resulted in the Labour Party being almost wiped out last year because of the ferocious lying propaganda the Scots were subjected to by the Better Together campaign. The Scots turned on all three Westminster parties with a vengeance that has shocked the establishment to the core. The lies and deceit of the Westminster establishment and their quite open hatred of their own people has reached a stage where even the Tory voting English are getting sick of it. We now have the situation where polling data shows that the most popular and most trusted personality in Scotland is the leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon. That is the result of the almost total lack of trust in the British establishment, that a politician who will not bend the knee to Westminster outpolls sportspeople, showbusiness personalities etc.

I told you over a year ago that the Labour Party in Scotland will only survive if it divorces from the national organisation. They have finally come to that conclusion themselves, but in Westminster we have a Labour MP, Tristram Hunt, or to give him his proper title, The Honourable Tristram Julian William Hunt, son of Baron Hunt of Chesterton, telling us that Labour will have to be once again led by the top one percent of the British establishment from Oxford and Cambridge for their future survival. How on earth does an upper class imbecile like that ever get elected to any kind of public office? It tells you all you need to know about modern Britain that he would actually say that in public and in the press and get taken seriously. Britain is in a perilous state and it is going to get worse as the campaign for withdrawal from the EU gets under way. The lies and propaganda will reach a pitch previously only seen in Hitler's Germany and the racist foreigner hating English will probably vote to come out. When the campaign gets under way, I invite you all to read the Daily Express and the Daily Mail, I confidently predict you will not believe what you are reading, it will be so bad. You have been warned

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat  

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