I apologise for not posting for 10 days but I have been here there and everywhere. I am posting this on Christmas Day because this day has a huge significance in so many ways. As anyone who reads this blog will know, I consider that the individualist philosophy underpinning the free market neoliberal narrative has nothing of any value to offer us and is intellectually bankrupt. One of the significant aspects of Christmas is how it demonstrates so graphically the social nature of the human being. Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan etc. are all testament to the need for people to establish collective celebrations that define collective essences, such as a religion, a geographic region, an ethnic grouping etc. The human being is a collective being and, as I have said before, their individuality is a reflection of their collective existence and socialisation. Thus, philosophies of individuality that fail to start from the acceptance of the social nature of the human have little or no relevance. That is why the modern dominant narrative of economic and political neoliberalism is bankrupt and why Thatcher's famous dictum that there is no such thing as society is in essence simply stupid.
Humans cling to their observances with a quite irrational passion whether they have any bearing on reality or not. Take Christmas for example. The authority for Christmas supposedly comes from the Christian religion, and the authority for the religion supposedly comes from the Christian Bible. However, if we actually consult the Bible we will find that Christians have been given particular days that must be observed as holy, and the birth of Jesus Christ is definitely not one of them. So, where does the authority for this 'holy' day come from? In addition, why the 25th December? If we consult the Bible we discover that Christ must have been born in the 30 day period between what we today call the second week in September and the second week in October. He could not possibly have been born in December. So why do we celebrate this day, and place it above all other days as a celebration of the Christian message? In addition, our calendar is dated from the birth of Christ and we will pass into the 2016th year since Christ was born next week. But, actually we wont, because Christ must have been born five years earlier that our history tells us. The Bible again tells us that Christ's parents were warned to flee Judea after his birth because the king, Herod the Great was searching for him with the intention of killing him. Herod the Great died in 4BC. Also, the Christian calendar begins on 1AD and the year previous is designated as 1BC. There is no year zero in our calendar with the result that we consider that Christ was one year old the day he was born. This results in the Christian world indulging in a mass celebration of an event that they have no religious authority to celebrate, on the wrong day and in the wrong year. But does it matter?
I personally don't think so because we are really not celebrating a religious festival. If I know such things then so must the people who believe in Christianity and so they must be aware that they are celebrating what is in effect a fraud. What we are celebrating is the collective essence we regard as our human society, just as all religions and secular societies do in a myriad of diverse ways.. In Britain we have the celebration of the failure of Guy Fawkes to blow up Parliament, Americans have Thanksgiving for the survival of the Founding Fathers. What humans do is celebrate their collective survival and existence in many forms, but it is society they are celebrating, the society that Thatcher claims does not exist. That is why the modern neoliberal is so desperate to desacrilise society as they think that by doing that they will destroy the concept of the social. But that will never happen. It will not stop them however, and it is only a matter of a few years until Christmas ceases to be a public holiday and everyone has to work on Christmas Day. If there was a God, I am confident that David Cameron would have been struck down dead when he claimed that Britain was a Christian nation. If Britain is a Christian nation and there are any real Christians in this Tory government, then Christianity is a deeply disturbed belief system. So, roll on next Christmas and all the other observances that celebrate the human social condition, by their very existence they ensure that the dominant free market individualism will perish because it is anti-social and anti-Christ. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat.
Friday, 25 December 2015
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
Westminster has poisoned the meaning of freedom
A friend of mine surprised me by asking what I meant in my post that the dominant ideology of free market neoliberalism was the negation of true freedom. I was surprised as I thought he would have understood this, but it led me to realise the extent and the power of the ideological grip that free market thinking has on modern society that what I wrote could be considered controversial.
Any discussion of human behaviour must begin from the fact of human social nature. This is inescapable, allowing us to dismiss the free market concept of the atomised individual as a nonsense, indeed an impossibility. As Marx correctly informs us "The individual... is the social being...Individual human life and species life are not different things". The first consequence of human social nature is that the human being is a regulatory being, in that the human naturally regulates its environment. If I may give a mundane example. The free market concept of freedom argues that any restriction on my ability to act is a restriction on my freedom to act as I will, but in the UK my freedom to drive my car as I see fit is restricted by the regulation that I must drive on the left hand side of the road. Now this is indeed a restriction on my freedom to drive on the right side of the road if it is my will to do so, but this restriction applies to all drivers in the UK. As a result, this restriction is in reality a safeguard, ensuring not only my safety, but my freedom by protecting my life, and the life of every other driver, in a possible dangerous environment. We therefore have a situation where a restriction is in reality a freedom. As a result, freedom cannot be regarded as an absolute. It is relative in respect that my freedom cannot be allowed to damage another. I must never be allowed the freedom to rape or murder, nor must any other human being. In addition, regulation cannot be necessarily regarded as a restriction on freedom. What surprises me when I speak to people is that I would have thought that such things are self-evident.
Therefore, if we apply those principles to economic and political behaviour, it makes a nonsense of those cherished ideas that we should be able to dispose of our income, our property etc. any way we wish to. The best example of that is that we have to pay taxation, which is a necessary restriction on your ability to dispose of your income as you see fit. It also dismisses the notion that government have a right to do as they please as no human being, no group, no class, no corporation has an absolute right to anything. It exposes the insidious lie that a regulated environment is 'socialist' or restrictive of human freedom. Of course an over-regulated environment is wrong, but so too is a non-regulated environment, and that is the stuff of politics and government, getting the balance right, and that is why I continually write that free market neoliberalism is a lie and a fraud and why successive policies of deregulation have been so destructive of British economic and social society.
This is of course a massive topic and I am only touching on it here, but suffice it to say that British economic and social policy are poisoned and this poison is gaining ever greater cachet on our freedom and security. The freedom that the Westminster free marketer insists on means everyone else's slavery and this is being proposed by people who know exactly what they are doing. The poison is ideologically created and sustained and finds its outlet in public policy drafted by people who are in some instances genuinely evil. We have in British government a person I call the British Eichmann, but he is not alone. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Any discussion of human behaviour must begin from the fact of human social nature. This is inescapable, allowing us to dismiss the free market concept of the atomised individual as a nonsense, indeed an impossibility. As Marx correctly informs us "The individual... is the social being...Individual human life and species life are not different things". The first consequence of human social nature is that the human being is a regulatory being, in that the human naturally regulates its environment. If I may give a mundane example. The free market concept of freedom argues that any restriction on my ability to act is a restriction on my freedom to act as I will, but in the UK my freedom to drive my car as I see fit is restricted by the regulation that I must drive on the left hand side of the road. Now this is indeed a restriction on my freedom to drive on the right side of the road if it is my will to do so, but this restriction applies to all drivers in the UK. As a result, this restriction is in reality a safeguard, ensuring not only my safety, but my freedom by protecting my life, and the life of every other driver, in a possible dangerous environment. We therefore have a situation where a restriction is in reality a freedom. As a result, freedom cannot be regarded as an absolute. It is relative in respect that my freedom cannot be allowed to damage another. I must never be allowed the freedom to rape or murder, nor must any other human being. In addition, regulation cannot be necessarily regarded as a restriction on freedom. What surprises me when I speak to people is that I would have thought that such things are self-evident.
Therefore, if we apply those principles to economic and political behaviour, it makes a nonsense of those cherished ideas that we should be able to dispose of our income, our property etc. any way we wish to. The best example of that is that we have to pay taxation, which is a necessary restriction on your ability to dispose of your income as you see fit. It also dismisses the notion that government have a right to do as they please as no human being, no group, no class, no corporation has an absolute right to anything. It exposes the insidious lie that a regulated environment is 'socialist' or restrictive of human freedom. Of course an over-regulated environment is wrong, but so too is a non-regulated environment, and that is the stuff of politics and government, getting the balance right, and that is why I continually write that free market neoliberalism is a lie and a fraud and why successive policies of deregulation have been so destructive of British economic and social society.
This is of course a massive topic and I am only touching on it here, but suffice it to say that British economic and social policy are poisoned and this poison is gaining ever greater cachet on our freedom and security. The freedom that the Westminster free marketer insists on means everyone else's slavery and this is being proposed by people who know exactly what they are doing. The poison is ideologically created and sustained and finds its outlet in public policy drafted by people who are in some instances genuinely evil. We have in British government a person I call the British Eichmann, but he is not alone. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 14 December 2015
Coming soon, the Tory one party state
I have written before about the totalitarian impulses within the British Conservative Party, and have warned you that they are genuinely dangerous. The modern Conservative Party are profoundly undemocratic and are pursuing a programme by which they hope to establish a one-party state in Britain in the sense that they will neutralise all opposition to the extent that they will establish a monopoly of control in England and Wales. Having achieved that they will happily see Scotland go independent, although that would not be necessary as their control of England and Wales will render the Scottish vote impotent. Now even the dim-witted forelock tugging British press are waking up to these developments. For example, Britain has the most draconian employment laws in the civilised world, but that is not enough for the Tories who, because of their hatred and loathing of ordinary working people, are going to attack the unions even further with their proposed Trades Union Bill. It is getting so bad that even the bible of the financial class in the UK, The Financial Times, stated that the bill was 'out of proportion' and that it would 'threaten basic rights of assembly
and free expression'. There are many signs that such a programme is alive and kicking and if anyone is interested I will be glad to highlight them for you, but it would make this post too long to do it here. All I can do is trace the fundamentals.
Since the election of Margaret Thatcher, the Conservatives have pursued a neoliberal political and economic programme founded on the myth of the free market. This free market neoliberal programme is founded on the myth that any form of regulation is the negation of freedom and that regulation is necessarily the equivalent of socialism. Freedom, both in economic and political terms therefore necessitates the deregulation of society and the removal of all constraints on economic and political activity by free marketeers. This of course is the negation of true freedom, which I understand looks to be a strange statement at first glance. However, the argument for deregulation is, in reality, the big lie that they promote to justify their attempts to loot as much of the national treasury as possible. In economic terms this means removing all constraints on the ability of free market activity to pursue an untrammelled accumulation of wealth and power. So, in economic terms, it was deemed necessary to remove all constraints on economic activity and in political terms to remove all constraints on the centralisation of power within the elite echelons of the Conservative Party. In the context of the UK, this meant, in the first instance an assault on local councils and trades unions to neuter both their power and their influence. Thatcher achieved this with ease.
All this talk about freedom, individual liberty and the natural workings of the market is simply garbage, a lie, and the underlying justification for the attacks on unions, the poor, the disabled, human rights and of course the European Union. But the Conservative attacks on their enemies is preceded by a systematic and prolonged campaign of demonization against their intended targets. The purpose of such a campaign is to dehumanise their opponents so that there is minimal resistance from the wider society when concrete measures are announced to strip rights and responsibilities from people, groups and organisations. You see you cannot be considered as possessing human rights if you are deemed to be subhuman, and anyway, human rights are just a shorthand excuse to engage in anti-social and unBritish activities such as trades unionism, socialism, communism, Islamism and any other form of 'ism' that isn't conservatism. I mean, no decent law-abiding patriotic Briton needs or even wants human rights do they? Human rights are only a cover for terrorists posing as British citizens. The Scottish people woke up to these developments long ago and have rejected the Westminster pigsty, although ironically we have Mad Tony to thank for that rather than Tories. Unless the rest of the UK open their eyes, they are heading for the slavery I have been warning about for years now. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Since the election of Margaret Thatcher, the Conservatives have pursued a neoliberal political and economic programme founded on the myth of the free market. This free market neoliberal programme is founded on the myth that any form of regulation is the negation of freedom and that regulation is necessarily the equivalent of socialism. Freedom, both in economic and political terms therefore necessitates the deregulation of society and the removal of all constraints on economic and political activity by free marketeers. This of course is the negation of true freedom, which I understand looks to be a strange statement at first glance. However, the argument for deregulation is, in reality, the big lie that they promote to justify their attempts to loot as much of the national treasury as possible. In economic terms this means removing all constraints on the ability of free market activity to pursue an untrammelled accumulation of wealth and power. So, in economic terms, it was deemed necessary to remove all constraints on economic activity and in political terms to remove all constraints on the centralisation of power within the elite echelons of the Conservative Party. In the context of the UK, this meant, in the first instance an assault on local councils and trades unions to neuter both their power and their influence. Thatcher achieved this with ease.
All this talk about freedom, individual liberty and the natural workings of the market is simply garbage, a lie, and the underlying justification for the attacks on unions, the poor, the disabled, human rights and of course the European Union. But the Conservative attacks on their enemies is preceded by a systematic and prolonged campaign of demonization against their intended targets. The purpose of such a campaign is to dehumanise their opponents so that there is minimal resistance from the wider society when concrete measures are announced to strip rights and responsibilities from people, groups and organisations. You see you cannot be considered as possessing human rights if you are deemed to be subhuman, and anyway, human rights are just a shorthand excuse to engage in anti-social and unBritish activities such as trades unionism, socialism, communism, Islamism and any other form of 'ism' that isn't conservatism. I mean, no decent law-abiding patriotic Briton needs or even wants human rights do they? Human rights are only a cover for terrorists posing as British citizens. The Scottish people woke up to these developments long ago and have rejected the Westminster pigsty, although ironically we have Mad Tony to thank for that rather than Tories. Unless the rest of the UK open their eyes, they are heading for the slavery I have been warning about for years now. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
If you must lie then your argument is wrong
I apologise for not posting for a week but I have been unavailable, and although it is a week since the British Parliament voted for air strikes against Syria, I feel I must comment on such an important issue because once again the British Parliament has voted go to war on a tissue of lies. So, once again it will end in grief. One of the most depressing spectacles we must endure is to watch our Parliament engaging in a huge orgy of self-deception on the basis that it is fully aware that it is planning to do the wrong thing. Because, make no mistake, Parliament knew that it was taking a decision based on a farrago of lies. No one with any intelligence could possible believe the argument that the Ca-moron put to the House. There is no honour in this decision, no glory, no basis for self-congratulation because we are going to war on a false hypothesis and if you proceed on a false hypothesis then you will reach a false conclusion and the problem lies in the fact that the Tories know that their case is a lie. The tragedy is that there is a perfectly good and justifiable reason for declaring war and taking appropriate action against Isis, and the reason that the British do not take the sensible path is because they are both intellectually and ideologically incapable of taking it. The first principal reason that the British Parliament must lie through its teeth in order to get its way is that they have been lying to the British people for so long now that we don't believe a word they say, so, in good obedience to the Goebbels principle that if you are going to tell a lie, tell a big lie and tell it often, that is precisely what the Moron and his minions have done. As I have repeatedly told you in the past, there is no longer any trust left in British politics and our Parliament is indeed considered a pigsty. The Americans dropped more tonnage of bombs on Vietnam than was dropped in the entire Second World War and achieved nothing, but the Moron claims that we will achieve great things by bombing. This decision is purely based on the Moron's massive ego and his desperation to achieve recognition in the USA and escape the wordly perception of Britain, as Vladimir Putin so succinctly put it, as a small island that nobody listens to. It is both irrational and mendacious.
