Friday, 13 June 2014

Iraq, a catastrophe bred by the US and ourselves

It would genuinely be difficult to put together a more useless and incompetent group of people than the Westminster Parliament. I have continually shown their economic incompetence, and now the situation in Iraq highlights, not only a catastrophic foreign policy that has dominated for the past 20 years, but a deep seated criminality for which no-one has been held accountable. Thus, Westminster, and this includes all parties, has presided over a catastrophic economic as well as foreign policy disaster for the past 20 years, and people are continually trying to convince me that we would be Better Together. I genuinely must be missing something.

All this is happening at a time when the government is going out of its way to pick a fight with the Muslim community in the UK over extremism in schools, when their own inspectorate tells us that there is no evidence of this. It must not be forgotten that Westminster took schools out from under local authority control for most of their functions and that the government's hatred of Muslims is now manifesting itself at a local level.

All of this is a manifestation of the dominant economic system of free market neoliberalism that will not tolerate any constraints on its activities. The Iraq and Afghanistan disasters were implemented for economic reasons and there was no political strategy other than to eliminate barriers to US dominated economic hegemony. What we now see is the political effects of the unintended consequences of intentional human action. That is also what is happening in the school sector. The government set up academies to 'free' education from local authority control thus allowing them to slash local government budgets. They removed local politicians from the boards of these academies and in the state sector as well, leaving them open to be taken over by people they could neither control nor hold accountable. Thus, their free market agenda is now beginning to bite them back. The whole fault in Birmingham is of the government's own making.

On another note, I know it's too early for a rational judgment, but on last nights showing, Brazil will not win the World Cup. Most worrying was the appalling standard of refereeing. I am not a supporter of Croatia and wanted Brazil to win, but I had to feel sorry for the Croats who were robbed. My money is now on Spain but I hope Italy do well.

Your Servant
Doktor Kommirat

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