I will simply note the utter stupidity of the second lie, that of claiming that bombing Isis will make the British safer, and remind you that the security campaign of counter-terrorism against the IRA was so successful that they managed to get a bomb into the Prime Minister's hotel bedroom and were able to plant a bomb in a car in Parliament's underground car park. So much for our brilliant intelligence and security services. The next lie is a whopper, given that the last big attempt at war by the pigsty was on the grounds of definite and indisputable intelligence of the existence of large supplies of weapons of mass destruction that of course never existed. This time we are being assured of an army of 70,000 troops on the ground just waiting for the British to organise them into a coherent fighting force and lead them to glory over Isis and President Assad. They are as much a figment of the pigsty's imagination as were the weapons of mass destruction, and again the military, as opposed to our brilliant security services, are telling the government that they do not exist. But what do the military know eh? Another wonderful piece of effective propaganda is how dead Syrians are described as collateral damage, whilst dead Britons are victims of terrorism. This of course effectively dehumanises the Syrian people and makes their deaths quite acceptable in order that we do not upset people on the evening news just as they are settling down to watch Eastenders and Coronation Street.
The rise of Isis has completely changed the Middle Eastern scenario and means that we must rethink our attitudes to people we have historically considered our enemies, because, we have been so demonstrably wrong in the past. Should the West succeed in toppling Assad, what will become of the Syrian Army? It is now accepted that the biggest mistake we made in Iraq was disbanding the Iraqi army and the pigsty are more than likely to go down that same route in Syria. We shall await developments, but the most likely scenario is that our appalling politicians will allow their hatreds to overcome their rationality and produce another disaster. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I will simply note the utter stupidity of the second lie, that of claiming that bombing Isis will make the British safer, and remind you that the security campaign of counter-terrorism against the IRA was so successful that they managed to get a bomb into the Prime Minister's hotel bedroom and were able to plant a bomb in a car in Parliament's underground car park. So much for our brilliant intelligence and security services. The next lie is a whopper, given that the last big attempt at war by the pigsty was on the grounds of definite and indisputable intelligence of the existence of large supplies of weapons of mass destruction that of course never existed. This time we are being assured of an army of 70,000 troops on the ground just waiting for the British to organise them into a coherent fighting force and lead them to glory over Isis and President Assad. They are as much a figment of the pigsty's imagination as were the weapons of mass destruction, and again the military, as opposed to our brilliant security services, are telling the government that they do not exist. But what do the military know eh? Another wonderful piece of effective propaganda is how dead Syrians are described as collateral damage, whilst dead Britons are victims of terrorism. This of course effectively dehumanises the Syrian people and makes their deaths quite acceptable in order that we do not upset people on the evening news just as they are settling down to watch Eastenders and Coronation Street.
The rise of Isis has completely changed the Middle Eastern scenario and means that we must rethink our attitudes to people we have historically considered our enemies, because, we have been so demonstrably wrong in the past. Should the West succeed in toppling Assad, what will become of the Syrian Army? It is now accepted that the biggest mistake we made in Iraq was disbanding the Iraqi army and the pigsty are more than likely to go down that same route in Syria. We shall await developments, but the most likely scenario is that our appalling politicians will allow their hatreds to overcome their rationality and produce another disaster. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Russian bombs bad, British bombs good!
The sheer hypocrisy and stupidity of the British never ceases to amaze me. The British are straining at the leash to approve the bombing of Syria and the chance to murder and maim innocents on the pretext of national security and the support of an army of 70,000 so-called moderates that exist only in the insane imagination of David Ca-moron. I was reminded of a joint statement from France, Germany, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Britain and the United States as recently as the 2nd of October that "expressed concern," that bombing Syria would "only fuel more extremism and radicalisation." The object of their concern was of course, Russia. So, Russian bombing will fuel extremism and radicalisation, but British and American bombing is "humanitarian" (that is certainly one for the history books, that someone can actually describe bombing as humanitarian) and the right thing to do. Tories are ideological imbeciles and their ideological hatred of all things Russian and their determination to get rid of Assad will be their undoing, but unfortunately it may well be all of our undoing. Like their blindness with respect to economic free market neoliberalism, their blindness politically stems from the same source. Tories, and that includes the Tories in the Labour Party, are motivated more by hatreds than by rationality.
Every rational commentary of this situation concludes that Ca-moron's arguments for a bombing campaign range from downright mendacity to, at best, failing to make a convincing case. Even Tories are distancing themselves from Moron's position because of the likely consequences that will follow. If we declare this 'war' on Isis, it will mark the seventh state of war that we have engaged in in the Middle East in 14 years, each one of these adventures ending in disaster. What will it take to convince the British people that calling the British Parliament the Westminster pigsty is not an insult it is an accurate description of the state of governance in these sorry isles. If I am in error, it is in insulting pigs which are far more noble creatures than British politicians, and for that I apologise. Pigs indeed add to human welfare and are essential to a balanced environment whilst Westminster is a cancer on the body politic.
In relation to this situation, even I never thought that the Labour Party could become an even bigger embarrassment than it was shown to be during the referendum. It is expected that at least 50 Labour MPs will vote with the Moron to bomb Syria despite polls showing that 75% of Labour Party members are opposed. It is to be hoped that the membership will unleash retribution against such people and they will be deselected at the next election. That hope springs, not from a desire for revenge, but for the sake of democracy and accountability. These people no longer listen to the people who elect them. British democracy is a farce and simply boils down to the fact that we still get a vote every five years between a choice of three parties who are in fact one and the same as you could not detect a scintilla of real difference between them. What makes it even worse is that the personnel who are opposing Jeremy Corbyn and trying their best to destroy him, are the personnel that the British electorate soundly rejected at the last election and who the Labour membership rejected overwhelmingly in the leadership election. They are indeed the legion of the lost and lonely, a bunch of right-wing clowns who think that they have a divine right to rule. They are still fixated on a hero worship of Mad Tony and are in fact political dinosaurs. The sooner they are all banished to the political wilderness the healthier the British state will be. With their desperation to bomb and kill, and their cruelty towards their own poor and disadvantaged it is far more accurate to describe Britain as a Brutish state. If you are reading this outside the UK it will give you an insight into why a growing number of Scots people want independence. What intelligent person would want to be governed by such people? As I remind you, the proper study of politics is the study of the unintended consequences of intentional human action. Even Mad Tony has admitted that his crimes against humanity in Iraq was a factor in the rise of Daesh. After we begin our humanitarian bombing of Syria I won't be visiting London any time soon. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Every rational commentary of this situation concludes that Ca-moron's arguments for a bombing campaign range from downright mendacity to, at best, failing to make a convincing case. Even Tories are distancing themselves from Moron's position because of the likely consequences that will follow. If we declare this 'war' on Isis, it will mark the seventh state of war that we have engaged in in the Middle East in 14 years, each one of these adventures ending in disaster. What will it take to convince the British people that calling the British Parliament the Westminster pigsty is not an insult it is an accurate description of the state of governance in these sorry isles. If I am in error, it is in insulting pigs which are far more noble creatures than British politicians, and for that I apologise. Pigs indeed add to human welfare and are essential to a balanced environment whilst Westminster is a cancer on the body politic.
In relation to this situation, even I never thought that the Labour Party could become an even bigger embarrassment than it was shown to be during the referendum. It is expected that at least 50 Labour MPs will vote with the Moron to bomb Syria despite polls showing that 75% of Labour Party members are opposed. It is to be hoped that the membership will unleash retribution against such people and they will be deselected at the next election. That hope springs, not from a desire for revenge, but for the sake of democracy and accountability. These people no longer listen to the people who elect them. British democracy is a farce and simply boils down to the fact that we still get a vote every five years between a choice of three parties who are in fact one and the same as you could not detect a scintilla of real difference between them. What makes it even worse is that the personnel who are opposing Jeremy Corbyn and trying their best to destroy him, are the personnel that the British electorate soundly rejected at the last election and who the Labour membership rejected overwhelmingly in the leadership election. They are indeed the legion of the lost and lonely, a bunch of right-wing clowns who think that they have a divine right to rule. They are still fixated on a hero worship of Mad Tony and are in fact political dinosaurs. The sooner they are all banished to the political wilderness the healthier the British state will be. With their desperation to bomb and kill, and their cruelty towards their own poor and disadvantaged it is far more accurate to describe Britain as a Brutish state. If you are reading this outside the UK it will give you an insight into why a growing number of Scots people want independence. What intelligent person would want to be governed by such people? As I remind you, the proper study of politics is the study of the unintended consequences of intentional human action. Even Mad Tony has admitted that his crimes against humanity in Iraq was a factor in the rise of Daesh. After we begin our humanitarian bombing of Syria I won't be visiting London any time soon. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 29 November 2015
All you need is love? I don't think so!
I watched a programme recently about what people considered was the nation's favourite Beatles record. The winner was All You Need Is Love. I was a fan of the Beatles, not a massive fan but I liked them and more importantly I admired them. I admired their passion, their energy and their role as pioneers. However, from my perspective, All You Need Is Love was one of their weaker recordings. I have always thought that Help, Hello Goodbye and Paperback Writer were far more innovative and exciting. I always thought Lady Madonna was a quite brilliant record, and I remember She Loves You which I thought was historical as it ushered in a new era of popular culture and changed music in a similar way to Rock Around The Clock and Elvis. But I suppose that in the end it is all a matter of taste.
However, on one important matter I will take issue with the Beatles and argue that all you need is love is quite wrong. Of course the Beatles did not mean that to be taken literally and my argument is not with them, but with those in our society that do tend to take such things literally and use them as a scapegoat to mask far greater problems. Only someone who is financially comfortable would actually try and argue that all you need is love. For people in poverty love will rarely substitute for a life filled with the stress of day-to-day striving to make ends meet. Life without money is both mind-warping and ugly and will destroy a relationship faster than almost any other factor as it poses stress, tensions, ill-health and arguments and challenges love to the maximum. Poverty destroys individuals, couples, families and communities. It challenges all traditional values. Poverty, and particularly food poverty, has serious consequences for a person's health, both physical and mental. For people reading this from outside the UK I wonder if you are aware that in the UK, the sixth wealthiest nation on the planet, over 13million people live below the poverty line, that in 2014-15 foodbanks fed over 1,100,000 people, 400,000 of whom were children. This is all the direct result of an addiction to free market economics. The US have long been accustomed to their people relying on foodbanks, but Americans are quite indifferent to their neighbour's suffering believing that it is all their own fault. If the Good Samaritan had been an American he would have been denounced for being a commie bastard and that neoliberal poison has now deeply infected the British as well. However, in Britain and the US all that is absolutely unnecessary and there is neither excuse nor reason for this state of affairs, it is a choice.
I am not arguing that people in the UK or the US have rights that other people in the rest of the world do not have, what I am arguing is that in these countries there is absolutely no need imaginable for anyone to go hungry other than the fact that the elite in both Britain and America genuinely believe that anyone who is starving deserves all they get. I continually listen to David Cameron, Tony Blair, George Bush and the rest of their ilk telling me that they are Christians and they wonder why people like me detest religion. If any of these people are Christian then I am the Pope. In the Britain I grew up in no-one suffered from malnutrition except in exceptional circumstances. Today it is becoming quite normal, and is the direct result of quite deliberate policies of a Tory government. Britain is continually being told that we must tighten our belts, there is no extra money available for the NHS, for social security, for education and the police and fire services. This month has seen a ballot with a 98% majority of doctors voting in favour of industrial action, but the government is desperately trying to win a vote in Parliament sanctioning another war. There is no shortage of money for that, for bombs for nuclear weapons etc. The Tories are working on the policy of allowing their own people to die of hunger and poverty, of illness because they won't properly fund the health services, in order to fund killing people in other countries. As the movie said, Death Becomes Them. This is modern neoliberal Christian Britain, and it is what the British voted for because they were well warned by this government what it would do if elected. It would make you sick with shame, but free marketeers and Christians have no shame, they are continually bolstered by their own self-righteousness. This is moral and ethical bankruptcy on a national scale. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
However, on one important matter I will take issue with the Beatles and argue that all you need is love is quite wrong. Of course the Beatles did not mean that to be taken literally and my argument is not with them, but with those in our society that do tend to take such things literally and use them as a scapegoat to mask far greater problems. Only someone who is financially comfortable would actually try and argue that all you need is love. For people in poverty love will rarely substitute for a life filled with the stress of day-to-day striving to make ends meet. Life without money is both mind-warping and ugly and will destroy a relationship faster than almost any other factor as it poses stress, tensions, ill-health and arguments and challenges love to the maximum. Poverty destroys individuals, couples, families and communities. It challenges all traditional values. Poverty, and particularly food poverty, has serious consequences for a person's health, both physical and mental. For people reading this from outside the UK I wonder if you are aware that in the UK, the sixth wealthiest nation on the planet, over 13million people live below the poverty line, that in 2014-15 foodbanks fed over 1,100,000 people, 400,000 of whom were children. This is all the direct result of an addiction to free market economics. The US have long been accustomed to their people relying on foodbanks, but Americans are quite indifferent to their neighbour's suffering believing that it is all their own fault. If the Good Samaritan had been an American he would have been denounced for being a commie bastard and that neoliberal poison has now deeply infected the British as well. However, in Britain and the US all that is absolutely unnecessary and there is neither excuse nor reason for this state of affairs, it is a choice.
I am not arguing that people in the UK or the US have rights that other people in the rest of the world do not have, what I am arguing is that in these countries there is absolutely no need imaginable for anyone to go hungry other than the fact that the elite in both Britain and America genuinely believe that anyone who is starving deserves all they get. I continually listen to David Cameron, Tony Blair, George Bush and the rest of their ilk telling me that they are Christians and they wonder why people like me detest religion. If any of these people are Christian then I am the Pope. In the Britain I grew up in no-one suffered from malnutrition except in exceptional circumstances. Today it is becoming quite normal, and is the direct result of quite deliberate policies of a Tory government. Britain is continually being told that we must tighten our belts, there is no extra money available for the NHS, for social security, for education and the police and fire services. This month has seen a ballot with a 98% majority of doctors voting in favour of industrial action, but the government is desperately trying to win a vote in Parliament sanctioning another war. There is no shortage of money for that, for bombs for nuclear weapons etc. The Tories are working on the policy of allowing their own people to die of hunger and poverty, of illness because they won't properly fund the health services, in order to fund killing people in other countries. As the movie said, Death Becomes Them. This is modern neoliberal Christian Britain, and it is what the British voted for because they were well warned by this government what it would do if elected. It would make you sick with shame, but free marketeers and Christians have no shame, they are continually bolstered by their own self-righteousness. This is moral and ethical bankruptcy on a national scale. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 27 November 2015
What did we do to deserve our political class?
As I've written before, Einstein told us that the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same things over and over and expect different results. The Westminster pigsty is in the process of repeating the same imbecility it has perpetrated over Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya and engage in a fruitless campaign of bombing that will produce the opposite of what these geniuses intend. The British Prime Minister is indeed a very stupid man, ignoring the advice of all the experts, including the top military, in his ego driven pursuit of glory and his desire to kill people. A genuinely worthy successor to Mad Tony. This week I have listened to the head of the British army, and the past head of the army telling us that a bombing campaign will be worse than useless. The two most prominent commentators of Middle Eastern affairs, Patrick Cockburn and Robert Fisk have both supported this assessment, and the House Of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs confirmed it as well, but Ca-moron is blithely proceeding as if they are all on his side, and the warmongering politicos in Westminster cannot wait to bomb Syria back to the dark ages for no discernible purpose other than the fact that this is how they get their thrill.
The really frightening aspect of British politics is the complete absence of any rationality, instead we are bombarded with emotional propaganda that bears little resemblance to reality. To listen to the Westminster sewer we are faced with the greatest problem in history, the biggest ever threat to our way of life and our 'values', bigger than Hitler, than global warming, than the financial crisis etc. indeed Isis has replaced the EU as our greatest threat in the fevered imagination of the Tory brain and that takes some doing. It is getting beyond ridiculous. You see rationality has no place in a discussion that is purely ideological, and the Tories will never allow facts to penetrate their world view, because in the Tory universe Russia and Assad are actually a far bigger threat to them than Isis will ever be and they would rather see Isis prosper and continue than admit that perhaps Russia and Assad are the lesser of two evils. They really are that stupid and ideologically blinkered. As you all know I have no truck with Labour, but in this instance Jeremy Corbyn is providing far more insight than all of the other neoliberal gangsters put together, including the right-wing gang within his own party. We are preparing to embark on a course of action that is genuinely perilous as it is a knee jerk reaction to make the Tory government look good in the eyes of the Americans, that is the motivation and it has nothing to do with national security and the interests of the British public. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The really frightening aspect of British politics is the complete absence of any rationality, instead we are bombarded with emotional propaganda that bears little resemblance to reality. To listen to the Westminster sewer we are faced with the greatest problem in history, the biggest ever threat to our way of life and our 'values', bigger than Hitler, than global warming, than the financial crisis etc. indeed Isis has replaced the EU as our greatest threat in the fevered imagination of the Tory brain and that takes some doing. It is getting beyond ridiculous. You see rationality has no place in a discussion that is purely ideological, and the Tories will never allow facts to penetrate their world view, because in the Tory universe Russia and Assad are actually a far bigger threat to them than Isis will ever be and they would rather see Isis prosper and continue than admit that perhaps Russia and Assad are the lesser of two evils. They really are that stupid and ideologically blinkered. As you all know I have no truck with Labour, but in this instance Jeremy Corbyn is providing far more insight than all of the other neoliberal gangsters put together, including the right-wing gang within his own party. We are preparing to embark on a course of action that is genuinely perilous as it is a knee jerk reaction to make the Tory government look good in the eyes of the Americans, that is the motivation and it has nothing to do with national security and the interests of the British public. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Saturday, 21 November 2015
How dare doctors think they are workers?
I was watching a typically moronic BBC reporter asking the head of the British Medical Association if he was not concerned that operations or other medical treatment may be jeopardised if the junior doctors in the UK go on strike next month? Now that the doctors are threatening industrial action they will of course need to be categorised (although not quite so harshly given that they are all middle class bourgeois pillars of the establishment), with the rest of the working scum who dare to seek to protect their conditions of employment against the wise and gifted geniuses of the British elite who are born with a deep innate understanding of what is good for everyone in society, as wreckers, unacceptable disrupters of normality, unappreciative of the luxury of having full-time employment and all the other insults the British heap onto anyone who dares to exercise the right of removing their labour. I doubt if the doctors will actually be accused of terrorism by our wise and wonderful masters, that is a category that is reserved for the working scum who went to comprehensive schools and did not go to university.
This useful BBC idiot asked the doctor about people who may be waiting for important consultations for cancer and how such a scenario surely cannot be acceptable. A very close member of my family was in just a situation when his appointment to discuss his cancer diagnosis was cancelled because of the wedding of Prince William and Kate, two of the biggest and most useless unemployed benefit scrounging parasites imaginable. This gentleman had been diagnosed in November and got his appointment with the consultant in May. The May appointment was cancelled because of the royal wedding and was not rescheduled for another six weeks. This resulted in this person and his family waiting eight months before there was any chance of treatment etc. in the knowledge that there was cancer and all the accompanying stress and anxiety. This however was not disruption, this was not an unacceptable incident, indeed the man with cancer should have been joyous and celebrating what was of course an infinitely more important event in his life than a paltry examination of a deadly disease. This was a royal wedding after all and his consultant would have been guilty of high treason had he not participated in the mandatory public holiday of celebration. Indeed it is surely an act of treason to complain about the cancellation in the first place. It is only an act of treason when you go on strike to protect you working conditions, the conditions of your family and the protection of your industry. That is indeed treason, but doctors are exempt from such criticisms because, well, they are doctors and of course anything remotely concerning the British royal family is above criticism.
I trust that their experience will somehow seep into the consciousness of the medical profession and they may begin to understand miners, train-drivers, refuse collectors etc. and refrain from demonising them when they need to take the kind of action the medical profession feel it is necessary for them to take. What will I ask a doctor if I meet one who is on strike. Well if you read this blog you will know, I will ask him/her what they voted at the last election? It tells you everything you need to know about this government that the medical profession have reached this stage, but it is hard to sympathise with people like them who think that they are entitled to take such action but no-one else is allowed to. However, this action by the doctors is only a start because the Tories are hell bent on destroying the entire welfare state. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This useful BBC idiot asked the doctor about people who may be waiting for important consultations for cancer and how such a scenario surely cannot be acceptable. A very close member of my family was in just a situation when his appointment to discuss his cancer diagnosis was cancelled because of the wedding of Prince William and Kate, two of the biggest and most useless unemployed benefit scrounging parasites imaginable. This gentleman had been diagnosed in November and got his appointment with the consultant in May. The May appointment was cancelled because of the royal wedding and was not rescheduled for another six weeks. This resulted in this person and his family waiting eight months before there was any chance of treatment etc. in the knowledge that there was cancer and all the accompanying stress and anxiety. This however was not disruption, this was not an unacceptable incident, indeed the man with cancer should have been joyous and celebrating what was of course an infinitely more important event in his life than a paltry examination of a deadly disease. This was a royal wedding after all and his consultant would have been guilty of high treason had he not participated in the mandatory public holiday of celebration. Indeed it is surely an act of treason to complain about the cancellation in the first place. It is only an act of treason when you go on strike to protect you working conditions, the conditions of your family and the protection of your industry. That is indeed treason, but doctors are exempt from such criticisms because, well, they are doctors and of course anything remotely concerning the British royal family is above criticism.
I trust that their experience will somehow seep into the consciousness of the medical profession and they may begin to understand miners, train-drivers, refuse collectors etc. and refrain from demonising them when they need to take the kind of action the medical profession feel it is necessary for them to take. What will I ask a doctor if I meet one who is on strike. Well if you read this blog you will know, I will ask him/her what they voted at the last election? It tells you everything you need to know about this government that the medical profession have reached this stage, but it is hard to sympathise with people like them who think that they are entitled to take such action but no-one else is allowed to. However, this action by the doctors is only a start because the Tories are hell bent on destroying the entire welfare state. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Who says we need an alliance with Russia?
I haven't posted anything for a week because I felt that everyday politics had become a bit unimportant following the terrible events in Paris and I wished to reflect for a bit. One of the striking things I find about the aftermath is how we are suddenly looking to the Russians for a satisfactory solution to the Middle Eastern dilemma. The rhetoric in the UK about all things Russian and the evil Vladimir Putin has taken a rather remarkable U-turn with the Russian President being held up as not such a bad bloke after all, I mean not in the same league as old Uncle Joe Stalin eh? Even Michael Portillo commented how we must form an alliance with the Russians if we are to be successful in defeating Isis. In other words, if you want someone to do the dirty work of actually taking the fight to the enemy who better than the Russians? Maybe old Doktor Kommirat was correct when he warned you that he saw something flawed in the anti-Russian western narrative after all?
As I've commented before, most of the important decisions in politics come down to choices between bad and worse. No-one is saying that Assad in Syria is anything but a seriously nasty piece of work but it has now become obvious that whilst the British government and its useful idiots in the press propagandise about supporting 'moderate' forces in Syria, in reality no such thing exists. It is what I call Kommirat's law that if the British and Americans are supporting anyone you can bet they are supporting the wrong people. The real evil in the Middle East are the Saudis and yet we hold these murderous barbarians up as the good guys and are right now supporting their attempts to eradicate Yemen as a viable state whilst they also continue to supply and finance Isis. I hope you have noticed how no refugees, all of course Arab and Muslim, are welcomed in the richest Arab Muslim state on earth.
I am not a Russian sympathiser, nor despite my blog name am I a communist, but I refuse to be bullied by propaganda and outright lies. I am probably wrong but throughout my life I never bought into the idea that Russia was a threat or had any intention of attacking the UK. I could not see any genuine reason why they would. As far as I am concerned we have Russia to thank for Hitler's defeat. Without diminishing the tremendous contribution of the British armed forces, particularly in such events as the Battle of Britain, the turning points of the Second World War were Stalingrad and Kursk. Hitler effectively lost the war on 22nd June 1941 when he launched Barbarossa. Over 4 million German troops invaded Russia, can you imagine if they had been deployed against us? Anyway, recent events will see a change in British propaganda as we look to the Russians to give the lead in dealing with a genuine threat that has been caused by our own incompetent and stupid foreign policy. As I said, bad and worse, we will have to somehow come to terms with the need to support Assad now which means (whisper it quietly) changing our attitudes towards Iran as well. Is it any wonder that the Conservatives are called the stupid party? You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
As I've commented before, most of the important decisions in politics come down to choices between bad and worse. No-one is saying that Assad in Syria is anything but a seriously nasty piece of work but it has now become obvious that whilst the British government and its useful idiots in the press propagandise about supporting 'moderate' forces in Syria, in reality no such thing exists. It is what I call Kommirat's law that if the British and Americans are supporting anyone you can bet they are supporting the wrong people. The real evil in the Middle East are the Saudis and yet we hold these murderous barbarians up as the good guys and are right now supporting their attempts to eradicate Yemen as a viable state whilst they also continue to supply and finance Isis. I hope you have noticed how no refugees, all of course Arab and Muslim, are welcomed in the richest Arab Muslim state on earth.
I am not a Russian sympathiser, nor despite my blog name am I a communist, but I refuse to be bullied by propaganda and outright lies. I am probably wrong but throughout my life I never bought into the idea that Russia was a threat or had any intention of attacking the UK. I could not see any genuine reason why they would. As far as I am concerned we have Russia to thank for Hitler's defeat. Without diminishing the tremendous contribution of the British armed forces, particularly in such events as the Battle of Britain, the turning points of the Second World War were Stalingrad and Kursk. Hitler effectively lost the war on 22nd June 1941 when he launched Barbarossa. Over 4 million German troops invaded Russia, can you imagine if they had been deployed against us? Anyway, recent events will see a change in British propaganda as we look to the Russians to give the lead in dealing with a genuine threat that has been caused by our own incompetent and stupid foreign policy. As I said, bad and worse, we will have to somehow come to terms with the need to support Assad now which means (whisper it quietly) changing our attitudes towards Iran as well. Is it any wonder that the Conservatives are called the stupid party? You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 13 November 2015
David Cameron makes Ben Carson look like a genius
I genuinely understand how people who read this blog from outside the UK can find it difficult to accept a lot of what I write about the state of British politics and government and not only how incompetent this Conservative administration is, but how out of touch they are and divorced from reality. The British Prime Minister David Cameron is the MP for a constituency in Oxfordshire called Witney and he has written to senior politicians in Oxfordshire county council, the very people he is the elected MP for, to challenge the council not only on the scale and extent of the cuts to front line services such as elderly day care centres, libraries, museums etc. that have been imposed by Oxfordshire county council but also on the necessity for them. This correspondence between Cameron and the council has been made public and the council responded by explaining how it had already cut services by over 40% in the past few years losing 2,800 jobs in the process as a direct result of his own policies, sold off almost all of the property owned by the council and reminded the Prime Minister that using the income from these sales to pay for the council’s running costs “is neither legal, nor sustainable in the long-term since they are one-off receipts”.
Cameron’s letter to the council expressed bemusement at the extent of the cuts because of what he described as “a slight fall in government grants in cash terms”. The leader of the council replied to him that “I cannot accept your description of a drop in funding of £72m or 37% as a ‘slight fall’. In his letter Cameron argues that the cumulative cuts in the council’s budget since 2010 amounts to £204million when in fact it has been £626million, and this is the man who is the member of parliament for this authority. You genuinely could not make this up, it reads like something from PG Wodehouse. Indeed I would argue that Wodehouse's characters are actually more intelligent that Cameron. It is only a year ago that the National Audit Office told us that the government has only a ‘limited understanding’ of what is happening because of their budgetary decisions and now we have graphic evidence of the truth of that statement coming from the Prime Minister in person. Now, for those of you from outwith the UK I have to tell you that Oxfordshire is by far one of the wealthiest parts of the UK. If that is what is happening in Oxfordshire, what do you think it is like for people in places such as Liverpool, Newcastle or Glasgow which are genuinely deprived areas? On top of that, it was announced just this week that local authorities will be required to make a further 30% of cuts to their budgets by 2020. What the Prime Minister's letter demonstrates beyond any doubt is that he is blissfully ignorant of the reality of life within the nation he is Prime Minister for. He does not even have the remotest idea of what is happening within the authority for which he is the member of parliament. I wrote in my last post about Ben Carson, but these revelations make Carson look like Albert Einstein next to this complete imbecile that is the British Prime Minister.
It is an imperative in any system that claims to be democratic that the elected representatives are indeed representative. Modern Britain is about as unrepresentative as is possible. This man comes from an aristocratic elite as do most of his government, educated at private exclusive schools such as Eton and Harrow and Oxford and Cambridge. It is hard to imagine anyone more out of touch than this Westminster parliament given that the opposition parties of Labour and the Liberal Democrats replicate that same demographic. If anyone doubts this unrepresentative picture, then consider the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 70% of the Labour Party members, but has almost no support within his own members in the Westminster pigsty. Britain is in political crisis that has yet to manifest itself. When the backlash comes from the longsuffering public against this cruel, sneering, arrogant ruling elite remember where you heard it first. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Cameron’s letter to the council expressed bemusement at the extent of the cuts because of what he described as “a slight fall in government grants in cash terms”. The leader of the council replied to him that “I cannot accept your description of a drop in funding of £72m or 37% as a ‘slight fall’. In his letter Cameron argues that the cumulative cuts in the council’s budget since 2010 amounts to £204million when in fact it has been £626million, and this is the man who is the member of parliament for this authority. You genuinely could not make this up, it reads like something from PG Wodehouse. Indeed I would argue that Wodehouse's characters are actually more intelligent that Cameron. It is only a year ago that the National Audit Office told us that the government has only a ‘limited understanding’ of what is happening because of their budgetary decisions and now we have graphic evidence of the truth of that statement coming from the Prime Minister in person. Now, for those of you from outwith the UK I have to tell you that Oxfordshire is by far one of the wealthiest parts of the UK. If that is what is happening in Oxfordshire, what do you think it is like for people in places such as Liverpool, Newcastle or Glasgow which are genuinely deprived areas? On top of that, it was announced just this week that local authorities will be required to make a further 30% of cuts to their budgets by 2020. What the Prime Minister's letter demonstrates beyond any doubt is that he is blissfully ignorant of the reality of life within the nation he is Prime Minister for. He does not even have the remotest idea of what is happening within the authority for which he is the member of parliament. I wrote in my last post about Ben Carson, but these revelations make Carson look like Albert Einstein next to this complete imbecile that is the British Prime Minister.
It is an imperative in any system that claims to be democratic that the elected representatives are indeed representative. Modern Britain is about as unrepresentative as is possible. This man comes from an aristocratic elite as do most of his government, educated at private exclusive schools such as Eton and Harrow and Oxford and Cambridge. It is hard to imagine anyone more out of touch than this Westminster parliament given that the opposition parties of Labour and the Liberal Democrats replicate that same demographic. If anyone doubts this unrepresentative picture, then consider the Labour Party. Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 70% of the Labour Party members, but has almost no support within his own members in the Westminster pigsty. Britain is in political crisis that has yet to manifest itself. When the backlash comes from the longsuffering public against this cruel, sneering, arrogant ruling elite remember where you heard it first. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Ben Carson is surely a figment of my imagination?
As readers of this blog will know I am very reluctant to comment on other political systems as I realise that as a Brit I have little to brag about my own. The British have some of the most appalling politicians on the planet and we have the distinction of not only electing a Prime Minister whom I consider to be quite insane, but re-elected him twice, even worse, we have David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith, two people who believe that empathy and compassion are horses running in the Grand National. However, I was watching a programme on the Republican campaign in America to elect a presidential candidate for next years election and was genuinely speechless on the performance of the man that we are being told is the front runner, Ben Carson. If this is indicative of the state of American politics then that poor country is in for real trouble, especially given that, at this time, his greatest challenger is Donald Trump who is definitely a fugitive from the Mack Sennet studios.
Mr Carson made several claims that I found astonishing, such as the claim that the pyramids were built by the biblical character Joseph to store grain. At first I really believed that this was a spoof programme until I realised that it was quite real. This man obviously works on the supposition that you should never spoil a good theory with such bothersome things as facts. Despite over a hundred years of archaeological and scientific study he is quite happy to pander to the right-wing fundamentalist Christian myths that sustain the Bible Belt and make himself an international laughing stock. However, it was another statement he made that was truly jawdropping, because in his opinion, and he has spent his working life at the top of the medical profession in America, Obamacare is the worse thing to happen to America since slavery. This was an African-American neurosurgeon, a supposedly intelligent person and he actually said that. This is a very good example of someone who is obviously well-schooled, but is just as obviously not very well educated. The proper title of Obamacare is The Affordable Care Act, I mean the clue is in the title, but, in this man's opinion, a system of national insurance, designed to provide a basic and affordable national medical service for even the poorest sections of society is a bigger catastrophe for American society than the First and Second World Wars, a bigger catastrophe than Vietnam, a bigger catastrophe than the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. I raise the fact that Mr Carson is a prominent African-American, because he obviously believes that Obamacare ranks as a greater threat to America than the Ku Klux Klan, than the social problems facing African-Americans that gave rise to the civil rights movement and the emergence of Dr Martin Luther King and the Black Panthers etc. A greater threat than the Iraq war, than the 2008 financial crash, than Prohibition and the rise of the Mafia etc. etc. I could go on but it is not necessary as it is obvious that this person is most definitely not wired properly.
This would be all very amusing were it not for the fact that he is being taken seriously as a candidate for the highest office on the planet and his lunatic ravings are being enthusiastically applauded by whole sections of the American public, or they were in the programmes I have seen. There is still a year to go before the election and a lot will happen before that, but the American right are definitely off the wall and people like this must surely pose a genuine threat to the rest of the world. We are definitely straying into Doctor Strangelove territory here. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Mr Carson made several claims that I found astonishing, such as the claim that the pyramids were built by the biblical character Joseph to store grain. At first I really believed that this was a spoof programme until I realised that it was quite real. This man obviously works on the supposition that you should never spoil a good theory with such bothersome things as facts. Despite over a hundred years of archaeological and scientific study he is quite happy to pander to the right-wing fundamentalist Christian myths that sustain the Bible Belt and make himself an international laughing stock. However, it was another statement he made that was truly jawdropping, because in his opinion, and he has spent his working life at the top of the medical profession in America, Obamacare is the worse thing to happen to America since slavery. This was an African-American neurosurgeon, a supposedly intelligent person and he actually said that. This is a very good example of someone who is obviously well-schooled, but is just as obviously not very well educated. The proper title of Obamacare is The Affordable Care Act, I mean the clue is in the title, but, in this man's opinion, a system of national insurance, designed to provide a basic and affordable national medical service for even the poorest sections of society is a bigger catastrophe for American society than the First and Second World Wars, a bigger catastrophe than Vietnam, a bigger catastrophe than the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers. I raise the fact that Mr Carson is a prominent African-American, because he obviously believes that Obamacare ranks as a greater threat to America than the Ku Klux Klan, than the social problems facing African-Americans that gave rise to the civil rights movement and the emergence of Dr Martin Luther King and the Black Panthers etc. A greater threat than the Iraq war, than the 2008 financial crash, than Prohibition and the rise of the Mafia etc. etc. I could go on but it is not necessary as it is obvious that this person is most definitely not wired properly.
This would be all very amusing were it not for the fact that he is being taken seriously as a candidate for the highest office on the planet and his lunatic ravings are being enthusiastically applauded by whole sections of the American public, or they were in the programmes I have seen. There is still a year to go before the election and a lot will happen before that, but the American right are definitely off the wall and people like this must surely pose a genuine threat to the rest of the world. We are definitely straying into Doctor Strangelove territory here. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 8 November 2015
This Tory government is genuinely dangerous
As I wrote in my last post we have a crisis in politics because of a complete lack of trust in politicians. One of the reasons for this is that most politicians and almost all of the public do not understand what politics is. For most people and particularly politicians, politics is about winning elections and the mechanics of how to win them. I find almost no discussion about the nature of politics, its roles and purpose and the purpose of government. In today's modern world we find that governments not only claim rights, but superior rights to the people who elect them. I continually speak to elected politicians who do not understand their own parties policies on even the most fundamental matters, they are simply party ciphers, doing what they are told by a centralised elite with no concern whatsoever for the rights and welfare of the people who elected them. A debate about the role and functions of government has become one of the most fundamental imperatives facing us today but I have no confidence that it will happen. In the UK we are passively watching a bunch of neoliberal elitists erect an authoritarian political structure that is developing into a totalitarian system and are being repeatedly told that there is no alternative and that what they are doing is 'the right thing to do'.
In Britain we have the deputy Prime Minister in the last government, Nick Clegg, now telling us that, beginning with Mad Tony's criminal clique, not only the public and Parliament, but most of the government were kept in the dark as to the extent of the surveillance that was being illegally carried out by the security services. The citizens of this country really need to sit down and digest what the real implications of this revelation are? Clegg was informed by senior civil servants that only a tiny handful of Cabinet Ministers knew what was happening. Now think about that. In Clegg's estimation that tiny handful was four, but the civil servants knew. Thus, in the so-called democratic United Kingdom at the most, six elected politicians knew what was being done within the country by the most dangerous and criminal, but frighteningly incompetent, elements in government, the people who were responsible for the "intelligence" that was used to justify bombing Iraq back to the dark ages and ushering in the chaos that has resulted in the Middle East and the rise of Isis. These people are spending billions of taxpayers money, operating outside the law, and without the knowledge of the public, Parliament, and the majority of the government. Yet, all this is being done with the full knowledge of the Prime Minister and his inner circle. Is this what you voted for? This is the gang who have just introduced measures that, in the words of the British press will make Britain the most spied upon people in the world. This is not what government is for and, in addition, the British civil service are even more dangerous than the security services and any right thinking government would remove every civil servant in the country and begin from scratch. What is happening in Britain is profoundly disturbing.
The descent into authoritarianism is gaining pace and will accelerate if the UK votes to leave the EU. The future of the UK is quite grim with an increasingly unaccountable government who treat the elected Commons with contempt and a Parliament that treats the electorate with contempt. Democracy is a joke in the UK but in the small part of the democratic system that still works, if we are not vigilant it will disappear altogether. As Edmund Burke warned us, all that it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
In Britain we have the deputy Prime Minister in the last government, Nick Clegg, now telling us that, beginning with Mad Tony's criminal clique, not only the public and Parliament, but most of the government were kept in the dark as to the extent of the surveillance that was being illegally carried out by the security services. The citizens of this country really need to sit down and digest what the real implications of this revelation are? Clegg was informed by senior civil servants that only a tiny handful of Cabinet Ministers knew what was happening. Now think about that. In Clegg's estimation that tiny handful was four, but the civil servants knew. Thus, in the so-called democratic United Kingdom at the most, six elected politicians knew what was being done within the country by the most dangerous and criminal, but frighteningly incompetent, elements in government, the people who were responsible for the "intelligence" that was used to justify bombing Iraq back to the dark ages and ushering in the chaos that has resulted in the Middle East and the rise of Isis. These people are spending billions of taxpayers money, operating outside the law, and without the knowledge of the public, Parliament, and the majority of the government. Yet, all this is being done with the full knowledge of the Prime Minister and his inner circle. Is this what you voted for? This is the gang who have just introduced measures that, in the words of the British press will make Britain the most spied upon people in the world. This is not what government is for and, in addition, the British civil service are even more dangerous than the security services and any right thinking government would remove every civil servant in the country and begin from scratch. What is happening in Britain is profoundly disturbing.
The descent into authoritarianism is gaining pace and will accelerate if the UK votes to leave the EU. The future of the UK is quite grim with an increasingly unaccountable government who treat the elected Commons with contempt and a Parliament that treats the electorate with contempt. Democracy is a joke in the UK but in the small part of the democratic system that still works, if we are not vigilant it will disappear altogether. As Edmund Burke warned us, all that it requires for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Trust me, trust is dead
The fundamental problem with modern politics is the question of trust. There is a vast chasm between the public and the political class and this seems to be the situation in all modern so-called democracies. Just last week in the UK we had the spectacle of the composer Andrew Lloyd Webber flying over from New York for the sole purpose of voting for the government in the House of Lords to prevent their tax credit cuts being voted down. This is one of the richest men in Britain going to all that expense and trouble for the purpose of impoverishing an estimated six million of his fellow citizens. A very working class and down to earth pensioner remarked to me that this is the actions of a nut case, a fanatic with a burning hatred of ordinary people. In another story, a Labour MP introduced a motion in the House of Commons to exempt people who are carers for long-term sick people and who visit them every day, often for long periods of the day, from the heavy parking charges that exist in hospital in England and Wales. The motion would also have exempted the people who work in hospitals from parking charges at their place of work. In England, the government outsourced hospital car parks to private firms who now levy quite swingeing charges for parking at a hospital. These charges also apply to all visitors and the staff who work there. The Scots, who as you all know are far more civilised than Tory voting English barbarians, abolished hospital parking charges years ago. However, true to their hatred of both the NHS and all working people, four Tory MPs filibustered the proposed measure by speaking over it for over four hours and preventing it from being voted on. Thus, long-term carers, nurses, cleaners, doctors etc. will have to continue either paying for the privilege of parking at their place of work or using public transport. Either way they will continue to be financially penalised by their wise and wonderful Tory masters. However, my sympathy for them is somewhat muted because that is what they voted for.
For those of you who are from outside these sorry British Isles, the Prime Minister and several of his colleagues gave categorical assurances before the last election that they would not cut the tax credit system. Thus, both the last two election results were influenced by bare-faced lies. In Britain we are going through a farcical process called the Chilcot Enquiry that is supposedly attempting to get to the truth of the circumstances that took us into war in Iraq. This Enquiry has been going on for seven years now and it is the worst kept secret in the world that it will exonerate Mad Tony and his henchmen regardless of what it uncovers. The referendum on Scottish Independence resulted in the Labour Party being almost wiped out last year because of the ferocious lying propaganda the Scots were subjected to by the Better Together campaign. The Scots turned on all three Westminster parties with a vengeance that has shocked the establishment to the core. The lies and deceit of the Westminster establishment and their quite open hatred of their own people has reached a stage where even the Tory voting English are getting sick of it. We now have the situation where polling data shows that the most popular and most trusted personality in Scotland is the leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon. That is the result of the almost total lack of trust in the British establishment, that a politician who will not bend the knee to Westminster outpolls sportspeople, showbusiness personalities etc.
I told you over a year ago that the Labour Party in Scotland will only survive if it divorces from the national organisation. They have finally come to that conclusion themselves, but in Westminster we have a Labour MP, Tristram Hunt, or to give him his proper title, The Honourable Tristram Julian William Hunt, son of Baron Hunt of Chesterton, telling us that Labour will have to be once again led by the top one percent of the British establishment from Oxford and Cambridge for their future survival. How on earth does an upper class imbecile like that ever get elected to any kind of public office? It tells you all you need to know about modern Britain that he would actually say that in public and in the press and get taken seriously. Britain is in a perilous state and it is going to get worse as the campaign for withdrawal from the EU gets under way. The lies and propaganda will reach a pitch previously only seen in Hitler's Germany and the racist foreigner hating English will probably vote to come out. When the campaign gets under way, I invite you all to read the Daily Express and the Daily Mail, I confidently predict you will not believe what you are reading, it will be so bad. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
For those of you who are from outside these sorry British Isles, the Prime Minister and several of his colleagues gave categorical assurances before the last election that they would not cut the tax credit system. Thus, both the last two election results were influenced by bare-faced lies. In Britain we are going through a farcical process called the Chilcot Enquiry that is supposedly attempting to get to the truth of the circumstances that took us into war in Iraq. This Enquiry has been going on for seven years now and it is the worst kept secret in the world that it will exonerate Mad Tony and his henchmen regardless of what it uncovers. The referendum on Scottish Independence resulted in the Labour Party being almost wiped out last year because of the ferocious lying propaganda the Scots were subjected to by the Better Together campaign. The Scots turned on all three Westminster parties with a vengeance that has shocked the establishment to the core. The lies and deceit of the Westminster establishment and their quite open hatred of their own people has reached a stage where even the Tory voting English are getting sick of it. We now have the situation where polling data shows that the most popular and most trusted personality in Scotland is the leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon. That is the result of the almost total lack of trust in the British establishment, that a politician who will not bend the knee to Westminster outpolls sportspeople, showbusiness personalities etc.
I told you over a year ago that the Labour Party in Scotland will only survive if it divorces from the national organisation. They have finally come to that conclusion themselves, but in Westminster we have a Labour MP, Tristram Hunt, or to give him his proper title, The Honourable Tristram Julian William Hunt, son of Baron Hunt of Chesterton, telling us that Labour will have to be once again led by the top one percent of the British establishment from Oxford and Cambridge for their future survival. How on earth does an upper class imbecile like that ever get elected to any kind of public office? It tells you all you need to know about modern Britain that he would actually say that in public and in the press and get taken seriously. Britain is in a perilous state and it is going to get worse as the campaign for withdrawal from the EU gets under way. The lies and propaganda will reach a pitch previously only seen in Hitler's Germany and the racist foreigner hating English will probably vote to come out. When the campaign gets under way, I invite you all to read the Daily Express and the Daily Mail, I confidently predict you will not believe what you are reading, it will be so bad. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 29 October 2015
These Tories are so awful they have even disgusted the House of Lords
The first principle of government is that its primary function is the health, welfare and security of the people. The first principle of democracy is that a democratically elected assembly must be representative. For at least 40 years the British Parliament has been woefully incompetent with respect to both of those criteria. Ironically it is the least democratic and representative sector of British government, the House of Lords, that has intervened to protect the health and welfare of the largest part of the population. It is testimony to the cruelty and callousness of this British Tory government of aristocrats and millionaires that they have finally shamed the House of Lords into action, over measures that have been described by some of their lordships as terrifying, shameful, disgusting, and deeply worrying, to give a flavour of the opinions of the lords during their debate on the subject of the government's proposed cuts to tax credits.
For anyone outside the UK reading this, successive governments of all parties in Westminster have so deregulated the labour market and destroyed any power or influence wielded by trades unions through a succession of anti-union measures, that employers can literally do whatever they like to British workers and get away with it. It has been made as difficult as possible for any working person in the UK to take any form of industrial action to protect themselves and they have been effectively frozen out of the legal system as a result of the financial obstacles the Tories have implemented to prevent working people accessing the legal system. Remember, as I continually remind you, the Westminster Parliament will not cease until all working people in the UK are in a condition of slavery. As a result of this open class warfare, thanks to the appalling type of employers we have in the UK today enthusiastically encouraged by the Westminster criminals, millions of British workers do not get enough in wages to live on. To counter this, instead of holding employers to account, Westminster, at first under Labour, introduced the system of tax credits. What this does is supplement the income of someone who is in employment with a benefit. As a result, instead of requiring employers to be fair and just they have dragooned the taxpayer into subsidising people's wages and salaries. One of the reasons that Britain has had such a recession is that few people in work have any buying power and half of all the people who have to attend foodbanks to avoid starvation are in full-time employment. This is reality in modern Christian, democratic Great Britain. I am aware that readers from outside the UK will find this hard to accept but I encourage you to check it for yourself. Whilst the British lecture the rest of the world on human rights, democracy, the rule of law etc. they cheerfully abandon all of those concepts with respect to the governance of their own country. We had the spectacle today of a chief constable in England warning us of the danger of thought crime, and this is the United Kingdom in the 21st century, it genuinely beggars belief.
In their attempts to reduce the national debt, the Tories have targeted this benefit and have attempted to introduce measures that would see an estimated 3 million working people lose between £1,300 and £2,500 per annum. All independent forecasters have estimated that all of these people will be worse off to the extent that they will be literally unable to feed themselves or pay their rent or mortgage thus plunging them and their families into absolute poverty, and the evidence is so overwhelming that even the human filth in the Tory Party have stopped challenging the figures. One of the rays of light in this sorry saga is that things are getting so bad for so many people that the Tories lies and propaganda are being shown to be just that. One of the ironies of this situation is that the figures reveal that 37 Tory MPs will have more people punished by these measures in their constituencies than they had as a majority at the general election. So, when you hear of Tory MPs supporting the opposition to these measures do not for an instant imagine that they are decent people who are concerned for the poor. They are doing it purely out of a sense of self-interest in case they lose their seats at the next election. If they had any concern for people they would not be Tories. This is the situation that impelled the House of Lords to act.
It is technically correct when the Tories tell us that the House of Lords acted unconstitutionally as they are traditionally bound to a policy of non-intervention in money policies. However, the Tories lied through their teeth at the general election and gave categorical assurances that tax credits would not be the subject of cuts and interference. In addition, the democratic necessity of opposing tyrannical measures and blatant mendacity by the government must outweigh mere constitutional conventions. No government can claim any kind of democratic mandate if it transpires that it has been elected on the basis of a farrago of lies and deceit. Such conventions can only be valid when the lower house is acting constitutionally itself, and condemning millions of subjects to absolute poverty and the threat of starvation cannot be deemed constitutional even by the rancid imagination of a Tory. A government elected on a platform of lies that then proceeds to impoverish and wage war on the most vulnerable of its own citizens must accept that it has profoundly altered the political climate and accept that it, not only will be, but must be, challenged.
I finish this post with a reminder that the basis of the Tory agenda is the economic prerogatives of free market neoliberalism, a belief system that is both barbaric fraudulent. Never lose sight of the fact that the real guilty personnel are the proponents of the free market, the liars and fraudsters that constitute the world's elite. It is not the workers, the unemployed, people on benefits etc. that are destroying the world, it is the one percent who own fifty percent of the world's wealth and their vile spokespeople in the various governments around the world and those useful idiots in the media. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
For anyone outside the UK reading this, successive governments of all parties in Westminster have so deregulated the labour market and destroyed any power or influence wielded by trades unions through a succession of anti-union measures, that employers can literally do whatever they like to British workers and get away with it. It has been made as difficult as possible for any working person in the UK to take any form of industrial action to protect themselves and they have been effectively frozen out of the legal system as a result of the financial obstacles the Tories have implemented to prevent working people accessing the legal system. Remember, as I continually remind you, the Westminster Parliament will not cease until all working people in the UK are in a condition of slavery. As a result of this open class warfare, thanks to the appalling type of employers we have in the UK today enthusiastically encouraged by the Westminster criminals, millions of British workers do not get enough in wages to live on. To counter this, instead of holding employers to account, Westminster, at first under Labour, introduced the system of tax credits. What this does is supplement the income of someone who is in employment with a benefit. As a result, instead of requiring employers to be fair and just they have dragooned the taxpayer into subsidising people's wages and salaries. One of the reasons that Britain has had such a recession is that few people in work have any buying power and half of all the people who have to attend foodbanks to avoid starvation are in full-time employment. This is reality in modern Christian, democratic Great Britain. I am aware that readers from outside the UK will find this hard to accept but I encourage you to check it for yourself. Whilst the British lecture the rest of the world on human rights, democracy, the rule of law etc. they cheerfully abandon all of those concepts with respect to the governance of their own country. We had the spectacle today of a chief constable in England warning us of the danger of thought crime, and this is the United Kingdom in the 21st century, it genuinely beggars belief.
In their attempts to reduce the national debt, the Tories have targeted this benefit and have attempted to introduce measures that would see an estimated 3 million working people lose between £1,300 and £2,500 per annum. All independent forecasters have estimated that all of these people will be worse off to the extent that they will be literally unable to feed themselves or pay their rent or mortgage thus plunging them and their families into absolute poverty, and the evidence is so overwhelming that even the human filth in the Tory Party have stopped challenging the figures. One of the rays of light in this sorry saga is that things are getting so bad for so many people that the Tories lies and propaganda are being shown to be just that. One of the ironies of this situation is that the figures reveal that 37 Tory MPs will have more people punished by these measures in their constituencies than they had as a majority at the general election. So, when you hear of Tory MPs supporting the opposition to these measures do not for an instant imagine that they are decent people who are concerned for the poor. They are doing it purely out of a sense of self-interest in case they lose their seats at the next election. If they had any concern for people they would not be Tories. This is the situation that impelled the House of Lords to act.
It is technically correct when the Tories tell us that the House of Lords acted unconstitutionally as they are traditionally bound to a policy of non-intervention in money policies. However, the Tories lied through their teeth at the general election and gave categorical assurances that tax credits would not be the subject of cuts and interference. In addition, the democratic necessity of opposing tyrannical measures and blatant mendacity by the government must outweigh mere constitutional conventions. No government can claim any kind of democratic mandate if it transpires that it has been elected on the basis of a farrago of lies and deceit. Such conventions can only be valid when the lower house is acting constitutionally itself, and condemning millions of subjects to absolute poverty and the threat of starvation cannot be deemed constitutional even by the rancid imagination of a Tory. A government elected on a platform of lies that then proceeds to impoverish and wage war on the most vulnerable of its own citizens must accept that it has profoundly altered the political climate and accept that it, not only will be, but must be, challenged.
I finish this post with a reminder that the basis of the Tory agenda is the economic prerogatives of free market neoliberalism, a belief system that is both barbaric fraudulent. Never lose sight of the fact that the real guilty personnel are the proponents of the free market, the liars and fraudsters that constitute the world's elite. It is not the workers, the unemployed, people on benefits etc. that are destroying the world, it is the one percent who own fifty percent of the world's wealth and their vile spokespeople in the various governments around the world and those useful idiots in the media. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 26 October 2015
The British are the turkeys who vote for Christmas
The government have rewritten the ministerial code of conduct in a manner that should arouse outrage and is another step in Britain's descent into barbarism. The ministerial code of conduct contains a clause that demands an
duty on ministers to comply with the law including international law and treaty
obligations and to uphold the administration of justice and to protect the
integrity of public life”.
The former head of the government's legal services, Paul Jenkins, has told us that this requirement caused intense irritation to David Cameron and so this government has quietly replaced this with a clause that says that there is only an
“overarching duty on ministers to comply with the law and to protect the
integrity of public life”.
With one fell swoop British government, without debate or with the approval of Parliament, has abandoned any obligation to respect international law or treaty obligations. Now, as well as removing all trade union rights, seeking to remove itself from human rights legislation and leaving the EU, Westminster will now determine for itself if any minister who deliberately breaks international law, or defies the judgements of international courts, is guilty of misconduct or illegal behaviour. This, I suspect, is Westminster's way of getting Mad Tony and his criminal government off the hook for his illegal wars, as well as clearing the way for the Tories to act illegally in the near future, probably by bombing Syria. This will also, I remind you, allow the British government to ignore the Geneva Conventions and allow them to treat refugees and immigrants however they wish without worrying about the UN. Britain has effectively abandoned the rule of law. The only law they will respect in future is their own.
As must be quite clear by now, Britain is becoming a fascist state and will slide into totalitarianism if things don't change and people don't challenge this genuinely dangerous government. As this is happening, the government are planning to reduce the number of MPs in Westminster from 650 to 600 and are altering the constituency boundaries. In addition they are introducing EVEL (English votes for English Laws) that will seriously erode the equality and balance of votes in Westminster. Bit by bit the Tories are removing all obstacles to their aim for total rule and their ability to loot the national treasury at will. Their political moves are designed to prevent any other party, but particularly Labour, from challenging their dominance in Westminster. Sadly, Labour are too stupid to realise that this is the Tories real agenda and has nothing to do with democracy, fairness or any of the other lies spouted by this most heinous of governments. All politicians lie, Westminster politicians have raised lying to an art form, but even the governments of Mad Tony pale into insignificance beside this lot. This of course is all good news for supporters of Scottish independence but is so sad for those people in the rest of the UK who are so wrapped up in soap operas and reality shows that they have no idea what is going on. Ipsos Mori have estimated that 27% of people whose whole income comes from social security voted Tory in the last election. That must be as close to insanity as you get; they are about to see their world come crashing about their ears and they will fully deserve it. At least the British are slowly coming to realise the lying propaganda they have been subjected to over Russia. As I said before, Russia may be your enemy, but she isn't mine. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Education is a process of unlearning!
An interview on BBC's Newsnight last night produced a pure gem of utter stupidity that accurately sums up all that is wrong with British government and the gullibility of the public who listen to such drivel and never question it. Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat who was Business Secretary throughout the five years of the past coalition government was asked by the interviewer Evan Davies "Have we embraced globalisation too vigorously?" Cable replied, "I don't think we have any choice." The broad subject under discussion was the collapse of the British steel industry, so I want you to seriously think about that. Here is an elected politician who has reached the very top of the political ladder effectively telling us that he hasn't a clue what politics is all about. In this he is simply repeating what all of this government is constantly telling us, that Britain is at the mercy of economic forces it cannot control and have no effective options.
This is completely unacceptable. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives, and here Cable is admitting to the ridiculous, but sinister claim by Thatcher that there is no alternative. Now, I have been writing on this blog since I began that this is the foundation of totalitarianism. I have also been warning you that this is a ridiculous claim and that any politician who tells you that there are no alternatives is manifestly unfit for office. If there are no alternatives to the crisis facing the steel industry why was America successful in blocking the destruction of their industry by cheap Chinese steel, how was Germany able to do so as well etc. If there are no alternatives to globalisation how on earth did Communist China manage to rise to such prominence in the first place through their 'capitalism with Chinese characteristics' approach? The stupidity of the Vince Cable approach is so demonstrable that it beggars belief that he gets away with it. Indeed Davies did not even challenge him on it.
It was Karl Popper who told us that true education is a process of unlearning. This is actually a very difficult thing to do, but can be very exhilarating when achieved successfully. As we are all creatures of our environment we are the product of other people and most of what we hold dear we don't really know why we hold it dearly, it is just the way it has always been because we have been told that is the way it is, or should be, by people we both love and respect. But in times of deep moral and political crisis it is imperative that we attempt to see the real world, and not just the world as we want it to be. Britain is recognised as the most unjust society in the developed world and remember, it was Adam Smith, the man free marketeers and neoliberals claim as their spiritual guide who told us that "the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society" Britain is actively creating poverty as a matter of public policy, and actively removing all human rights as fast as they can for the purpose of completing the Thatcher project of destroying all traces of a welfare state whilst constantly repeating the brazen lie that there are no alternatives.
We first need to expose the dearly held myths that dominate British political and economic thinking. The first is that we live in a free market economy. At the risk of boring you, I repeat, a free market is a myth and an impossibility. It is not even desirable, even if it were possible. Also that we have an inherent right to private property in the form of land. The idea of people having the right to own land and deny its use or access to others is as stupid and as meaningless as saying you have the right to own water or air. We have to expose the quite ridiculous assertion that private initiative is always superior to, and preferable to, state initiative and that markets are both efficient and necessary
If you begin to challenge the dominant assumptions you very speedily come to realise that they are false. For example, as I have written here before, we are always told that our economic system is the model championed by Adam Smith and the classical economists. That is simply wrong. Smith may have argued for a preference for a market economy, but the notion of a free market is a modern concept championed by American neoliberals and popularised by Milton Friedman, a genuine charlatan. As this blog is getting long, I will continue this train of thought in others and I trust you will bear with me and find it interesting. We are being conned by fraudsters and liars, but more importantly we are being governed by criminals and intellectual clowns. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This is completely unacceptable. Politics is the art of choosing between alternatives, and here Cable is admitting to the ridiculous, but sinister claim by Thatcher that there is no alternative. Now, I have been writing on this blog since I began that this is the foundation of totalitarianism. I have also been warning you that this is a ridiculous claim and that any politician who tells you that there are no alternatives is manifestly unfit for office. If there are no alternatives to the crisis facing the steel industry why was America successful in blocking the destruction of their industry by cheap Chinese steel, how was Germany able to do so as well etc. If there are no alternatives to globalisation how on earth did Communist China manage to rise to such prominence in the first place through their 'capitalism with Chinese characteristics' approach? The stupidity of the Vince Cable approach is so demonstrable that it beggars belief that he gets away with it. Indeed Davies did not even challenge him on it.
It was Karl Popper who told us that true education is a process of unlearning. This is actually a very difficult thing to do, but can be very exhilarating when achieved successfully. As we are all creatures of our environment we are the product of other people and most of what we hold dear we don't really know why we hold it dearly, it is just the way it has always been because we have been told that is the way it is, or should be, by people we both love and respect. But in times of deep moral and political crisis it is imperative that we attempt to see the real world, and not just the world as we want it to be. Britain is recognised as the most unjust society in the developed world and remember, it was Adam Smith, the man free marketeers and neoliberals claim as their spiritual guide who told us that "the prevalence of injustice must utterly destroy society" Britain is actively creating poverty as a matter of public policy, and actively removing all human rights as fast as they can for the purpose of completing the Thatcher project of destroying all traces of a welfare state whilst constantly repeating the brazen lie that there are no alternatives.
We first need to expose the dearly held myths that dominate British political and economic thinking. The first is that we live in a free market economy. At the risk of boring you, I repeat, a free market is a myth and an impossibility. It is not even desirable, even if it were possible. Also that we have an inherent right to private property in the form of land. The idea of people having the right to own land and deny its use or access to others is as stupid and as meaningless as saying you have the right to own water or air. We have to expose the quite ridiculous assertion that private initiative is always superior to, and preferable to, state initiative and that markets are both efficient and necessary
If you begin to challenge the dominant assumptions you very speedily come to realise that they are false. For example, as I have written here before, we are always told that our economic system is the model championed by Adam Smith and the classical economists. That is simply wrong. Smith may have argued for a preference for a market economy, but the notion of a free market is a modern concept championed by American neoliberals and popularised by Milton Friedman, a genuine charlatan. As this blog is getting long, I will continue this train of thought in others and I trust you will bear with me and find it interesting. We are being conned by fraudsters and liars, but more importantly we are being governed by criminals and intellectual clowns. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 18 October 2015
The Anglo-American political system is quite insane.
The wisest piece of advice I ever received when I first got involved in politics I greeted with outrage. I was taken aside by an older and wiser political veteran after I had delivered a speech full of youthful passion and naivety and advised to be more cautious. His sage advice was "never underestimate the stupidity of the average voter". At the time I thought this to be quite the most outrageous thing I had ever been told. Ah, the sublime innocence of youth.
I was reminded of this on Thursday night watching Question Time when a lady in the audience broke down in tears after describing how she had always voted Tory and had put her trust in them only to be cruelly betrayed and now cannot manage to adequately feed, clothe and house her family. My first reaction to her plight was a complete lack of sympathy and a feeling that she got exactly what she voted for. I then paused to remember my own naivety, as she hadn't voted for that in her own mind. She had, like millions of others, simply put her trust in and believed, people she thought were honest and had integrity. Worse, she believed the British media, an institution that gets more like pre-war Germany or Stalin's Russia every day. One of Britain's great regrets will emerge when Scotland has another independence referendum because the sins of the fathers will most certainly bear fruit and not only the press and the BBC, but all Westminster parties, will find their propaganda falling on deaf ears due to the memory of the lies and deceit they engaged in last September. The Westminster failure to grasp why the SNP is on such a high is due to a refusal to realise that they are the cause. If anyone outside Britain is reading this, the Scots voters are not all nationalists, I most certainly am not, but the rejection of the Westminster cesspit is real and growing with every passing day. Scotland has turned its back on Westminster's cruelty, fraud and criminality and is demanding a different approach. At this time, the SNP are the vehicle for achieving a different type of society and a different type of politics and don't let all the London based media clowns tell you any different. London simply cannot come to terms with Scotland's rejection of this poisonous style of politics, which is quite wonderful because they keep on refusing to learn from their mistakes and therefore making independence inevitable. They really are that stupid.
I have to often step back and try to put myself in others shoes as I genuinely cannot understand people at times. It is obvious to me what the Tories agenda is as I write to you all the time, but in a quiet moment I do understand why people find it impossible to believe and think that it is me who is the extremist. But even then I find it difficult to comprehend who on earth with even a scintilla of intelligence would vote for either Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? They are not only demonstrable imbeciles but they are grotesque parodies of human beings, never mind politicians. More importantly, both these gentlemen are extremely dangerous. I came to the conclusion that Mad Tony was quite insane almost immediately after he became Labour leader and I could never understand how anyone would pay him any notice. I also accurately predicted what would become of the Labour Party as a result of his leadership. The fate of the Labour Party is a classic case of hubris, but they seem incapable of grasping the cause of their predicament. Jeremy Corbyn seems like a good enough person, but his first foray into Scottish politics resulted in him making two classic factual errors about the SNP that brought him ridicule with the result that Scottish Labour will be lucky if they don't end up in the same political situation as the Tories next May. The Scottish Labour Party has quite literally no talent within its ranks, it is a joke, a legion of the lost and lonely.
What is so desperate for the English lady on Question Time is that she has no hope. There is no person nor Party in England prepared to alleviate her plight nor the plight of the millions like her who are looking at a future of poverty and destitution from our wise masters in Westminster. Anyone voting for the Westminster political system, and all Americans, are voting for a system that not only approves of, but is determined to sustain, a system that allows one percent of the world's population to own and control fifty percent of the world's wealth. That is most definitely a definition of insanity. However, I come back to the same political truism, that is what you voted for, to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy, and don't say you weren't warned. I shall return to the theme of why we believe what we do and how you may seek to overcome it.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
I was reminded of this on Thursday night watching Question Time when a lady in the audience broke down in tears after describing how she had always voted Tory and had put her trust in them only to be cruelly betrayed and now cannot manage to adequately feed, clothe and house her family. My first reaction to her plight was a complete lack of sympathy and a feeling that she got exactly what she voted for. I then paused to remember my own naivety, as she hadn't voted for that in her own mind. She had, like millions of others, simply put her trust in and believed, people she thought were honest and had integrity. Worse, she believed the British media, an institution that gets more like pre-war Germany or Stalin's Russia every day. One of Britain's great regrets will emerge when Scotland has another independence referendum because the sins of the fathers will most certainly bear fruit and not only the press and the BBC, but all Westminster parties, will find their propaganda falling on deaf ears due to the memory of the lies and deceit they engaged in last September. The Westminster failure to grasp why the SNP is on such a high is due to a refusal to realise that they are the cause. If anyone outside Britain is reading this, the Scots voters are not all nationalists, I most certainly am not, but the rejection of the Westminster cesspit is real and growing with every passing day. Scotland has turned its back on Westminster's cruelty, fraud and criminality and is demanding a different approach. At this time, the SNP are the vehicle for achieving a different type of society and a different type of politics and don't let all the London based media clowns tell you any different. London simply cannot come to terms with Scotland's rejection of this poisonous style of politics, which is quite wonderful because they keep on refusing to learn from their mistakes and therefore making independence inevitable. They really are that stupid.
I have to often step back and try to put myself in others shoes as I genuinely cannot understand people at times. It is obvious to me what the Tories agenda is as I write to you all the time, but in a quiet moment I do understand why people find it impossible to believe and think that it is me who is the extremist. But even then I find it difficult to comprehend who on earth with even a scintilla of intelligence would vote for either Boris Johnson or Donald Trump? They are not only demonstrable imbeciles but they are grotesque parodies of human beings, never mind politicians. More importantly, both these gentlemen are extremely dangerous. I came to the conclusion that Mad Tony was quite insane almost immediately after he became Labour leader and I could never understand how anyone would pay him any notice. I also accurately predicted what would become of the Labour Party as a result of his leadership. The fate of the Labour Party is a classic case of hubris, but they seem incapable of grasping the cause of their predicament. Jeremy Corbyn seems like a good enough person, but his first foray into Scottish politics resulted in him making two classic factual errors about the SNP that brought him ridicule with the result that Scottish Labour will be lucky if they don't end up in the same political situation as the Tories next May. The Scottish Labour Party has quite literally no talent within its ranks, it is a joke, a legion of the lost and lonely.
What is so desperate for the English lady on Question Time is that she has no hope. There is no person nor Party in England prepared to alleviate her plight nor the plight of the millions like her who are looking at a future of poverty and destitution from our wise masters in Westminster. Anyone voting for the Westminster political system, and all Americans, are voting for a system that not only approves of, but is determined to sustain, a system that allows one percent of the world's population to own and control fifty percent of the world's wealth. That is most definitely a definition of insanity. However, I come back to the same political truism, that is what you voted for, to impoverish the poor and enrich the wealthy, and don't say you weren't warned. I shall return to the theme of why we believe what we do and how you may seek to overcome it.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Thursday, 15 October 2015
1984 here we come
A Tribunal called the Investigatory Powers Tribunal has ruled that it is perfectly OK for GCHQ, the government's spy headquarters, to intercept emails and tap into phones and listen to calls from our MPs and their constituents. This ruling covers MPs, MEPs, MSPs, members of the House of Lords and the London Assembly. Now I want you to think about this.
The British government, and particularly its civil servants, are claiming that they have rights that supersede the rights of the elected members of our various decision-making forums. In the case of GCHQ and the civil servants who guide their surveillance, these people are the employees of the British Parliament and therefore their salaries, expenses, pensions etc. are paid for out of general taxation. We are in a situation whereby, not only the government, but the civil service is completely out of the control of Parliament and are therefore completely unaccountable. Now, I have told you before, people take issue with me when I warn you that Britain is sliding into a totalitarian fascist type society, well, I ask any of these critics to explain to me what such a situation means to them in the context of the nature and structure of a political society? Not even the most right-wing imbecilic Tory could surely claim that this even approximates to democracy?
In other words, supposing you found something out that you felt you needed to consult your MP about that concerned any part of the government. Should you phone them, email them or meet them in a park or a pub somewhere because you are unsure if they are being spied on or if their office is bugged? This is modern Britain, but we are getting into situations that we used to see in the movies with respect to pre-war Germany or the Soviet Union. Remember I have told you several times, government do not have rights, only people have rights. Governments have authority and responsibility, both of which relate directly to the rights of the people who elect them. In addition, this is a political system that has systematically covered up elite criminality, fraud, deception, child abuse and who knows what else. Westminster is the most criminal and corrupt institution in this country.
David Cameron and every one of his government were elected on exactly the same basis as everyone else in Parliament. A government minister's vote is no more valuable, nor carries any more weight or authority than any other. Neither he nor any member of his government, and certainly no civil servant has the right nor authority to demand access to any other person's phone nor email unless they can provide a definite burden of proof that such access is necessary for whatever reason. On the same day that this became public, it was revealed that the Scottish civil service, under the direction of their Tory masters, are relaying private correspondence between Scottish government ministers and foreign dignitaries, in other words, Westminster thinks it is perfectly permissible to spy on the elected Scottish government and its politicians. If this is happening to perfectly respectable members of the British establishment, what do you think they are doing to you? The sooner Scotland becomes independent the better, 1984 is just around the corner. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The British government, and particularly its civil servants, are claiming that they have rights that supersede the rights of the elected members of our various decision-making forums. In the case of GCHQ and the civil servants who guide their surveillance, these people are the employees of the British Parliament and therefore their salaries, expenses, pensions etc. are paid for out of general taxation. We are in a situation whereby, not only the government, but the civil service is completely out of the control of Parliament and are therefore completely unaccountable. Now, I have told you before, people take issue with me when I warn you that Britain is sliding into a totalitarian fascist type society, well, I ask any of these critics to explain to me what such a situation means to them in the context of the nature and structure of a political society? Not even the most right-wing imbecilic Tory could surely claim that this even approximates to democracy?
In other words, supposing you found something out that you felt you needed to consult your MP about that concerned any part of the government. Should you phone them, email them or meet them in a park or a pub somewhere because you are unsure if they are being spied on or if their office is bugged? This is modern Britain, but we are getting into situations that we used to see in the movies with respect to pre-war Germany or the Soviet Union. Remember I have told you several times, government do not have rights, only people have rights. Governments have authority and responsibility, both of which relate directly to the rights of the people who elect them. In addition, this is a political system that has systematically covered up elite criminality, fraud, deception, child abuse and who knows what else. Westminster is the most criminal and corrupt institution in this country.
David Cameron and every one of his government were elected on exactly the same basis as everyone else in Parliament. A government minister's vote is no more valuable, nor carries any more weight or authority than any other. Neither he nor any member of his government, and certainly no civil servant has the right nor authority to demand access to any other person's phone nor email unless they can provide a definite burden of proof that such access is necessary for whatever reason. On the same day that this became public, it was revealed that the Scottish civil service, under the direction of their Tory masters, are relaying private correspondence between Scottish government ministers and foreign dignitaries, in other words, Westminster thinks it is perfectly permissible to spy on the elected Scottish government and its politicians. If this is happening to perfectly respectable members of the British establishment, what do you think they are doing to you? The sooner Scotland becomes independent the better, 1984 is just around the corner. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 9 October 2015
The Tories are not as secure as they think
It is a bit early to say definitely, but the signs are that the Tories are going to back down on their demands on doctors working hours. This follows a quite ferocious campaign by doctors against the government's new proposed contract that would see a doctor's weekly contract increase from 7.00 am to 7.00pm Monday to Friday to 7.00am to 10.00pm Monday to Saturday with the extra hours worked at no incremental increase.
This is a small but significant demonstration that in any healthy political society government must live in real fear of rebellion. That is one of the reasons that the government's plans for trades unions are so dangerous and undemocratic. A healthy democracy must be one in which there is the definite prospect of government being defeated if it becomes too tyrannical. The tendency of every government is towards tyranny, and, as British government has graphically shown since the election of Mad Tony, governments will try as much as they can to make themselves irremovable. This has become worse under the Tories who are clamping down on all forms of resistance to their plans and removing rights as fast as possible. For example, their propaganda is now quite outrageous and has now no constraint against all and every form of character assassination. In terms of lies and disinformation they must now be at least the equals of the North Koreans. Another irresistible tendency of governments that the British have raised to an art form is to enrich themselves and their friends at the publics expense. Successive governments have bent all their energies to removing as many barriers to their ability to loot the national treasury as they can. The evidence of this is so demonstrable that I do not need to elaborate any further. The other irresistible tendency of governments is to suppress or destroy every new intellectual discovery or doctrine that challenges and/or endangers their power. That is why they ferociously propagandise against climate change for example, on the need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, and explains the massive campaign of lies and disinformation against Scottish Independence and the European Union.
As I repeatedly say, Britain is sliding into authoritarian forms of governmental control that is taking us into a fascist type society. English voters have obviously bought into the dominant narrative and will reap the whirlwind that is looming under the spite and malice of these people. That is what they voted for and what they will therefore get. That is their choice. However, we now witness the phenomenon of doctors adopting the language and tactics of Arthur Scargill, so there are still glimmers of hope. The problem will come if these same people still vote Tory in the future. The one saving grace in all of this is that support for Scottish Independence continues to grow with the Labour Party, despite electing two new leaders in Scotland and at national level, continuing to lose support and genuinely becoming an endangered species in Scotland. Scottish loathing of Westminster is the healthiest political movement in this sorry nation, the Tories have been almost extinguished and Labour is heading down that same path. The lies and deceit of the Better Together campaign is coming back to bite these people as this blog warned that it would. As I told you, we won't be fooled again. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This is a small but significant demonstration that in any healthy political society government must live in real fear of rebellion. That is one of the reasons that the government's plans for trades unions are so dangerous and undemocratic. A healthy democracy must be one in which there is the definite prospect of government being defeated if it becomes too tyrannical. The tendency of every government is towards tyranny, and, as British government has graphically shown since the election of Mad Tony, governments will try as much as they can to make themselves irremovable. This has become worse under the Tories who are clamping down on all forms of resistance to their plans and removing rights as fast as possible. For example, their propaganda is now quite outrageous and has now no constraint against all and every form of character assassination. In terms of lies and disinformation they must now be at least the equals of the North Koreans. Another irresistible tendency of governments that the British have raised to an art form is to enrich themselves and their friends at the publics expense. Successive governments have bent all their energies to removing as many barriers to their ability to loot the national treasury as they can. The evidence of this is so demonstrable that I do not need to elaborate any further. The other irresistible tendency of governments is to suppress or destroy every new intellectual discovery or doctrine that challenges and/or endangers their power. That is why they ferociously propagandise against climate change for example, on the need to lessen our dependence on fossil fuels, and explains the massive campaign of lies and disinformation against Scottish Independence and the European Union.
As I repeatedly say, Britain is sliding into authoritarian forms of governmental control that is taking us into a fascist type society. English voters have obviously bought into the dominant narrative and will reap the whirlwind that is looming under the spite and malice of these people. That is what they voted for and what they will therefore get. That is their choice. However, we now witness the phenomenon of doctors adopting the language and tactics of Arthur Scargill, so there are still glimmers of hope. The problem will come if these same people still vote Tory in the future. The one saving grace in all of this is that support for Scottish Independence continues to grow with the Labour Party, despite electing two new leaders in Scotland and at national level, continuing to lose support and genuinely becoming an endangered species in Scotland. Scottish loathing of Westminster is the healthiest political movement in this sorry nation, the Tories have been almost extinguished and Labour is heading down that same path. The lies and deceit of the Better Together campaign is coming back to bite these people as this blog warned that it would. As I told you, we won't be fooled again. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
The State is not an Optional Extra
I am returning to a subject I have touched on before. The reason that Britain and indeed the world's economic system is in such a mess is that both are based on ideological foundations that are wrong. They are the proverbial houses built on sand. The Labour Party has been agonising over the fact that, following the financial crisis they allowed the Tories to build up a propaganda coup based on Labour's responsibility for the crisis, a responsibility they deny, with some justification. However, my point is that the reason Labour failed to counter the Tory narrative was that they themselves did not understand what had happened.
Since the election of Mad Tony until the election of Corbyn, Labour has been ruled by a gang of right-wing neoliberals who are indistinguishable from the Tories, that is why I refer to this abominable collection as the Westminster gang of criminals, as they were indeed all in it together. They take their collective inspiration from right-wing American nutcases who in turn take their inspiration from the genuine psychopathic writer Ayn Rand. The ideology that the Westminster criminals look to as their Bible is a genuine insanity that I call anarchic fascism. I am fully aware that this is a contradiction in terms, but so is the ideology and that is why it is so dangerous and so destructive, not only to the body politic, but to the nation state.
The dominant free market concept that underpins all public policy in both Britain and the US, of the rational individual consumer who is fully aware of their own best interests, is simply nuts. It is founded on a human being that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. Human beings are essentially social, by that I mean that their social state is the very essence of their being. There is no such thing as an individual in the essence that free market philosophy portrays, and, if anyone reading this genuinely believes that the human being is rational then do not read any further. As they are social beings, individuals need other individuals because each of our personal individualities is actually a social individuality, an individuality that is determined by our social being and our environment. As a result of this social existence the human species is a regulatory species and has a need to regulate its environment. Aristotle told us that "man is by nature a social animal" and then goes on to tells us that "it follows that the state belongs to a class of objects which exist in nature, and that man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state" (Aristotle; The Politics, Penguin Classics) He then goes on to significantly tell us that "He who by his nature and not simply by ill-luck has no city, no state, is either too bad or too good, either sub-human or super-human" Aristotle goes on to describe such a being as either a beast or a god.
As a result, the deregulated minimal state of the neoliberals dreams is an unnatural and anti-social creation. That is what the Westminster criminals either fail to, or refuse to, understand, not only the cause of the crisis they created, or for any meaningful solution other than to blame everyone but themselves. They are incapable of solving the problem because they don't even begin to understand it. These people are genuinely dangerous as their vision of society can only be achieved by the suppression of human reality and by violence. Should anyone wish me to expand on this I will be happy because this post is already too long. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Since the election of Mad Tony until the election of Corbyn, Labour has been ruled by a gang of right-wing neoliberals who are indistinguishable from the Tories, that is why I refer to this abominable collection as the Westminster gang of criminals, as they were indeed all in it together. They take their collective inspiration from right-wing American nutcases who in turn take their inspiration from the genuine psychopathic writer Ayn Rand. The ideology that the Westminster criminals look to as their Bible is a genuine insanity that I call anarchic fascism. I am fully aware that this is a contradiction in terms, but so is the ideology and that is why it is so dangerous and so destructive, not only to the body politic, but to the nation state.
The dominant free market concept that underpins all public policy in both Britain and the US, of the rational individual consumer who is fully aware of their own best interests, is simply nuts. It is founded on a human being that does not, and indeed cannot, exist. Human beings are essentially social, by that I mean that their social state is the very essence of their being. There is no such thing as an individual in the essence that free market philosophy portrays, and, if anyone reading this genuinely believes that the human being is rational then do not read any further. As they are social beings, individuals need other individuals because each of our personal individualities is actually a social individuality, an individuality that is determined by our social being and our environment. As a result of this social existence the human species is a regulatory species and has a need to regulate its environment. Aristotle told us that "man is by nature a social animal" and then goes on to tells us that "it follows that the state belongs to a class of objects which exist in nature, and that man is by nature a political animal; it is his nature to live in a state" (Aristotle; The Politics, Penguin Classics) He then goes on to significantly tell us that "He who by his nature and not simply by ill-luck has no city, no state, is either too bad or too good, either sub-human or super-human" Aristotle goes on to describe such a being as either a beast or a god.
As a result, the deregulated minimal state of the neoliberals dreams is an unnatural and anti-social creation. That is what the Westminster criminals either fail to, or refuse to, understand, not only the cause of the crisis they created, or for any meaningful solution other than to blame everyone but themselves. They are incapable of solving the problem because they don't even begin to understand it. These people are genuinely dangerous as their vision of society can only be achieved by the suppression of human reality and by violence. Should anyone wish me to expand on this I will be happy because this post is already too long. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 5 October 2015
Your death may be necessary for economic progress
I have been watching the Conservatives at their party conference. There is no doubt that the British Conservatives and all their members and supporters have quite knowingly and deliberately abandoned decency, fairness and any humanitarian concern for other people. The free market concept of the totally selfish consumer has successfully triumphed and all public policy is now based on that concept. Interestingly, they have decided to endlessly propagandise the concept that they are the party of working people, and as Goebbels told us, if you are going to tell a lie tell a big one and tell it often. It will probably work on a gullible public south of Carlisle. As I persistently warn you, the Tories are determined to reduce the working people of this country to a condition of total dependency on employers that is nothing less than a modern form of slavery. They have now turned their attention to the medical profession, teachers, the police and the professional middle classes, people who watched with glee as the Tories hammered the industrial working class in the eighties and nineties, it is their turn now and they are howling with rage. I will say this about the Tories, they are consistent, they are actually quite publicly indignant that doctors are resisting having to work a ninety hour week.
This claim to be the party of working people is a quite clever attempt to stoke up hatred for people who cannot work, for the sick, the poor, the disabled etc. so that they can intensify their war against benefits with the goal of ending benefits in the not too distant future. If you are in work, regardless of how pitiful your terms and conditions are, you are one of the good guys in contrast to all the bad people who are sponging off your hard-earned taxes. Speaking out for the poor etc. marks you down as a socialist, a communist or even a terrorist threatening the British way of life. If anyone who is not British reads this and thinks I am exaggerating I invite you to visit the Daily Mail or the Daily Express and read them for yourself. You will think that you are in pre-war Germany and that Britain is awash with parasites and scroungers and in danger of being overrun by human vermin.
The Tories no longer have any concern for the needs, or even the existence of people who do not work, cannot work or are too ill to work in their policy making. They have no intention of identifying with what we refer to as the working class, the poor, the disabled or the disadvantaged. They have signed up completely to the American Republican ideology that people have no value unless they are economically active and support their vision of society. They have completely absorbed the right-wing callousness and indifference to anyone they see as a restraint on their activities or oppose their vision of a privatised free market free for all.
When the Republican Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on the TV show 60 Minutes did she think that US sanctions against Iraq were worth the deaths of over half a million Iraqi children, a figure she never contested, she answered yes. That is a callousness that stuns anyone with a scintilla of intelligence. That is fascist. That is the attitude being displayed by the Conservatives towards the British people, if you are not with us, if you oppose us, if you are in any way disadvantaged we have no interest in you and you are disposable. The deaths of British citizens that are being reported daily in our newspapers as a result of government policy are considered to be a price worth paying for a free market paradise. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
This claim to be the party of working people is a quite clever attempt to stoke up hatred for people who cannot work, for the sick, the poor, the disabled etc. so that they can intensify their war against benefits with the goal of ending benefits in the not too distant future. If you are in work, regardless of how pitiful your terms and conditions are, you are one of the good guys in contrast to all the bad people who are sponging off your hard-earned taxes. Speaking out for the poor etc. marks you down as a socialist, a communist or even a terrorist threatening the British way of life. If anyone who is not British reads this and thinks I am exaggerating I invite you to visit the Daily Mail or the Daily Express and read them for yourself. You will think that you are in pre-war Germany and that Britain is awash with parasites and scroungers and in danger of being overrun by human vermin.
The Tories no longer have any concern for the needs, or even the existence of people who do not work, cannot work or are too ill to work in their policy making. They have no intention of identifying with what we refer to as the working class, the poor, the disabled or the disadvantaged. They have signed up completely to the American Republican ideology that people have no value unless they are economically active and support their vision of society. They have completely absorbed the right-wing callousness and indifference to anyone they see as a restraint on their activities or oppose their vision of a privatised free market free for all.
When the Republican Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was asked on the TV show 60 Minutes did she think that US sanctions against Iraq were worth the deaths of over half a million Iraqi children, a figure she never contested, she answered yes. That is a callousness that stuns anyone with a scintilla of intelligence. That is fascist. That is the attitude being displayed by the Conservatives towards the British people, if you are not with us, if you oppose us, if you are in any way disadvantaged we have no interest in you and you are disposable. The deaths of British citizens that are being reported daily in our newspapers as a result of government policy are considered to be a price worth paying for a free market paradise. You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Friday, 2 October 2015
You think you live in a democracy?
If anything convinces you about the criminality and total corruption of the Westminster gang it is surely the revelations about car emissions. If that doesn't convince you then nothing will and you must be as corrupt as this Tory government. Not only does this highlight the criminality and corruption of the whole Westminster elite and its governmental machine that has had the knowledge of this criminal activity for over two years and has suppressed it, but it highlights the lie that underpins any lingering pretence about the myth of a free market. It's no use the British trying to blame this on the Germans, it is now revealed that our good, god-fearing Prime Minister was asked by the Germans to conceal this information and thus lie through his teeth to the British people. He was quite happy to oblige because after all, such polluting omissions, although covered by laws to protect our health, are after all just pollutants and laws are only for little people. Suppressing pollution is a cost and costs must never be allowed to restrict profit-making, the activity for which god created the Tory Party.
Another insight it gives us is the mentality of our neoliberal class. Nothing must impede the relentless drive for ever greater profits and ever greater opportunities for exploitation. Not even your health and the health of your family. These are the people who live and work in London and its immediate periphery. They are therefore exposed, and quite deliberately and knowingly exposing their loved ones on a continuous basis, to the most concentrated and horrendous pollution in the United Kingdom that is a direct result of the policies they are promoting and protecting. This is a genuine insanity. They are suppressing and concealing information that they know is slowly killing them and their families, such is their obsession with free market ideology and, in the case of the civil service, their slavish and completely irrational loyalty to their masters. When you contemplate the mentality of the ruling elite in this country it is not only extremely scary, it is almost unintelligible, although on reflection, as god has sanctioned the activities of the Tories, he/she must have given them some kind of dispensation and pollution does not affect them. However, it also shows you, that given the right circumstances, they will do anything if they have the power to do it. They are completely devoid of any form of moral or ethical constraints.
I have written about the creeping fascism in Britain and the activities of our civil service are ample testimony to this. They unashamedly lie and deceive on an industrial scale at the behest of their masters. This applies to the whole governmental class and to the security services, the police and the government's public service mechanisms. They cover criminality, suppress information, protect child abusers, child murderers, financial criminality and anything that may impede the interests of the ruling elite. I trust you have all witnessed the shocking propaganda and outright lies that the Westminster system has indulged in over the Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and anything that concerns Russia, just to name a few. You think you live in a democracy? Aye right.
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Another insight it gives us is the mentality of our neoliberal class. Nothing must impede the relentless drive for ever greater profits and ever greater opportunities for exploitation. Not even your health and the health of your family. These are the people who live and work in London and its immediate periphery. They are therefore exposed, and quite deliberately and knowingly exposing their loved ones on a continuous basis, to the most concentrated and horrendous pollution in the United Kingdom that is a direct result of the policies they are promoting and protecting. This is a genuine insanity. They are suppressing and concealing information that they know is slowly killing them and their families, such is their obsession with free market ideology and, in the case of the civil service, their slavish and completely irrational loyalty to their masters. When you contemplate the mentality of the ruling elite in this country it is not only extremely scary, it is almost unintelligible, although on reflection, as god has sanctioned the activities of the Tories, he/she must have given them some kind of dispensation and pollution does not affect them. However, it also shows you, that given the right circumstances, they will do anything if they have the power to do it. They are completely devoid of any form of moral or ethical constraints.
I have written about the creeping fascism in Britain and the activities of our civil service are ample testimony to this. They unashamedly lie and deceive on an industrial scale at the behest of their masters. This applies to the whole governmental class and to the security services, the police and the government's public service mechanisms. They cover criminality, suppress information, protect child abusers, child murderers, financial criminality and anything that may impede the interests of the ruling elite. I trust you have all witnessed the shocking propaganda and outright lies that the Westminster system has indulged in over the Scottish referendum, the election of Jeremy Corbyn and anything that concerns Russia, just to name a few. You think you live in a democracy? Aye right.
You have been warned
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Monday, 28 September 2015
My Enemies Enemy is my Friend - Oops, we got it wrong again!
How stupid are Westminster and Capitol Hill looking today? After years of denouncing Russia and Vladimir Putin we now find that we will have to swallow our pride and our outrageous propaganda and cosy up to the Russians in the hope they will deal with ISIS on our behalf because we have neither the wit nor the means to do so ourselves. This crisis starkly witnesses to the complete bankruptcy of British and American foreign policy and our vile relationship with Saudi Arabia. We are now faced with the most common choice politics confronts us with, the choice between bad and worse. Do we continue futilely attempting to depose of Assad in Syria or do we confront the monster of our own making in ISIS?
The Russians have no doubts and we have belatedly come to the conclusion that they are right. History will show us that the decision to depose Saddam and attack Iraq was one of the worst decisions ever made by supposedly rational governments. It will also show that this decision was made by an imbecile and a madman and that the entire British and American establishments were fully supportive of Braindead George and Mad Tony. The Americans and the British love war and love to kill people, its as simple as that and we were unfortunate enough to have two leaders at the same time who were prepared to indulge our fantasies and lull us into believing we had the moral high ground through bare faced lies that we were happy to believe despite the fact that we knew we were being lied to. Make no mistake, the rise of ISIS and the dreadful refugee crisis we are witnessing lie fully at our own doors and are the result of British and American foreign policy and our complete refusal to hold the Saudis to account for their support of these barbarians. Do you never wonder why none of the richest countries in the world have taken even one refugee, despite that fact that most of them are Muslim and that the two holiest Muslim sites on earth are both in Saudi Arabia?
I have been writing to you for some time about our wrong policies towards both Russia and Iran. British foreign policy is not only wrong it is stupid and is now being empirically demonstrated as such. Our approach towards Iran is not simply that Iranians are mostly Shia, it is fundamentally because they are not Arabs, and that whilst we pose as anti-dictator, we cosy up to the most dictatorial regimes imaginable and only oppose those dictatorships that resist our attempts at Anglo-American domination. I trust you have noticed how the Ukraine and Crimea have quietly slipped off the front pages and out of the news. We need the Russians. Our government has been telling us for years now how Assad is a vile murdering psychopath, but he is about to become our vile murdering psychopath. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
The Russians have no doubts and we have belatedly come to the conclusion that they are right. History will show us that the decision to depose Saddam and attack Iraq was one of the worst decisions ever made by supposedly rational governments. It will also show that this decision was made by an imbecile and a madman and that the entire British and American establishments were fully supportive of Braindead George and Mad Tony. The Americans and the British love war and love to kill people, its as simple as that and we were unfortunate enough to have two leaders at the same time who were prepared to indulge our fantasies and lull us into believing we had the moral high ground through bare faced lies that we were happy to believe despite the fact that we knew we were being lied to. Make no mistake, the rise of ISIS and the dreadful refugee crisis we are witnessing lie fully at our own doors and are the result of British and American foreign policy and our complete refusal to hold the Saudis to account for their support of these barbarians. Do you never wonder why none of the richest countries in the world have taken even one refugee, despite that fact that most of them are Muslim and that the two holiest Muslim sites on earth are both in Saudi Arabia?
I have been writing to you for some time about our wrong policies towards both Russia and Iran. British foreign policy is not only wrong it is stupid and is now being empirically demonstrated as such. Our approach towards Iran is not simply that Iranians are mostly Shia, it is fundamentally because they are not Arabs, and that whilst we pose as anti-dictator, we cosy up to the most dictatorial regimes imaginable and only oppose those dictatorships that resist our attempts at Anglo-American domination. I trust you have noticed how the Ukraine and Crimea have quietly slipped off the front pages and out of the news. We need the Russians. Our government has been telling us for years now how Assad is a vile murdering psychopath, but he is about to become our vile murdering psychopath. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Westminster leads by example in degrading workers
With the exception of the SNP who have not yet had time to be corrupted by Westminster, if a Westminster politician's mouth is moving she/he is lying. For example, one of the Tories lies in justification of scrapping the Human Rights Act was that the EU ruled that prisoners in British jails must be allowed to vote. That is not true. What the Court ruled was that the Tory proposed blanket ban on all prisoners voting was too severe and harsh. You see, you don't cease to be a citizen (or in the British case a subject) because you are sent to jail. Should you lose your right to vote because you are sent to jail for failing to pay a fine, or stealing a bottle of water from a supermarket? What the Court argued was that distinctions should be made between crimes and their sentences in deciding who should and should not be allowed to vote. That is the sensible thing to do, but of course common sense and humanity have no meaning in the Westminster universe.
In addition, the Tories told us that the EU Court had prevented Britain from expelling people who were a threat to British society and forced us to harbour terrorists, which again is not true. What the Court did was prevent Britain from sending people to countries where it is certain they would be tortured. You don't uphold the law by sending people to be tortured, you uphold the law by preventing it. The British however, are in favour of torture, just like the Americans, only in Britain's case we prefer it if others do it for us because torture is really not cricket is it, it's something Johnny Foreigner does isn't it?
All this discussion highlights the fact that Britain no longer adheres to the fundamental concept of a civilised society, one which is governed by the Rule of Law. The only law a Tory is prepared to recognise is one which she/he agrees with. In 1885 Albert Dicey defined the rule of law by three fundamental concepts
a) No one may be punished for any offence, nor suffer any form of penalty for a breach of the law unless it is proven in open court. That means that there can be no arbitrary power exercised by any official persons or bodies over individual citizens.
b) All persons are equal before the law, regardless of economic, social and political status. There are no class distinctions and no one is above the law
c) The rule of law includes the benefits and freedoms conferred on individuals by judicial decisions when determining individual and collective rights from the ordinary law of the land.
As is apparent Britain is in continual breach of every one of these three fundamental principles. The Rule of Law constitutes the basis of all political and constitutional morality and, as the ethical judgment of political behaviour depends on how that behaviour meets the moral criteria embedded within this concept, we can safely conclude that British government and the Westminster political system are both unethical and unlawful in a great many of their actions, particularly in the mysterious concept they call 'the war on terror' and of course in the Tory lexicon that includes trades unions. Dicey's description of the Rule of Law was the standard of British life until it was updated in 2006 by Lord Thomas Bingham who was a scathing critic of all who would oppose the European Convention on Human Rights, asking which of the convention rights they would discard and writing "would you rather live in a country in which these rights were not protected by law?" Under Bingham's judgement he declared that Britain's invasion of Iraq in 2003 was unlawful arguing that "the rule of law requires compliance by the state with its obligations in international law as in national law."
I repeat without apology, the real target of the Tories are the trades unions and working people who dare to claim any rights at work or employment protection. I recently discovered that a clause in the employment contracts of people who are employed by the Westminster Parliament, for example, someone working for an MP, declares that these contracts are non-contractual. Seriously, Westminster gives a contract of employment to people in which there is a clause declaring the contract non-contractual meaning that any breach of that contract by their employer, for instance by an MP who employs someone in their office, is non-enforceable. In other words, the Mother of Parliaments has declared that its members can do anything they like to their employees and there is nothing they can do about it. And you all thought that I was off my head by insisting that Westminster is hell bent on reducing workers to a slave like status. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
In addition, the Tories told us that the EU Court had prevented Britain from expelling people who were a threat to British society and forced us to harbour terrorists, which again is not true. What the Court did was prevent Britain from sending people to countries where it is certain they would be tortured. You don't uphold the law by sending people to be tortured, you uphold the law by preventing it. The British however, are in favour of torture, just like the Americans, only in Britain's case we prefer it if others do it for us because torture is really not cricket is it, it's something Johnny Foreigner does isn't it?
All this discussion highlights the fact that Britain no longer adheres to the fundamental concept of a civilised society, one which is governed by the Rule of Law. The only law a Tory is prepared to recognise is one which she/he agrees with. In 1885 Albert Dicey defined the rule of law by three fundamental concepts
a) No one may be punished for any offence, nor suffer any form of penalty for a breach of the law unless it is proven in open court. That means that there can be no arbitrary power exercised by any official persons or bodies over individual citizens.
b) All persons are equal before the law, regardless of economic, social and political status. There are no class distinctions and no one is above the law
c) The rule of law includes the benefits and freedoms conferred on individuals by judicial decisions when determining individual and collective rights from the ordinary law of the land.
As is apparent Britain is in continual breach of every one of these three fundamental principles. The Rule of Law constitutes the basis of all political and constitutional morality and, as the ethical judgment of political behaviour depends on how that behaviour meets the moral criteria embedded within this concept, we can safely conclude that British government and the Westminster political system are both unethical and unlawful in a great many of their actions, particularly in the mysterious concept they call 'the war on terror' and of course in the Tory lexicon that includes trades unions. Dicey's description of the Rule of Law was the standard of British life until it was updated in 2006 by Lord Thomas Bingham who was a scathing critic of all who would oppose the European Convention on Human Rights, asking which of the convention rights they would discard and writing "would you rather live in a country in which these rights were not protected by law?" Under Bingham's judgement he declared that Britain's invasion of Iraq in 2003 was unlawful arguing that "the rule of law requires compliance by the state with its obligations in international law as in national law."
I repeat without apology, the real target of the Tories are the trades unions and working people who dare to claim any rights at work or employment protection. I recently discovered that a clause in the employment contracts of people who are employed by the Westminster Parliament, for example, someone working for an MP, declares that these contracts are non-contractual. Seriously, Westminster gives a contract of employment to people in which there is a clause declaring the contract non-contractual meaning that any breach of that contract by their employer, for instance by an MP who employs someone in their office, is non-enforceable. In other words, the Mother of Parliaments has declared that its members can do anything they like to their employees and there is nothing they can do about it. And you all thought that I was off my head by insisting that Westminster is hell bent on reducing workers to a slave like status. You have been warned.
Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat
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